Snowpotore holders, Snowproof, snowballs for the roof. How to choose and install Useful advice

You have heard somewhere on the roof of the roof, but they do not quite oriented what it is. Let's figure it out, because the thing is really indispensable, especially if you have a private house, and in the family there are kids and want to secure yourself for the winter.
So, a snowman is a design, the purpose of which is to prevent the avalanche-like convergence of the snow cover from the roof. This design is installed on the roof, so that to prevent the location of the snow, especially during the periods of its melting after the winter. In addition, snowstores provide heat insulation by keeping the snow on the roof, which is especially valued in the winter period.
Types of sneakeners designs
- Designs that skip the snow stages (reducing the portions of snow, which rolls down, as well as kinetic energy when climbing).
- Designs that fully hold snow cover.
The first category includes snowstore tubular, lattice, and so-called "teeth" - for a soft roof.
The second category includes snow-bearer (in the form of logs), snow-bearing (bar).
Choosing a snowman
Choosing a snowman, take into account the roof type and the requirements you prevent.
For example, if the roof is made of copper - a snowmobile keeper must also be made of copper.
Ceramic tiles, metal tiles, profiled sheets need to choose exclusively tubular snow-holders.
Primary requirements:
- Tightness of the attachment.
- Strength of the snowmobile.
- Load level that design can withstand.
For soft roof From such materials such as bitumen, which contributes to the accumulation of a large number of snow, it is necessary to use snowstanders such as "teeth", snowstovers. This kind of snowmanship serves as an additional insurance in the context of the snow cover from the roof.
For ceramic , cement-sand roofs It is optimally used with snow-booths, since these materials do not contribute to the accumulation of a large number of snow. And the functionality of the snow-garage and snow-resistant is limited to their height. By the way, the value of the structure depends on the height.
If your choice depends on the cost - the price of snow-holders varies, on average, within 5 USD to 30 USD per meter. The most expensive will cost a snowstand for metal tile type metal, it is cheaper than a snow-mounted snowmock.
You can even buy snowstore keepers in online stores, but most often before buying you have to contact a specialist who will help you choose the view of the snowmobile and find that the Method that you need to purchase. If you yourself master yourself - you can do without consultation. Especially if the structure of the roof is simple, without rods and transitions.
Installation of snowcases can be made both independently and professionals. If you decide to cope with this task, we will bring you a little to the case.
The first point is that it will be better forbid about the protection of the roof during roofing, but you can also install snowstores and an exploited roof.
Tubular and lattice snowstores
Such snowstores are the most universal of all, are used on metal tile, leafy and other types of roof. These snow holders are also the most reliable and stronger, and on the same, and the strokes from the builders. Particularly relevant are such snowstores on a single-sided roof or on the roofs, the slope of which is less than 60 degrees (especially if the slope of 20 to 30 degrees).
In the installation instructions there is always a symbulator fastening scheme, but it must be borne in mind that the brackets are fixed directly to the crate through the roofing material. The size of the fastening is within the limits of thirty centimeters to one hundred fifty centimeters. The size of the fastener is determined by the roof design. If the roof rates differ in their length - there is a need to install the design for the detention of snow into several rows. You can set rows strictly parallel or in a checker order (for the purpose of saving).
Tog-shaped snowstovers
Recall that such structures are used on the roofs of bitumen (for example, the Eurochemical). They have a feature - the installation is made exclusively during roofing work. At the same time, the bias of the roof should not be more than 30 degrees. Installation is made in a chess order or in several parallel to each other series (such tactics are less rational). Snow collectors are attached to the crate parallel to the rows of the euro ground. Each "tooth" should rely on the carrier design - at least two bars.
In order to save it, you can install snowstovers not throughout the perimeter of the roof, but only over the "dangerous" sites - the main entrance, entry into the garage, garden or a playground.
Stop and barriers
They can be mounted on the roof of metal tile, professional flooring and other tin materials. However, there are deficiencies in such types of snow feet - a small strength. They cannot hold a greater mass of snow, for this reason they are installed only on those roofs whose slope is less than 30 degrees. But they can be installed on the finished roof, and they are most often met, from a similar roof material.
Why do you need to install snowstanders?
- Strengthening thermal insulation - after all, snow cover, oddly enough, will reduce heat transfer.
- Security. Preventing the convergence of the snow mass, the weight of which can reach hundreds of kilograms.
- Uniformity of the snow load on the roof and its elongation of life.
- Aesthetics of architecture, it looks beautiful.
- Insurance from damage to the snow masses of nearby territories and objects.
So the need to install snowcases is evident, they will provide security and warmly to you and your family.