Device roofing Tehtonolikol Building materials

The Technonikol company is one of the largest and most popular in Russia. It is engaged in the production of all kinds of building and finishing materials, special attention among which deserve roofing. In this article we will tell in detail about the peculiarities of the choice and installation of the soft roof of Tehtonikol.
Characteristics of soft roof
First of all, it should be noted that all products produced at Tekhnonikol plants has a certificate of the highest quality ISO 9001. But the popularity of the company contributes not only to good quality, but also acceptable prices that meet the possibilities of the Russian consumer.
Soft roof is a finish coating made of special flexible materials based on bitumen. There are several types of soft roofs TechnoNIKOL: bitumen tiles, polymer membrane and rolled materials that glue on mastic. This is a relatively new way to finish the roofs of houses, which came to replace the solid classic materials - the sector, ceramic tile, etc.
To avoid extensive expressions, consider each of the advantages of the soft roof technoNonikol:
- It is entirely adapted to the specific weather conditions of Russia, where the temperature may vary from + 50c to -60c. There are separate types of bituminous tiles and rolled materials that can carry any heat and cold.
- The soft roof transfers mechanical effects (fall of trees branches during hurricane, strong hail, gust winds, etc.).
- Provides 100% waterproofing of roofing pie and replaces the waterproof layer next after the insulation. Thus, you save on the purchase of necessary materials.
- Installation of a soft roof is quite simple, but its specificity differs depending on the type of material (tile, membrane, roll). At the same time, you will not even need any special equipment, only the hammer and fasteners.
- Allows you to embody the most courageous design solutions and create original facades.
- One of the most important advantages of the bituminous roof technonikol is good sound insulation - during a shower or hail you will not disturb the noise, as in the case of metal tile.
- High frost resistance of certain types of products allows them to use them even in the conditions of the Far North.
- The durability of some types of soft roofs on a bitumen basis remains only to envy - after installation for the next 30 years you can forget about overhaul.
Such excellent operational characteristics, the soft roof of Tekhnonikol is obliged to its special structure. The flexible material is based on glass cholester or fiberglass. The latter is considered more durable and high-quality. This base is impregnated with bitumen with polymer additives and plasticizers, after which they are covered with bulk material (usually granite or quartz sand).
The cost of the roof
Since the technology of the TEKHNONICK technology involves the use of various materials, the cost of each of them defines the method of laying and operational characteristics. Also a decisive factor is the durability of the material. For example, a cheap soft roof of an economy class will last 6-7 years, and the premium coating is guaranteed to last 25-30 years.
Quality roofing "Premium" in addition to durability is different and other specific properties. So, it contains in the composition of modified supplements that make it vapor-permeable and non-combustible. Also on sale there is a wide color palette of bituminous tiles, capable of realizing any designer idea.
All roofing materials Technonikol divided into the following classes:
- "Economy" - an easy and quick installation, simple protection (roll roofing Technonikol Bikrost).
- "Standard" - is used for roofs with different slope and different complexity (and Bipol Bikroelast).
- "Business" - high-quality material that can simultaneously be protected from moisture and provide mikroventilirovanie roofing pie (Uniflex).
- "Premium" is the most durable and reliable material with a service life of more than 25 years (uniflex).
Technology laying
The device of the soft roof of TEKHNONIKOL can be carried out in two ways: with fasteners and staining. The first method is used to cover the inclined roofs, attaching the panels with nails, brackets, self-drawing or gluing on mastic. Only galvanized fasteners are used, since they are not corrosion. To increase the threshold of strength, each segment is numbered next to the previous tile of a slightly pectorist with several nails.
The installed Tekhtonikol roof is used only on the flat roofs of the exploited and non-exploitable type. It is represented by rolled materials that roll on the surface and heated by gas burner.
Before laying flexible Material Tekhnonikol for the roof, the surface must be prepared: align, clean and dry. It is not recommended to carry out installation work in crude, foggy or rainy weather, otherwise the material can appear. For non-exploitable roofs of private houses, it is better to make the base under the soft roof from the sheets of moisture-resistant fat plywood or chipboard. As a result, you should get a durable and reliable doom, able to withstand the weight of all layers of roofing material.
Useful advice: Mandatory before laying a soft roof process all the wooden elements by antiseptic and antipiren.
Stopping bitumen tiles or tiled rolls with a strong frost or heat is also not recommended. The optimal temperature for working with technology is from -5c to + 24c. Therefore, it is better to engage in the arrangement of the roof from the middle of the spring before the start of summer and at the beginning of the autumn to the rains.
