Fitoftoric Fighting: Means, Methods, Useful Recommendations Plot.

The main task of any landowner is to protect the grown plants from diseases. Useful cultures can be amazed by fungi, insects, because of which they fade, dry, cease to be fron down or die. The quality and volume of the crop is significantly reduced. The most common diseases of the Polenic: tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes are a phytoofer, the fight against which must be organized correctly. What and how to heal plants and how to warn this problem at all, you will learn from this article.
What is a phytoftor?
Phytoofluorosis or, as it is called in the people, phytoofer is the defeat of cultivated plants with fungi. With such a disease, dark spots originally appear on foliage and stems. If at this stage does not accept urgent measures, then they will acquire a brown shade, then turning, will begin to dry out and disappear. The fruits will also be worn and disappeared directly on the garden. In essence, there is a rotting of even live plants.
Important! Such a crop does not make sense to collect - it is not only useless, but maybe harmful to humans. And who will want to have rotten fruits? If you have not come across such a problem or do not know exactly what your plants are sick, look at the phytoophtor looks like in the photo of the affected crops.
Why does phytoftor arise?
As with any other fungus, the fight against the phytoofluoro is not easy - it spreads very quickly and extremely survivors. Disputes are spread by the wind and settle on the ground, on the seeds, on the roofs and walls of greenhouses, on garden tools and plant residues.
Important! It is because of such a principle of distribution, any gardener should be attentive and with the advent of the first signs of the disease immediately proceed to the treatment of plants. Otherwise, the phytoofer will become an epidemic for the entire garden.
To cope with the task with minimal efforts, find out about the character of the disease that these mushrooms love and what they do not tolerate. Most often a phytophtor is developing in such conditions:
- A large amount of lime in the ground. Many gardeners add lime to the soil to avoid her watering. But in this case, it is necessary to be as attentive to the dosage - an excessive amount of lime is an excellent habitat and reproduction of purple phytophors.
- Ignoring thinning procedures. In thickened landings, fungi develop more often than in beds, where plants are located on a comfortable distance from each other.
- Frequent temperature change. In the period when cold nights are dominated, quite often dew is formed on the foliage. This is an additional moisture source that provokes the reproduction of fungi.
- Weak seedlings. If you have not enough strengthened plants and incorrectly prepared soil, tomatoes and potatoes will lack the necessary trace elements and develop weak. In this case, they are more susceptible to diseases.
How to prevent the appearance of phytophors on tomatoes and potatoes?
To warn the problem of the occurrence of phytoophulas is much easier than trying to eradicate it. To make preventive prophylaxis, consider recommendations such:
- Watch out for the normal soil acidity balance - with an excess of lime, add peat and sand.
- Check out the rules of crop rotation. Adhere to the recommended sequity of planting plants every year, especially when landing with amusements.
- Regularly reserve seedlings in accordance with the recommendations for each individual culture - avoid the formation of thickening in beds.
- Follow the early morning in order to fully provide plants in moisture, but preventing it up and accumulate on the surface of the soil. In cloudy or raw weather, give up the artificial irrigation of the beds at all.
- When growing tomatoes in greenhouses, regularly ventilate the room or create a high-quality ventilation system.
- Do not forget to loosen the soil as it seals.
- According to the appropriate dressing scheme, put potash and phosphoric fertilizers under each type of garden crop.
- Perform a prophylactic spraying - process plants from phytophors using folk recipes or special preparations.
- When choosing varieties suitable for growing in its own section, prefer more resistant to fungi.
Folk remedies for the fight against phytoofluoro
Until recently, a bordeaux liquid based on copper sulfate was most often used to solve such a problem. But it affects the quality of the soil, changes the high-quality composition, therefore it is not always appropriate. In addition, there are many folk remedies for the relief of the disease and its prevention, which are no less effective.
The most popular folk recipes for the fight against phytoofluoride on potatoes and tomatoes can be found below.
Fitoftoric Fight: Option 1
- Based on breast cancer Prepare a spray solution. To do this, mix the serum and water in proportion 1: 1.
