Best Wallpaper Glue: Selection Features paints and varnishes,Wallpaper

Stick wallpaper is perhaps the most important and responsible stage in repair work. All dirty and dusty work behind, it remains quite a bit and you can admire the beautiful interior. But here there are certain difficulties. Ordinary glue does not cope with its task and just the glued wallpapers, in the morning turn out to be on the floor. The spent hours of painstaking work, bewilderment and even tears. How to cope with the difficult task, and what glue to glue the wallpaper so that it securely secured the cloth on the wall? How to choose the best wallpaper glue, we will learn from this article.
Many families have such a situation since childhood, when glue and mom or grandmother went to the kitchen when gluing the cloths went to the kitchen to cook. Yes, there were such times. Now things are much better and to get high quality, quickly and easily wallpaper on the walls, you need to purchase special glue for wallpaper. But before we learn about the types of glue, you need to deal with wallpaper types. What are the types of wallpaper, and which specifically the glue should be used.
Glue for wallpaper at home
The modern building market presents a wide range of wallpaper. The simplest and inexpensive costs are paper. Suitable for saving residential premises with low humidity - bedrooms, children's, corridors. This type of coating for walls is absolutely harmless, since it is made of environmentally friendly materials. Paper wallpapers are available at a price, but they do not differ in durability. In the 60-80 years of the last century, such wallpapers were the only finishing material for residential apartments and country houses. Despite popularity and low cost, paper wallpapers have a number of significant drawbacks. For example, they quickly fade into right sunlights, it is impossible to wash them - along with the drawing, the upper layer will be shred, it is impossible to clean them too. Single compensation is lightness in sticking. The adhesive mixture for paper wallpapers is sold in any construction store, it can be done independently.
If you need to urgently stick the wallpaper band, and the glue is over, you can not stop and cook it yourself. It will be absolutely safe, and in quality can be 100% confident.
Simple glue from flour for wallpaper is prepared as follows:
- The main component component is wheat flour. This product is found in every home.
- Glue is prepared according to such a scheme: 1 liters of glue should be prepared on 2-3 rolls of paper wallpaper.
- You will need free clean capacity, depending on the required amount of finished product, flour (the proportions of 1 liters are taken 6 tbsp.).
- First you need to bring water to a boil.
- In a separate small capacity (any bowl is suitable) you need to dilute the flour in a small amount of water so that there are no lumps. Consistency - like a thick sour cream.
- The flour mixture is needed to slowly pour into boiling water and with the free hand to constantly stir the content. This moment is very important, since the glue can quickly capture and form lumps.
- Bring the mixture to a boil and leave up to complete cooling.
- If small lumps were formed in the adhesive, glue can be pulled through a sieve.
Similarly, you can prepare glue for paper wallpapers based on starch. On 10 liters of water, take 1 kg of potato starch. To improve the stickiness in the mass, you can add carpenter dry glue (no more than 100 g). It must be prepared to prepare - dissolve in water. To protect the dwelling from insects, especially if paper wallpapers are glued at the cottage, then it is more advisable to add chlorofos in the adhesive mass. Starch must be sifted through a sieve, pour 200 g warm water, mix so that a homogeneous thick mass is formed. Further, the principle of preparation of homemade glue is identical with the above-described method - the diluted starch is poured into boiling on slow heat, the diluted starch is poured, constantly stirring the contents. The mass is boiled in a water bath, and when it will cool down a little, focusing through a metallic sieve. You can immediately start working - hot glue smear the wall, and paper wallpaper is barely warm. The shelf life of such adhesive of its own preparation is no more than a day.
Glue from flour and starch is suitable for sticking paper wallpaper. They can even glue the dense paper and cardboard wallpaper.
What kind of glue for wallpaper can still be cooked independently? The experienced builders will advise to prepare glue PVA at home. This is a common and popular material of widespread use. They can be grined walls, add to the lining solution with tiles, stick wallpaper, glue cardboard, etc. Such glue will become a real salvation for each owner.
Preparation of PVA glue at home that you need to prepare:
- Distilled water - 1 l.
- Gelatin photographic (you can buy in the department of goods for photographers) - 5 g.
- Glycerin (sold in a pharmacy) - 4 g
- Wheat flour - 100 g.
- Ethyl alcohol - 20 mm (sold in a pharmacy).
The preparation of the adhesive mixture consists of 2 stages:
- First you need to soak gelatin. Pour in a glass of flow water and add gelatin. Stir. Leave the mixture for a day.
- When gelatin wakes up while cooking glue.
- Place a saucepan with water on a water bath.
- Add gelatin to water. Stir.
- The next ingredient is flour. Mix the components so that the mixture becomes homogeneous without lumps. Still, not ceasing.
- At the end of the preparation (after 5 minutes), add alcohol and glycerin.
- The glue can be removed from the water bath and cool.
- When the mass be cooled, it can be used for its intended purpose.
Glue for wallpaper, photo:
Types of wallpaper
Wallpaper on a vinyl base consist of 2-layers - white durable paper (bottom layer), tissue or with PVC film (upper layer). The last layer is covered with embossed or patterns. Wallpapers are hardy, non-toxic, resistant to fungus, will serve for many years. When gluing slightly stretched, which is very important if there are angles or uneven areas in the room. The upper relief coating just hides defects on the walls. Vinyl wallpapers do not change their color even a few years later, resistant to sunlight, repel dirt and water. You can wash them with a soft brush or sponge - moisture they do not absorb, and the coating will remain unchanged.