The Tekhnonol roof is distinguished by a long service life, but to extend it even more, it is necessary to ventilate the cerulmonary space. For this use special devices - aerators. They form air flow under the roof and quickly disperse any condensate. So that the water is not delayed on the surface, the tile elements are laid down-up, starting from the angle.
To more fully represent the process of laying a bitumen roofing TechnoNIKOL, see the video below:
Roofing Pie
Roofing pie is a multi-layered structure, the task of which is to protect the house from precipitation, cold, wind and other environmental influences. The device of the roofing TechnoNIKOL depends on the material underlying.
Wooden roof:
- material soft roof;
- lining from plywood or chipboard;
- shap;
- waterproofing or SDM membrane;
- thermal insulation;
- drying for fastening thermal insulation;
- vapor insulation material.
If the base is a horizontal concrete slab, then the roofing pie will be a little different:
- roofing finish coating;
- blinders with a ceramzite concrete, cement-sand tie, etc.;
- thermal insulation;
- parosolation membrane.
Before starting to install, make a detailed plan for laying each layer of roofing pie and buy all the necessary materials with a small margin.
Parosolation Tehtonolikol
For reliable protection of the roofing from the appearance of condensate, only aerators are not enough - it is necessary to equip the roofing pie with a layer of vapor barrier. It is a special film that does not let water to the insulation. There are several varieties of vapor insulation membranes with individual characteristics. For example, one-sided membrane protects the insulation well, but that condensate evaporates with it, it is necessary to leave 2-3 cm of the ventilation space between it and the roof cover from the inside (the attic ceiling).
Bilateral membranes do not need this interval, so allow you to save more free space in the attic. Parosolation of the roofing technomonikol appreciate primarily for good quality, durability and environmental purity. In addition, the membranes are completely fireproof and respond to all the requirements.
Steam insulating films TechnoNIKOL have a special structure and consist of three layers. It not only provides a temperature-humid balance in the house, but also does not allow dust to accumulate in the insulation, and protects the inner space from the noise from the street.
It is impossible not to note the fact that TEKHNONICK vaporizolation can be at absolutely any surfaces, even on raw boards or metal beams.
Depending on the type of roof, two varieties of vapor polypolecia tehnonikol are distinguished:
- For scanty roofs - a membrane TechnoNIKOL, consisting of a polymer film and two layers of polypropylene nonwoven canvas. During the operation of such a diffusion film between the layers, an irresistible barrier is formed between the layers, which reliably protects the insulation from condensate. Water simply flows down and in the course evaporates in the ventilation space.
- For flat roofs - perforated or non-perforated film. The first is characterized by high strength and do not interfere with roofing pie "breathe." Condensate with perforated vaporizolation evaporates almost instantly, which contributes to the creation of a comfortable microclimate indoor. Technoniscol film for a flat roof consists of several thinned reinforced layers than and its ability to withstand high loads. This is especially important when the roof exploited is equipped.
Advantages of vaporizoation TechnoNIKOL:
- Low cost with the excellent European quality.
- Absolute environmental friendliness - safe components that do not release toxins or other harmful substances are used to produce vaporizolation. That is why TechnoNIKol membranes can be used to build any buildings: plants, cottages, residential buildings, kindergartens, food enterprises, etc.
- The versatility of vaporizolation technoNIKOL allows it not only to arrange roofing pie, but also to protect walls and floors.
- Easy installation - To install a vapor barrier film, expand it with a smooth side inside the house and glue with a special adhesive composition. It is better to buy it immediately with vapor barrier and not to use ordinary glue. Material strips can be laid horizontally or vertically with an adhesive in 15 cm and a wall center by 25-30 cm. Plotted vapor barrier structure allows you to securely isolate all the knots of the Tehtonikol roofing.
When choosing vaporizolation, consider the type of roof with which you have to work. For flat roofs, choose a perforated film, and for a wooden scope - membrane. Rolled materials are better to buy in the event that roofing pie contains a conventional Warring insulation, for example, mineral wool. Before purchasing, be sure to make sure that the products are certified. Since TechnoNikol is one of the leading manufacturers, in the market, you can often find fakes.
TechnoNIkol roofing technology is maximally adapted to the terms of the Russian climate and the possibility of the domestic market. With the installation, if desired, any owner will cope with even having professional skills. Inexpensive rolled materials you can ride roof garages, sheds, residential buildings and other buildings. The Tekhnonol bitumen tile is different from each other not only by flowers, but also dimensions, texture and shape. With such a roof of the house will be not only cozy, but also beautiful.