Calculation of the wallpaper on the room: determining the amount of material Wallpaper

During the repair, at the stage of procurement of materials, there is a natural question about how much wallpaper is needed to the room and how to calculate it. With a competent approach, it is not necessary to deal with the problem of the lack of coverage, spend more money for extra rolls and invent the ways, how else to reorganize the wall so that it does not gap emptiness. It is in order to facilitate the task of repair, this article outlines several simple methods and formulas to calculate the wallpaper on the room.
Methods for calculating wallpaper
To date, there are many opinions on how it is more convenient and easier to consider the desired volume of material. Most often, such options are used to calculate the number of rolls:
- online calculator;
- formula using the area of \u200b\u200bthe room;
- counting rolls in the number of material strips.
Important! In order for you not to spend a lot of time at this stage, the maximally simplified schemes of action for calculation are presented below.
Calculation of wallpaper rolls - Option 1
If you decide to consider decorative material with strips, act like this:
- Measure the width and length of the room.
- Calculate its perimeter according to the formula (A + B) * 2, where the letter values \u200b\u200bare measurements from the previous item.
- Measure the width of the door and windows.
- Fold these 2 values \u200b\u200band take away the perimeter of the room.
- Specify on the packaging of the roll width.
- Make calculation according to the formula A: B, where the first figure is the result of the previous solution, the second is the roll width.
- Round the result is the result of the total number of strips for pasting the entire room with wallpaper.
- Specify on the packaging or the seller the length of the roll.
- Measure the height of the ceiling indoor.
- Divide the roll length on the room height rate to get the amount of bands in 1 roll.
- Divide the total number of bands per quantity in 1 roll.
Important! If necessary, round the result in the biggest thing to get a whole number of rolls.
Wallpaper Calculation Table
You can also see the already calculated standard amount of wallpaper flow on the room in the table below. To do this, you will need to independently measure the height of the room and calculate the perimeter of the room.
Calculation of Wallpaper in Square - Option 2
Determine the number of wallpapers for a specific room can be quite accurately precisely using the formula for calculating area. The optimal will be the method in the case when you repair a large room.
To perform the correct calculation, follow the following instructions:
- Measure the length and width of the room.
- Calculate the perimeter according to the formula (A + B) * 2, substituting the figures received in the letter values.
- Measure the height of the ceiling.
- Multimate the number of perimeter and height.
- Find out the area of \u200b\u200ball windows and doors. For this:
- measure the height and width of each element;
- multiply data;
- fold the figures received.
- Take away from the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room the area of \u200b\u200bthe windows + doors.
- Specify the length parameters and the roll width of the selected wallpaper model.
- Multiply these indicators - it will be a coating area in 1 roll.
- Divide the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room on the material area in 1 roll.
Important! Round up to the whole value towards more - the result is the result and the number you need the number of wallpaper rolls for this room.
Calculation of the number of wallpapers on an online calculator
If in mathematics you are not strong and cope with an independent calculation, even with a clear instruction and use of the explosive calculator, it is difficult, or simply no desire to spend at this time, use one of the online calculators on the Internet. Such a service is absolutely free and with properly entered data will allow to obtain an accurate result for a few seconds.
Important! The task is much simplified when using the ready-made calculator online. But still you will have to personally make such measurements of the room:
- Ceiling height.
- Width of the wallpaper.
- Roll length material.
- The length of the room.
- Width of the room.
Additional conditions
Note that all the calculations proposed above are correct when you use a simple material that does not require a special fit in the drawing or your walls are smooth. Otherwise, consider the following recommendations:
- Make a reserve at least 1 roll, if your room has niches, columns, protrusions.
- Add to each roll length at least 25 cm of material, the so-called, rapport, if you have chosen with a large or complex geometric pattern. This gap will be required to dock the pattern.
Calculation of liquid wallpaper
Recently, not only paper, flieslinic and vinyl coatings are constantly in the go. Liquid wallpapers are also popular, the calculation of which is also worth producing well.
In this case, several factors are taken into account:
- the material recommended by the manufacturer - 1 kg can be used on an area of \u200b\u200b3 to 7 m2;
- the selected method of application - manually the flow rate is greater, when using a special pistol sprayer - less;
- the number of hard-to-reach places;
- type of surface - for the ceiling of liquid wallpaper it is necessary more than for walls;
- own skills level - the smaller you have skills in applying liquid wallpapers, the more solution will be required.
To calculate the desired amount of powder, follow these steps:
- Measure the length and height of each wall or ceiling.
- Multiply data on each surface.
- Find the figures received.
- Determine the area of \u200b\u200bwindows and doors.
- Take these data from the total surface area.
- Divide the resulting digit to the manufacturer specified by the manufacturer's consumption of 1 package - the result will be the required number of packs.
Important! Purchase an additional 1-2 packs or minimum 400 grams, if the walls are very uneven, you are not sure about your own professionalism or simply for unforeseen expenses of the material.
What if the wallpaper is not enough?
In the event that you have already purchased the material, and the amount that is available, for the whole room you are clearly not enough, use various ways to correct the situation and completing the repair is the easiest - spend time and buy the missing amount. If it is precisely such a coating model that is not possible:
- alternate wallpapers with plaster or paint;
- leave small gaps between the strips, but so that they are not very noticeable;
- if there is an opportunity, do not wake the walls behind large furniture - they will not be visible anyway;
- leave empty areas and drape their cloth or take it with pictures, if it is appropriate for your chosen interior style.
To not only buy the right number of wallpaper, but also to use them correctly, look at the video master class below. After that, you definitely will not have incomprehensible nuances and all the repair you can finish in the shortest possible time.
Now you know all ways to make the wallpaper counting. Clearly do all measurements and be careful when drawing up the equation. In this case, you will get a sure result and buy the desired amount of material, which will allow you to reduce costs and prevent the occurrence of difficulties with a shortage of coating.