Grill for gazebos with their hands Useful advice

Gazebo in the country - a small architectural form, which gives the area a special charm of country living. It is possible to arrange family tea, lunch, relax with friends and just enjoy the surrounding landscape.
Gazebo in the country
Choosing design arbours, many give preference «air"Not very cumbersome buildings, where free passes air and soft solar light, a deaf walls not limited review of the charms of country life, the kind of onthe surrounding landscape.
Today it is possible to perform such a metal structure, bricks and the like, but a real "lightness" is presented to it decorative wooden lattice. The last act as windows, walls, gives the gazebo special flair.
Decorative lattice gazebo for: principles of arrangement
Grilles from wood for arbors (espalier) — decorative fencing, decorating design. they give construction elegant and attractive appearance, nicely fit into any interior portion.
Mounted decorative trellis is necessary on the frame or the spacer 5 cm from the wall. This gap provides free air circulation, lack of accumulation of excess moisture.
Kinds of wooden lattices for gazebo
- Trench decorative.
- Solid core.
- Wicker.
- Direct decorative.
- Small decorative.
- Swing.
- Round, radiation.
- Crystalline etc.
In that case, if the lattice acts as a support for climbing plants, then it is possible to direct the growth of grape flowers (vertically and horizontally).
How to make a grating for gazebo
To do wood decorative grill for arbours necessary cook frame. Bruschi right parameters joined shipov by, at help joinery glue (or otherwise way). dimensions framework selected individually — she maybe exactly enter v aperture (Do not have gaps) or to be little less (in this case the fastening is carried out on a strong rope). In the latter case trellis looks gracefully allegedly zavisnuv not instant v the air.
As elements can fill lattice act straps, bars trees. However, the second method is almost perfect - no strict geometry hides different roughness and defects. Fasten the bars with screws, nails or for glasses with twine.
As for the frequency of weaves and angle strips, it has a certain value. The important thing - lattice should look the same. First rack fixed in parallel to each other and then transversely.
- it looks best angle of 45 °;
- reiki should immediately procure a certain amount;
- process decorative elements preferably on workpieces stage.
Grill for gazebos with their hands
Material that will be needed:
- finger joints, hammer;
- nails;
- bars of wood (20x40 mm);
- hacksaw;
- self-tapping screw;
- slats of wood (10x20 mm).
- The first thing to do - is to process each element of a special impregnation, paint or varnish (unassembled). Only when all components are dry, you can begin to assemble the structure.
- Going to the frame of the bars. Fixing is performed using finger joints. Angles structure fixed with screws (this ensures their maximum strength).
- Further rods of smaller stuffed seam (edges on the bars). And some of them going to the lattice itself. Installation of seam produced with the preservation of the diamond crossing.
- When the structure is almost ready, two frames overlap each other while maintaining a diagonal pattern slats.
Notes on the lattice device
- The frames should be combined carefully, configuring each size and securely fixing with the help of self-tapping screws.
- If the sleeper is planned to be used as a basis for plants, then rectangular weaving is optimal.
- If the girlfriend is mounted in the opening, closed from all sides, it should not be created on the edge.
- If a wooden grille is installed in the wall panel, then between its half, you can pave a special mosquito net, which will protect you from flies and mosquitoes.
- In some cases, the trellis of wood is mounted on the bottom of the arbor as the base of the cabinet. So the design acquires an interesting view, and the lattice serves as an additional protective screen against the penetration of insects, rodents and other pests.
- If you collect a sleeper from wider planks, you can get a wall suitable for an open arbor. In this case, the grille is fixed directly to the frame, and serves as an integral part of grape pergola.