Laying of laminate diagonally Floors

Taste with taste Flooring significantly affects the overall picture of the interior. That is why it is extremely careful to choose such a coating so that the selected material not only look beautifully, but also served a long time. To date, the laminate flooring rapidly displaces parquet, thanks to the practicality and convenience of mounting.
General laminate laying rules
Before starting the installation work, you will certainly read the range of rules and recommendations that contribute to the achievement of the best result.
Among the basic recommendations are allocated as follows:
- Give the laminate to "get used to" to the temperature regime of the room. After buying, let him get into the room at least two days.
- After opening the package, check the material for integrity.
Important! The detected defects on the back side are not terrible, but scratching or imperfections on the front part are unacceptable.
- Comfortable room temperature for mounting 22-26 ° C.
Important! Some models withstand the temperature range from 12 ° to 32 °.
- Special attention is paid to the air humidity indicator, since it should not exceed 70% mark and be no lower than 45%.
- The permissible error of the unevenness of the floor is not more than 3 mm / m2.
- Placeing laminate diagonally, not to do without a substrate, the choice of material for which depends solely on your financial capabilities. If focused on savings, then as a substrate material can be used polyethylene film. If when laying a laminate in priority, quality, then it is recommended to purchase a cork coating.
- When laying a laminate diagonally, the flow rate will be the same as when laying the material by direct method. The difference can only be about 5-10% of standard percent overrun.
- When laying a laminate diagonally, it is desirable to have a scheme, the presence of which will help properly arrange the drawing and turn additional 15% of the material into a non-essential 5%.
Important! Sliced \u200b\u200bpieces upon completion of the first row can become initial segments subsequent.
- The laying angle of laminate boards diagonally can vary from 30 ° to 45 °, and the maximum length-width of the room should not exceed 6 * 8m.
Important! To understand how attractive your gender will be viewing the photo of laminate laying on diagonally different projects.
When you can't lay a laminate?
There should be no special problems with laying laminate slats, but there is a certain number of factors in which the installation and the choice of laminate should be extremely neat. These rules include the following recommendations:
- Do not secure boards to the floor on glue or other similar ways, since firstly it will look extremely inestoretically, and secondly, this is a violation of the installation technology. The laminate coating is often moving due to the shrinkage of the building, and also has a property to expand or shrink at temperature differences.
- It is impractical to decorate the floor with laminate in places where high air humidity (baths, bathrooms, open terraces constantly prevails.
- It is impossible to lay a laminate flooring in the rooms, where the installation of an electrical floor heating system is assumed.
- In places of large passability of people or their constant cluster, it is recommended to lay material with the highest indicator of resistance to mechanical damage.
Choice of technology
One of the important tasks when installing a laminate flooring is the choice of laying technology. Among the most frequently used, installation methods are allocated as follows:
- Adhesive method. Based on the title, this installation method consists in fastening the laminate elements with each other with special adhesive mixtures applied to the end part of the boards. The main advantages of this method are:
- the high reliability indicator of the coating due to the dense sealing of the joints, through which the moisture does not fall into the thickness of the floor canvase and does not deform it;
- resistance to temperature drops, since the boards locks are securely fixed with adhesive composition;
- easy when making installation.
Important! The only substantial disadvantage is that all parts are tightly glued and if something happens to one of the elements of the coating, it will not be possible to replace it, and it will be necessary to carry out a complete dismantling of the coating.
- Castle Click. This method is considered the most popular due to the simplicity of installation, the technology of which is easy to master and the beginning master. A feature of the lock system Click is the bond of boards at an angle. Among the advantages, we note that the floor covering mounted in this way quickly dismantle. If you need to carry out repair work, it is allowed to replace only part of the coating.
- Castle Lock. This method is somewhat similar to the previous one, only the fastening of parts is made in the horizontal plane. Installation is performed as follows:
Preparation of instruments
To qualitatively perform the installation of a laminate coating, initially prepare a set of tools and materials. To fulfill this work you will need:
- electrolovik;
- roulette and ruler;
- construction pencil;
- hammer;
- corolnic;
- wooden bars for boarding boards;
- spacer wedges for gaps;
- special adhesive solution (depending on the choice of the installation method);
- laminate boards.
Important! Prefer high-quality materials from well-known manufacturers so that in the near future you did not have to dismantle the fresh laminate.
