Stone window sill - artificial or natural Window

In certain interior solutions, it is impossible to imagine any other window sill, except for the stone. And in a similar case, the question arises before the host of the room, which material to give preference: natural stone or its artificial counterparts. To determine the choice, it is necessary to compare the features and the main characteristics of the windowsill, made of natural and artificial materials.
Cyedowlings of artificial stone
Distinctive properties of structures
In the production of window sills made of casting stone, we usually use 3 main components: acrylic resin, mineral filler and color pigment, which gives the product the necessary shade. The finished design is thoroughly polished and acquires the type of natural material. Let's look at what characteristics have window sills From artificial stone:
- They are rather durable and resistant to different adverse factors: moisture, sunlight, aggressive chemicals.
- Artificial material, in contrast to the natural stone, does not have the properties always remain cold, which is noticeably adding coziness to the room.
- Acrylic has a smaller mass than its natural analog. In addition, the process of producing such windowsides allows you to create complex forms, while making designs seamless.
- In the event that you somehow damage the material, for example, scratch or deliver a piece, the defect can be eliminated and not to leave noticeable traces.
- Artificial material has a widest color palette, so you can enter such a window sill in any interior.
- Acrylic designs are characterized by hygienicness and ease of care. They are perfectly cleaned from any kind of pollution, and also do not absorb moisture and unpleasant odors.
- The disadvantages of the material include its instability to very high temperatures. Rolled items can leave ugly spots on the surface surface.
Manufacturers of artificial stone
- On the domestic market, the products of the American chemical company Dupont hit the domestic market. The Corian acrylic stone has excellent quality, excellent strength and operational characteristics. The hygiene of the material allows it without fears to use it even in medical institutions, and the widest choice of colors and textures makes it possible to apply this composite in a wide variety of interiors.
- Artificial stone "Montelli" is produced by the same company, but it represents a more affordable option. Despite this, "Montelli" is also distinguished by fairly decent quality.
- The world-famous Samsung Corporation, among other activities, also produces an acrylic artificial stone. Products are called "Staron", and thanks to its excellent qualities, she received international recognition.
- Not the most expensive, but quite good in its characteristics, artificial material "Akrilika" of German production is considered. Thanks to the strength, reliability, durability, as well as a democratic price, products are widely popular among the Russian population.
- In a wide range of artificial stone, it is increasingly possible to meet the product of Korean production - "Hi-Macs", manufactured by LG. Another analogue, the TRISTONE stone, has almost the same performance characteristics, but is distinguished by a lower price.
Stone window sills, photo:
Production and installation of window sills made of artificial stone
The whole process of creating window sills from acrylic stone can be briefly described in the form of such steps:
- The owner of the room or inviting designer creates a sketch of the future design. Then a specialist who produces all the necessary measurements is invited.
- Based on the measurements, the sill dial is created. The responsible person selects the desired texture and coloring of the material.
- Then the necessary details are cut out of a solid sheet. If the windowsill consists of several parts, they are connected to each other with the help of branded glue. So that the color of the adhesive did not differ from the color of artificial stone, there is a special code table in which each shade is assigned its numeric designation.
- The remains of the frozen glue are removed by a grinding machine.
Often the window sills made of acrylic stone have a thickness of 12 mm, but in some cases the material thickness can be 3 cm. Figured structures of complex forms can be collected in parts. Then the finished windowsill is carefully grinding and polished, after which it is almost impossible to distinguish from the product from natural stone.
During the installation of window sills made of artificial stone, transverse ribs are used. The ribs are fixed on the design, making an indent between individual elements of about 10-15 cm. The joints of the joints are sealed with the help of a mounting foam. It should be noted that due to the secondary expansion of the foam, marriage may occur.
Another way to install the stone side of the stone is its laying on a concrete tie. The screed level is made at least 15 mm below the windowsill level. Approximately 1/3 part of the width in the screed brackets are paved - they will serve as an additional fastening.
Natural stone window sills
Characteristic features of natural material
Let us consider in more detail, which distinguished features have window sills made from natural stone:
- They are durable and able to serve the owner for a very long time.
- Such window sills are not affected by high humidity, chemicals, solar radiation and high temperatures. Stone is not melted even if you put a hot object on it.
- Designs are easy to care. To cleanse it is enough to wipe the windowsill with a damp cloth. No dyes are eaten into stone and leave on its surface tracks.
- Natural stone refers to environmentally friendly materials, in addition, it looks very beautiful and expensive, emphasizing the high social status of the owner.
The window sills from the natural stone often choose those who want to declare their high status. Similar structures look great in expensive luxurious aristocratic style interiors. In this material, in contrast to its artificial analogue, there is no such variety of colors. Despite this, the stone looks natural and elegant.
Undoubtedly, natural stone is characterized by a high cost, but its price pays off due to wear resistance and durability. Natural marble, for example, will not lose its noble species and after dozens of years, while the artificial stone can lose their external beauty.
Types of stone for the production of windowsill
Three types of materials from which the window sills are very popular now enjoy. Consider them in more detail:
- Granite is one of the most durable materials. Window sills made of natural granite are solid and durable. They are capable of listening not to one decade, but this material has one drawback - granite can accumulate radiation. If the stone was produced in the region, unsafe in terms of radioactive radiation, then the product may cause damage to your health.
- Natural marble, in contrast to granite, is environmentally friendly, because it does not accumulate any harmful substances. Among other things, marble has a wide palette of colors and colors.
- Onyx refers to semi-precious stones. His distinctive feature is the ability to skip light. If you place the sources of illumination under the windowsill from translucent onyx, then get the original and very beautiful effect. The lack of material lies in its instability to scratches.
The advantages of marble windowsides
From all of the above materials, marble is the most reliable and environmentally friendly. It was this stone that would like to pay special attention. Let's look at in detail what advantages have windowsills from marble:
- Strength and long service life is due to the thread-shaped structure of the stone. It is this feature that allows it to withstand all sorts of loads. Marble is much stronger than not only artificial materials, but also many natural stones.
- If defects are formed in the marble in the form of cracks or chips, modern technologies allow you to eliminate the problem so effectively that there will be no way on the surface of the windowsill and barely noticeable trace. Fortunately, even despite damage, marble retains its operational characteristics for a very long time.
- The windowsill made from stone will have an ideal smooth and smooth surface regardless of its area.
- The stone is resistant to temperature drops, the effects of the Sun and chemicals. Even with frequent cleaning, the surface of the material is not engaged and does not scratch. Under the sun, marble does not fade and does not fade.
- This material is not resolve and therefore it is convenient for processing. In the process of installing the windowsill from marble, you can affect the stone: drill it, saw, cut. The structure of marble is such that with all such manipulations, the stone will not lose their high physical characteristics.
Determining with the material for the manufacture of the window sill, you should, first of all, calculate your budget. As you can see, natural stone will cost you more expensive than artificial, but at the same time he will serve much longer, not losing his beauty and strength. If you want to save or simply do not have the opportunity to purchase a window sill of natural material, give preference to acrylic stone. Provided that you choose a reliable manufacturer that guarantees the quality of its products, you also get a rather strong and durable design.