By the way, the base of vinyl wallpaper can not only be paper, but also phliselin and even fabric. They are dense or light, depending on the type of coating. To determine the type of your wallpaper, you must explore the information specified in the instructions.
What is the glue for vinyl wallpaper? Specialists respond - only a special, prepared hubber based starch or flour here.
It is necessary to use glue for vinyl wallpaper. If your coverage is a fliesline base, then use glue for fliesline wallpaper.
Fliselin is a combined material consisting of cellulose and combined fiber. They are stronger than paper, they are not stretched and not deformed. There are certain rules for sticking such wallpapers - glue should be special, and it is applied only to a pre-prepared smooth surface, and then the dry stripes are superimposed.
Textile vinyl wallpapers consist of a paper bottom layer and upper - artificial or natural canvas. This coating made of natural materials: flax, silk or viscose.
Glass equipment
Fiberglass wallpapers are made of special yarn, tissues from thin threads stretched from glass at high temperatures. Such wallpapers are suitable for saving any premises. The service life of glasses is about 30 years. Shoot on glue for fliesline wallpaper.
The liquid wallpaper
Move from cellulose fiber with the addition of natural components, dyes and adhesive materials. Some types of liquid wallpapers may include chopped dry algae, mica and even a bark of a tree. Sold in a dry or finished form. Do not burn out, "breathe", soft to the touch, fill the slots well. For sticking, special glue is not needed, it is already part of the mixture.
Types of glue for wallpaper
In building supermarkets, you can see a huge selection of adhesive blends. Glue for wallpaper - what better? Let's try to deal with this important question and consider popular species:
- Celede glue (Quelyd). Designed to stick fliseline wallpaper. Easily applied to the surface of the roller. It slides well, which ensures the ease of work, joints to combine each other much easier. Hydish, does not react with paint, and hence harmless to human health. The mixture includes additives that prevent the appearance of mold and fungus. You will need only 7-10 minutes to prepare the masses. Economical consumption of glue for flieslinic wallpaper. There will be only 1 packing of glue (300 g / 35m 2), cost from 140 to 160 rubles. Glue in cardboard boxes for sale, it is represented as flakes made from modified starch with additives. In a divided form, a transparent shade acquires. Fully dries after 1-2 days at temperatures from +5 to +25 oC. Unlimited shelf life if the glue is stored in the factory packaging. The finished adhesive solution retains its qualities for 7 days.
- Glue "Cleo" (Kleo) is presented in the construction market in several types:
- "Optima" is universal, suitable for sticking to loose wallpaper. He hides small disadvantages, does not leave stains;
- "Special line" ("Special") - the basis of glue - methylcellulose provides good grip. Used to glue light and dense wallpaper;
- "Extra" - designed for wallpaper on a fliesline basis and "Professional line" - for all types of wallpaper. Sold in standard packs of 250 g, cost - in the range of 150 rubles.
The main composition of the adhesive mixture is a modified starch. To wait for a complete glue dissolution, you will need only 5 minutes.
- Glue "Methilan". It is applied immediately on the wall, resistant to temperature fluctuations, you can stick on the wall treated with lime or to cement plaster. High adhesive ability. Protects the surface from penetration of mold and fungus. Easy pasted. Used to glue relief or smooth flieslinic wallpaper. The composition includes additives and synthetic starch. For plating wallpaper it is more advantageous to buy 250 g of glue packing, the average cost ranges from 200 rubles. So that the result justifies the lice of waiting, you must properly prepare the glue. On 10 liters of water takes 1 glue packaging. Working area - 70m 2. When using this glue there are features: for sticking smooth fliesline wallpaper (5 pcs.) The glue is divorced in such a proportion - 1 package of glue is taken on 5 liters. For relief wallpaper - 4.5 l of water for 1 glue packing (or 2 pcs. 25 m, stitching area up to 30m 2). Methilana is stored at at a temperature not higher than +30 oWITH.
- Glue for CMC wallpaper is flakes obtained after wood processing. The main component of the glue is the carboxymethyl cellulose substance. Cleaning CMC is not subjected to rotting and perfectly copes with the sticking of simple paper wallpaper. Suitable for the priming of the surface. It does not leave divorces on the surface after drying. Differs low cost. This is due to the fact that when the moisture falls on the surface, with each time the glue loses its properties. This can happen when repeated painting paint cloths, but it is better to use another glue for wallpaper. CMC just cook - flakes need to be poured into a dry container, pour a certain amount of water (1 kg of flakes is taken by 16 liters of water). Stir and leave a lot of 10 hours. During this time, flakes dissolve in water, glue must be mixed well before use. The finished mixture is stored for 10 days. The glue CMC is only used for sticking ordinary paper wallpaper. The shelf life of glue is small - only 6 months in understed.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of glue?
These 2 indicators will be directly related to the composition of glue. So, if the main component of the glue is flour or starch, then the surface will already be subjected to rotting. In addition, insects are becoming faster in such a favorable environment. The synthetic base of the adhesive will be more durable and more reliable. The quality of such a glue mixture will depend on the manufacturer and cooking technology. High-quality glue does not allocate evaporation, does not smell and sticks out the wallpaper well, which means that are safe for the health of people and pets.