- Perform the treatment from phytoophulas on tomatoes from the beginning of July - define regularity as needed.
- It is allowed to use this tool every day without prejudice to culture.
Fitoftoric Fight: Option 2
- Take 10 liters of water.
- Dilute them with 1 liter of milk with low fatty percentage.
- Add 15 yeod drops.
- Mix well.
- Process tomatoes 1 time in 2 weeks.
Fitoftoric Fight: Option 3
- Dry a large amount of ash - focus on the scale of landing.
- Drink outwards before irrigated, starting from 2 weeks after planting seedlings.
- Repeat the procedure during the appearance of fruits.
Fitoftoric Fight: Option 4
- Take garlic or onions - bulbs, leaves or arrows in a volume of 100 grams.
- Well grind - you can scroll on the meat grinder.
- Fill the resulting mass 1 cup of water.
- Leave for 1 day.
- Perfect.
- Add infusion in 10 liters of water.
- Dissolve 1 g of potassium permanganate powder.
- Process plant 1 every 10-15 days.
Fighting Phytophthora: version 5
- Prepare 1 kg hay or straw - Aspirate just rotting waste.
- Pour 10 liters of water.
- Add 1 handful of urea.
- Mix well and leave for 3-4 days.
- Strain solution.
- Spray 1 tomato infusion every 10-15 days.
Fighting Phytophthora: version 6
- Dissolve 100 g of yeast in 10 liters of water.
- Water the plants as soon as the first signs of Phytophthora.
Fighting Phytophthora: Version 7
- Take the dried fungus tinder.
- Good crush it.
- Pour boiling water in a proportion of 1 to 100 g per liter.
- Wait until the solution has cooled.
- Perfect.
- Spray tomatoes and potatoes, once we noticed the first signs of the disease.
- Repeat this procedure after 2 weeks.
Fighting Phytophthora: Version 8
- Take 150 g of fresh horsetail or 100g dry.
- Pour 1 liter of water.
- Bring to a boil and leave to simmer for another half hour.
- Leave to cool the broth.
- Perfect.
- Dilute the resulting amount of the solution is 5 liters of pure water.
- Spray the plants if there are signs of late blight.
Important! Each of the proposed methods of combating Phytophthora sufficiently effective if adhere proportions of recipes and observe the recommended frequency of crop processing. In the event of a problem, select the method that will be more convenient, considering the fact that it is, of the proposed means you have available at the moment.
Modern means to fight phytophthora on tomatoes and potatoes
If you prefer ready chemical or biological products in order not to get lost among all the modern variety, take a mental note list of the most effective, according to professional gardeners, means (consumption data per 10 liters of water):
- Acrobat MC - 40 g
- Metalaxyl - '80
- Profit EDC Gold - 6 g
- Ditan M-45 - up to '16
- INFINITY - 25 ml.
- Obereg - 2 ml.
- Ekopin - 1 Year
Besides it is also popular for cheaper, but equally effective drugs:
- Alirin;
- Baksis;
- Fitosporin-M;
- Gamair.
Important! Detailed instructions how to apply each of the drugs specified by the manufacturer on the packaging. Before use, be sure to read and follow its recommended proportions. In no case do not raise them on your own - you can do irreparable harm to plants and even yourself!
General rules for using drugs to combat phytoofluoride on potatoes and tomatoes are reduced to the following:
- Distribute the volume of the solution so that 10 m2 is used at least 0.5 liters of the drug.
- To process plants from phytoofluorosis, choose dry and mad weather, preferably in the morning or after sunset.
- With high humidity during permanent rains in the summer, conduct preventive treatment of plants at least 4-5 times a season - orient to frequency of 1 time per 1-1.5 weeks.
- Last time spray crops no later than 20 days before harvesting.
Video review of popular means to combat phytoophluorosis
Now you know all the ways of prevention and treatment of phytoophulas on potatoes and tomatoes, so even if such a problem occurs, you have the right decision. Be careful to your site, carefully take care of the landings and in time treat boring crops - in this case, high-quality and abundant harvest you are guaranteed!