Calculation of laminate diagonally
Perform the calculation of the required amount of material for the design of the floor with such panels diagonally sufficiently simple: to the number of meters of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room, in which laying of the laminate is supposed, add another 15%.
Important! If you hold the installation for the first time and do not have the installation skills, then the consumption of the material will most likely be a metrar + additional 20%.
Preparation of the room

Concrete floor
The floor of concrete often prevails in multi-storey residential buildings. As preparatory work, in this case, follow the fill of the cement-concrete screed. This method is most simple without attracting builders and special equipment.
When performing a concrete screed, consider several important points:
- the term of the full drying of the screed is at least three weeks;
- to accelerate this process in the manufacture of the mixture, add plasticizers that reduce the rejection period;
- if the dried screed turned out with cracks and holes, replace it, since Ignoring this factor may entail significant losses in the future.
Wooden floor
The tree is much faster than one-time sparkle, even subject to the use of special impregnations. Therefore, when preparing a wooden framework for a laminate, follow a number of activities:
- the rotational elements of the floor or those that were covered with mold and fungus will certainly replace new, microorganisms that attacked the sections of the wooden floor will not harm the substrate, but will adversely affect the laminate.
- sharing elements, fasten with self-drawing - this will prevent the appearance of unpleasant creak;
- in the detection of essential deformations of the wooden floor, it will be appropriate to be completely replaced, rather than perform the restoration;
- if there are irregularities in the floor, make them plywood or chipboard sheets.
Important! This method is quite economical and will help extend the life of the wooden floor for 15-20 years.
Laying the substrate
After the base is prepared, proceed to laying a substrate material that performs a shock-absorbing function with significant coating loads, and also acts as insulation and soundproofer. For the design of the substrate, purchase one of the following materials:
- plates from extruded polystyrene;
- foamed polypropylene;
- rolled material from coniferous trees;
- natural plugs.
The installation of the substrate is quite simple:
- Material decompose on the base of the joint into the joint.
- Plots of the conjunction of the plated sheets fasten with a scotch tape or painting tape.
Important! Material lay down, leaving the walls on the walls of 50 mm, which after laying cut the knife.
How to lay laminate diagonally?
Before making the installation, you need to deal with the question "How to lay a laminate diagonally?". In this case, it is necessary to comply with simple instructions and recommendations on the laying, and then the result of your work will exceed expectations.
Mounting technology rules:
- Select the direction in which you will mount the boards. Often laminate begin to lay out from the left corner.
- Select the location of the boards - the angle of 30-45 ° is considered the most acceptable.
- Between the walls and edges of the laminate details, decompose the ten-minute-meter spacer wedges, which will not allow panels to join the wall tightly and the temperature seams will create.
- Stacking panels in checkers.
- The initial 2-3 rows are supported by the existing corner between the walls, since it is far from all the rooms of the walls are joined at an angle of 90.
- Carefully watch the sliced \u200b\u200bpiece was the novice elements of the next row.
- Cut panels as follows:
- measure the distance from the edge of the penultimate part to the wall on one side of the plank, not forgetting about the temperature seam;
- apply the resulting data to the laminate board;
- remove distance measurements on the opposite side;
- mark the pencil on the bar the second indicator;
- connect two marks among themselves;
- cut the detail on the planned line of the electroll bison.
Important! The crucification of the laminate is better to perform from the inside so as not to damage the facial surface.
Additional recommendations
There is a list of additional recommendations, the observance of which will certainly provide high-quality installation of the laminate. Carefully read them:
- purchase boards with a length of at least 25 cm;
- stay laying a laminate from that corner where the heating radiator is located - such a move will help to avoid inconvenience with the folding of the final series;
- when using an adhesive method of fastening, do not forget to wait the time specified on the label before starting the floor;
- walking on the floor made using lock mounts, you can immediately after installation.
Laying laminate diagonally. Video
Hang up the floor with laminate, as you see, just enough without the application of special efforts. Such a coating is very practical due to the fact that it does not require special care. But, like any other finish, laminate requires a careful relationship, namely:
- furniture and heavy items move, without touching the floor covering;
- do not allow in place of abundant moisture;
- conduct dry cleaning regularly.
Compliance with these simple rules will provide a long service life and an excellent appearance of your laminated flooring.