Painting drywall do it yourself paints and varnishes,Building materials

Plasterboard is one of the most sought-after finishing materials of modernity. Thanks to the unique properties, it is used to implement various design solutions. In our article, we will tell about how to make painting of drywall do it yourself.
Selecting paint
The main criterion for choosing paint is the purpose and conditions of operation of the room. The most acceptable option will be the painting of plasterboard with water-emulsion paint. This paintwork has a white color. If the design of the room provides for the presence of color tones, the dye is added to the paint.
With the help of water-radiation paint, you can create both matte and glossy coating. A distinctive feature of the paint material is the ability to create a textured surface. And it is in this way that you can hide the existing plasterboard defects.
Selecting a specific dye can be performed using a special device that can make the paint of the desired color. Such a device should be in a specialized store where building materials are sold.
If there is no such possibility, then the dye of the desired shade for painting drywall (in the photo) can be chosen independently. This follows:
- cut off a small piece of plasterboard;
- covered with putty;
- after drying, the putty on the plasterboard is applied to the applied paint;
- after 3-4 hours, the final color of the coating is obtained.
It should be noted that for premises with high humidity it is necessary to purchase a water-resistant paint, resistant to condensation. It is impossible to use oil paint because it can spoil plasterboard.
You can use the acrylic paint and varnish material on a water basis, which is the best solution for the bathroom. The only nuance - with the help of acrylic paint it is impossible to get a textured surface.
Especially carefully choose the material for painting the ceiling of plasterboard. This is explained by the fact that the application of glossy paint contributes to the manifestation of all surface defects. Therefore, the ceiling is better painted with a material that creates a matte surface.
As for the consumption of paint, it directly depends on the method of applying paintwork material. The average is 1 kg / 5 m². A more specific paint consumption is indicated on the package. In some cases, the paint will have to dilute with water (1 hours of water for 9 hours. Paints).
Tools and materials
For painting of drywall, you can use various tools:
- tassel;
- kraspopult;
- roller
With the choice of brushes and collapral collars, there will be no problems. Naturally, the best option is to use the painting, which will largely facilitate the surface of the surface coloring. Tassels will be needed to apply paints in the corners and in poorly available places.
But in most cases we use roller. Moreover, the tool made from the foam rubber immediately disappears. This is due to the fact that the use of foam roller leads to the appearance of divorces.
For painting walls of plasterboard, a pile roller is used. The best option when the surface finishes is carried out using a roller from a natural pile. Thanks to the use of such a tool, there will be no problems with the distribution of paint.
The length of the pile depends on the variety of paint:
- up to 4 mm - to create a glossy coating;
- 4-8 mm - for matte surface;
- more than 8 mm - for the device of a textured surface.
The length of the working part of the roller should be 15-20 cm. And you need to envisage the possibility of replacing the pile upon abrasion. Various rollers (nozzles to them) are not recommended, since it is fraught with a change in pattern or texture.
Preparation of the surface
Plasterboard coating with paint without splocking surface is an unsuccessful solution. The cardboard shell of the finishing material is capable of absorbing moisture. When staining the surface, this will lead to the occurrence of spots due to the fact that in some places the paint is more absorbed into the drywall or prematurely dry.
For this reason, close attention should be paid to such a process, how to prepare drywall to paint. The surface of the material must be:
- fully decorated with putty;
- polished and perfectly smooth;
- uniformly covered with primer.
There should be no defects on the drywall (even the most minor). Otherwise, all flaws will be seen after dyeing. In compulsory, the putty is close to the seams between the sheets of drywall and the hats of the self-tapping screws, which are attached by plasterboard to the frame.
After drying the putty, the entire surface is grouped with a grater with sandpaper. Uniform circular movements are performed with a gradual transition from one site to another.
Experts recommend using two emery securities that have different grain. At first, the largest roughness and irregularities are removed with paper with a large graininess. Sand paper with fine abrasive makes the surface as smooth as possible.
There are several rules of grinding surface:
- the removal of large pieces of putty is made by a spatula;
- it is impossible to remove the entire layer of putty;
- work is carried out with proper lighting (bright light falling at an angle to the surface).
The final stage of preparation of drywall to paint is the removal of dust and the priming of the surface. You can use a broom or brush to remove dust.
The need to apply primer before painting drywall is caused to:
- prevent the maximum absorption of moisture into the finishing material;
- provide an effective grip of paint with putty.
To progress the surface, it will take a container in which the entire roller will fit without problems. The entire surface is carefully processed by primer deep penetration. After drying, the primer can be started to staining the surface.
Painting of drywall
If a ceiling with walls are stained in the room, then the ceiling painting is carried out. Moreover, the extreme part of the wall still have to protect the plastic film attached masking tape. Otherwise have to deal with the removal of paint from the surface of contact with the platen.
Regardless of the quality of the paint material, its application is made by several layers. After applying the first layer, putty will be visible and sections that are characterized by texture and color shades. Only after the subsequent painting the surface will acquire optimal color tones.
The painting of drywall begins with paint on the perimeter of the site, which will be painted first. For these purposes, it is necessary to use a brush width of 6-8 cm. Also paint is open all the obstacles and edges of the holes (under the chandeliers, sockets, switches).
Next, the surface coloring occurs with a roller. The following requirements should be followed for high-quality performance:
- Wetting the paint roller should occur in such a way that its impregnation is uniform.
- To create one layer, rolling rolling is carried out in one direction.
- Uniform paint distribution is achieved after 3-4 rolling.
- After the paint is not left on the roller, the tool is once again passing along the painted surface.
- It is forbidden to carry out a roller on a plot where the paint began to dry.
- Applying the next layer of paint is made after complete drying of the first layer in the perpendicular direction.
- Surface covering with a new layer of paint begin with the treatment of the perimeter of the site.
If the ceiling (or wall) is painted in several colors, then the painting tape should be used. This process consists of the following steps:
- the surface is divided into several sections;
- with the help of a pencil, zones markup occurs;
- the outer part of the painted side is placed by painting scotch;
- painting of the selected area of \u200b\u200bdrywall is carried out;
- after drying the paint, the extreme part of the first section is closed with scotch;
- painting is made of the next site;
- gently breaks off the rapid tape (if it does not work, you can use the stationery knife);
- the joints of the painted surface are closed with decorative platbands.
Some Soviets
Painting of drywall is not ultra-sided work. But before its implementation, it is worth listening to the recommendations of the specialists:
- To avoid splashes of paint movement of hands should be smooth and uniform.
- To prevent the occurrence of visible joints, the painting of plasterboard is carried out by strips of 80-90 cm with a subsequent strip overlay by 10-15 cm.
- Socinetics or villi appearing on the surface should be removed immediately.
- It is forbidden to interrupt the staining process, since this will lead to a disorder of the pattern and to obtain an uneven coating.
- When the spots appear with excess paint, which began to be captured, it is not recommended to rub the paint material. After drying, the excess paint is carefully removed by sandpaper, and the paint layer is again applied to the cleaned area.
- The above procedure is not suitable for glossy paint. In the event of defects, the entire painted surface is considered and is re-covered with paint and varnish material.
- It is necessary to correctly calculate the need for paint to the entire wall or ceiling. The next batch of material may differ slightly in a color shade.
- To test the quality of the work carried out, use the bright lamp, the rays of light from which they come at an angle to the trimmed surface. If there are significant drops, they are combed, and the area is stained again.
- It is forbidden to speed up the paint drying process: open windows and doors, turn on the fans (air conditioners) or the heating system.
Video about painting drywall: