How to choose electricity meter Useful advice

Most of the firms producing electricity meters gives a guarantee that the device will serve at least 16 years, so the need for its replacement occurs extremely rarely. But then, when it all happens, the consumer who does not own information does not always make a choice correctly. To understand, the device of which kind is suitable for you, you need to get acquainted with its work principle and options for existing models.
Induction counters
Existing electric meters are divided into:
- induction;
- electronic.
Induction devices are mechanical. Their design includes a voltage coil, a current coil and a metal disk. Thanks to the magnetic field emitted by both coils, the disk rotates, leading to the movement of the wheels with numbers. The numbers show how much electricity was spent.
Induction devices possess both advantages and disadvantages. Benefits include a long service life and a low price, and to disadvantages - the assumption of the error in the testimony of at least 2%.
Despite this mechanical instruments are quite popular, because There are for a very long time on the market.
Electronic counters
The principle of operation of the electronic meter is radically different from the above-described model. It does not have a mechanic, and the current goes directly to semiconductors and microcircuits. They even take into account the energy spent. The device is equipped with an electronic scoreboard, which is displayed all information about it.
Advantages of an electronic counter:
- compact size;
- the ability to take into account energy consumption in several tariffs;
- more accurate accounting;
- the presence of an electronic scoreboard;
- easy to take readings.
The disadvantages of this device are a bit, but they are - it is a higher cost and a relatively short service life.
Classification of electric meters
Existing electric meters differ by:
1. Type of the network to which they are connected:
- electricity meter single-phase. Such counters are connected to a two-wire single-phase network. An important parameter is not only the number of wires, but also the overall load on the network. A single-phase device can be used when energy consumption does not exceed 10 square meters. At the exit, it issues 220 V. The counters of this type most often used in residential buildings and apartments. It can be connected to the three-phase network only when each phase accounts for one device, i.e. just three;
- the electricity meter is three-phase. It is connected to a three-phase network. Such devices are used in those places where a large amount of energy is constantly consumed, for example, plants or in common shield apartment houses. In a private house, it makes sense to establish a three-phase meter if the equipment with high power consumption is constantly working, for example, welding machine. The three-phase network produces 380 V and protects the room from electricity surges.
2. By target:
- single-timing electricity meter. Allow you to count in the only rate. Used mainly in everyday life;
- the two-time electricity meter makes it possible to count the energy spent according to two tariffs, such as day and night, and is applied at enterprises and organizations;
- the multi-tariff electricity meter calculates the energy spent across multiple tariffs and can significantly reduce the costs of this article.
3. According to the type of energy they measure: single-phase counters take into account only the active energy passing through them, and the three-phase - active, reactive and direction of flows. It is also necessary to save on large objects.
In addition, saving costs allows the electricity meter magnet. This device either stops, or slows the rotation of the metal disk with the continuing energy flow. Due to this, accounting for its spending or stops, or is not in full. If you have chosen such a counter, you can pay for electricity less than less, but it must be remembered that such actions come a contraction with legislation and in the case of exposure may lead serious fines.
How to choose an electric meter
In new buildings, the electric meter will be necessary. To purchase a counter suitable exactly to you, you need to familiarize yourself with its defined parameters, as well as learn some data on the electrical outlet:
1. To decide how many phases acquire a counter, you need to know the type of electrical outlet where you are going to install it. To determine this, you just need to see what is written on the old meter. If 220/230 B, then buy a single-phase device if 220/380 or 230/400, then - three-phase.
2. The usual counter used in the private house works with a load not exceeding 60 A and with a capacity of 15 kW. If the power grid in terms of characteristics exceeds this indicator, you will need a device with a load of maximum 100 A. These parameters are usually written on the introductory machines of the room.
3. For how many tariffs should be a counter, it is necessary to decide individually. If you want to pay on several rates, you must first find out in the relevant instances, will you be able to provide such an opportunity, and after already acquiring equipment, otherwise it may be useless.
4. Before making choices, you also need to pay attention to the method of fastening the device. It does not affect the work of the meter, only the complexity of installation depends on it. The most common attachment methods are the most common:
- dean Rake. Such mount is used exclusively for electronic devices;
- three screws. Apply for ordinary electrical shields. Used on all indicator and some electronic meters.
5. Some meter models are equipped with additional features, such as the output of information on the display, backlight, counting the testimony, when the voltage is missing, etc. From the availability of these functions, the performance of the meter does not get better, just it is more convenient to use it. They need them or not - to solve you.
6. Before buying a electricity meter, you need to pay attention to its accuracy class. This parameter shows which maximum error when calculating allows this device. On average, devices intended for residential buildings, this indicator is 2%.
A brief overview of the most popular electricity meters
Today, the market exists both imported and domestic appliances. And imported is not necessarily better. Domestic electricity meters, the price of which is significantly lower, is not inferior to their fellows of foreign production. Among them you can select the following:
- stavropol Company Eneromera. The organization owns several plants, both in Russia and in the near abroad. It specializes in the release of high-quality equipment for the energy consumption of all kinds. The cost of devices ranges from 13 to 330 euros;
- counters "Mercury" from the Moscow company "Incoteks". This is a major organization that has production and at home and abroad. It develops and produces a large spectrum of electronic devices, including electricity meters of all types and modifications;
- IZP - Moscow Measuring Instrument Plant. The oldest enterprise, manufacturing electricity meters and radio equipment. In the assortment there are mechanical and electronic models, single and two-phase, single and multitarithic.
In addition to well-known brands, you should ask the firms working in your area, as well as find out what price does the equipment supplying you supplying the electricity. Most likely, she buys it in bulk, thanks to which it can sell it to consumers much cheaper.