Anti-gribrous primer, features and characteristics of the material Building materials

Mold and fungus - our enemies that are capable not only to destroy the house, but also make serious harm to health. To fight them allows primer antihygribkovaya, buying in any construction store.
It's easier when the mold is noticeable on the walls. But very often mold and fungus are hiding behind the layer of thermal insulation and you do not even suspect the reasons for the appearance of asthma or other health disorders. Therefore, it is important to use anti-grapple primer for walls and other surfaces as a means of prophylaxis during repair and finishing works.
What a danger represent fungus and mold
- Mold mushrooms highlight poisonous toxins. Accumulating in the human body, toxins cause a number of hazardous diseases - from lowering immunity to cancer. Mold spores quickly begin to multiply under favorable conditions.
- Anti-gribery primer helps to fight mold and warns her appearance, but the appearance of fungus is a consequence of surface freezing and high humidity, poor ventilation of the room. Therefore, it should be not only to fight with the mold itself, but also to exclude the causes of its occurrence.
- It is necessary to observe the technology in the device of heat and waterproofing.
- When carrying out the repair, examine the premises and find out the possible causes of fungi. The smell of mold in the apartment on the first floor says that you have a bad waterproofing. Sometimes you have to dismantle the wooden floor and arrange a screed. Gray or white spots on the walls and the ceiling indicate that the stoves are poorly covered.
- If the extractor does not work well - set the reason and ensure normal ventilation in wet rooms.
- Do not install the cabinets close to the cold walls.
- Watch out the condition of the sewage. Very often mold appears on wet and leaking pipes.
What is anti-grapple primer
Anti-gribrous primer, the price of which depends on the composition, may be on an acrylic, mineral or alkyd basis. But the main component is fungicides that destroy harmful microorganisms and prevent their appearance. Such primers are often called antiseptic or antibacterial.
The primer is selected depending on the type of surface. There are universal primers, but the greatest effect can be achieved by selecting the primer under the base of the surface.
Universal primers allow you to process concrete, brick, wood, drywall, fastener, surfaces, plated by cement or gypsum solution.
Milkill (Mil Kill) is a deep penetration primer, which is represented as a latex emulsion. The composition includes antimicrobic substance. Suitable for the processing of weakly sprinkling and fine surfaces. It is recommended to apply in 2-3 layers in wet rooms on concrete, brick.
Anti-gribrous primer deep penetration "Acryl Grundierung" Olympic is manufactured on an acrylic basis. He penetrates deep into the surface and reduces its absorbability. It has antibacterial properties.
Conventional anti-grapple primers are used to prevent the appearance of harmful microorganisms. For the processing of already infected surfaces, more concentrated funds are used, which is called "concentrate to destroy fungi and mold". This means is Ceresit CT 99. The concentrate helps fight mold, lichen, fungi, moss. It is environmentally friendly, has the ability to deep penetration and a long action. It can be used for both exterior and internal works. Suitable for concrete processing, brick, plaster. Produced in plastic bottles with a capacity of 1 liters. When preparing for work, the concentrate is divorced by water.
Methods for applying and rules for the use of anti-grapple primer
- Before applying the primer, the surface should be cleaned and dried. Mold is washed off with warm water with the addition of whiteness. The fungus penetrates the stucco, if you got rid of black spots - this does not mean that the fungus is completely destroyed. A good effect gives the processing of posted and brick surfaces by a soldering lamp or a construction hairdryer.
- After cleaning the surface, it is processed to dry and ventilating the room. Bathrooms use heatonvelops and fans. In rooms where there is an opportunity to arrange a draft, open the windows and doors and direct the flow of air from the fan heater to the surface that you want to dry.
- It is impossible to use conventional primer to strengthen loose surfaces before applying anti-grapple primer. Primers when drying, form a film on the surface and the subsequent use of anti-grapple primer will not bring the expected results.
- Works are carried out in a dry room. If it is possible - it is better to carry out such work in the summer. The room is ventilated, the walls are warm, and for health harm less.
- Primer is applied with a brush, roller or spraying. The greatest effect gives the use of a brush with a natural bristle due to the fact that it is possible to process hard-to-reach places.
- When processing the room, observe security measures - use the respirator, rubber gloves and tight clothing.
Wood processing features
- The appearance of a fungus on wood says the appearance of a white fly, which gradually changes its appearance - from a pleasant white gun before the appearance of a gray film. Under the influence of fungus, the tree acquires gray and collapsed over time. In the wood, the fungus very quickly multiplies and for 1 year it is able to destroy the wood. Especially susceptible to the influence of the fungus wood of soft wood, having a low density.
- Clean the infected place - squand the metal brush with a knife. Do not instill sawdust and chips in the garden - they must be burned. Tools rinse with water so as not to transfer the fungus to other sections.
- Next, it is necessary to wash the purified places with detergents with the addition of hydrogen peroxide and let dry. Also in the water you can add vinegar, food soda, copper vigorous.
- Do not allow the use of raw wood to finish the bath, verandas and other rooms with high humidity. Any disease is easier to prevent than cure and get rid of the effects. And the defeat of the tree fungus can be viewed as a disease.
- Dufa - Holzlasur (Germany) is suitable for wood protection. This is a glaze for the impregnation of a tree that provides a tree with biological protection and saves mold and fungus. One liter of the primer is enough for processing 10 m².
- Sadolin Primer - Pinotex Base (Finland) on an alkyd basis and impregnation - Antiseptic Tikkurila - Valtti Color (Finland) have a good effect. The composition includes components that protect against blue and mold and fungus. After drying during the day, a water-repellent film is formed on the surface.