Installation of a wall gas boiler - instruction Climate,Useful advice

Autonomous gas heating is a dream of many residents, both own homes and residents of high-rise buildings. If you live in an apartment or in a private house, then today the most optimal option for the heating of the room in the winter is the gas boiler. It will significantly save a family budget and at the same time will provide the required temperature in the room.
Despite the mass of advantages, the gas boiler is quite difficult to install on its own. You must first place the documentation, select the desired boiler with suitable parameters and install the installation according to all the rules.
About choosing
First of all, when choosing an individual heating boiler, it is necessary to determine its power. For small rooms (apartments), the capacity is chosen on the basis of such indicators: two kilowatts on nine square meters of square, based on the average height of the ceiling.
After this nuance accounts, it is necessary to determine the receipt of hot water. To do this, there are different types of boilers: water heating dual circuit or just for heating the room.
Boilers are two types:
- Single-mounted.
- Double-circuit.
The first are intended exclusively for the heating of the room. The second - cope with two tasks: the heating of the room and serves hot water (replacing hot water supply).
In their own queue, double-circuit boilers are divided into such types:
- boiler with a boiler. Depending on which boiler has a capacity, you can count on a certain stock of hot water. Even with the case when for any reason there will be no gas;
- flowing boiler. It does not have a cumulative tank and when it is turned off from gas, there will be no hot water.
In addition, when choosing a gas boiler, you need to pay attention to the smoke system. Boilers are divided into such types:
- With the "natural" type, when combustion products are derived naturally. Suitable for installation in rooms equipped with a special exhaust system. Such boilers operate according to the principle of burning oxygen from the room, so when installing it is necessary to remember that the room should be equipped with good ventilation.
- Forced traction. In such boilers, the combustion chamber is isolated, and oxygen enters through a special double hole in the pipe: on the one hand, the exhaust gas is derived from the other - the air flows. Such a boiler is the most optimal, since it can be installed in any room, regardless of whether the chimney is in it or not.
By type of installation, the boilers for individual heating are divided into wall and outdoor. Outdoor boilers are designed for the heating of the premises, regardless of their size. They require a separate room to install a gas boiler and proper functioning.
Wall boilers are used for heating small areas. In addition to functionality, boilers have a beautiful design and a wide selection of colors. In order to complete the installation of a wall gas boiler, an additional room, as well as the availability of chimneys, will not be required.
Consider in more detail the principle of operation of a wall gas boiler.
Rules of surface preparation
It is impossible to purchase a gas boiler and install it in the place that you will be comfortable. According to the unified rules for installing gas boilers, it is necessary to consider the following:
- The boiler must be installed in a separate room with a minimum area at least than four squares. The ceiling height should be two meters.
- In the room, which is customized to call the "flue" should be present, and the width of the doorway (and the doors in particular) should be at least 80 centimeters.
- The decoration of premises with combustible materials is not allowed.
- It is necessary to provide in the room the free air flow, for example, through an outstage, which should not be closed.
For wall boilers, there are their own rules:
- The exhaust pipe of the boiler should go through a separate gas - not to be confused with chimney!). Use for these purposes ventilation channels is prohibited, since combustion products, life-threatening person can fall into other premises.
- The horizontal part of the gas plant (its length) should not be greater than three meters and have no more than three angles of rotation.
- The gas duct should be bred vertically and be raised over the "skate" of the roof (the highest point of the fronton). If the roof is flat - raise at least one meter.
- When cooled, combustion products form aggressive chemical exercises, so the chimney must have heat treatment and be made of solid material. The layered, in particular, the use of tubes from asbetic, is prohibited.
Required conditions for installing the boiler
According to the rules for installing a gas boiler in the house, you must perform the following conditions:
- Move the boiler at the height of the lower nozzle, but not lower than the overwhelming sink is over. At the same time, the height from the floor should be 800 millimeters.
- Between the floor and the boiler should be free space. Do not put bricks there and fill out emptiness.
- Under the boiler it is necessary to lay a metal sheet that will not be heated and bore. Leaf dimensions - meter per meter. Asbacement should not be laid, since according to the rules of fire safety, it is considered not durable material: it is erasing.
- The room should not be tanks (planes) in which combustion products will be able to accumulate.
Also, when installing the heating system, it is necessary to adhere to the norms of installing the gas boiler, in particular, such moments, as a slope of the horizontal pipe of the pipe, is allowed to deviate by 5 millimeters per miter meter of the pipe, based on the water current. At the highest point of the heating system, you need to install the tank (expansion capacity) or install the crane. Pressing the pressure of the heating system should be 1.8 atmospheres.
About documents
Before installing the boiler, and even earlier, before the acquisition, it is necessary to check the availability of documents on the gas meter. If it is not installed, then it needs to be purchased, installing and arranged documents in the gas service. Regardless of which boiler you decide to install: Wall-mounted or floor, the presence of a gas meter is necessary.
Have you already purchased the boiler? Now you need to take care of the correct placement of documents: go to the gas service and leave an application for project development and technical conditions. At the technical inspection bureau (BTI), it is necessary to make certain changes to the technical passport of your home or apartment. If the housing is privatized - contact the house management. In addition, if the boiler is installed in a separate room, in the plan should be marked this place and signed "boiler" or "firebox".
The next step is when all documents are ready, proceed to the most responsible stage of work - the installation of the gas boiler with their own hands.
Installing the boiler
Work on the installation of a wall heating boiler is conventionally divided into four stages:
- Installation of the boiler directly on the wall.
- Connecting to the heating system.
- Connecting to the water supply (if necessary).
- Summing up gas.
In order to start work and perform the installation of the heating boiler yourself, it is necessary to prepare the following tools:
- welding machine;
- electric drill;
- perforator;
- building level;
- scissors "for metal";
- keys;
- screwdrivers;
- pencil or marker;
- a little pacle;
- paint;
- construction foam or other insulation material.
Installation of the boiler on the wall
Mounting the boiler on its own is a very responsible job. To install the boiler on the wall correctly, you need to make a mark on the wall with the level and pencil, mark the places of fastening brackets. Next, we work for this plan:
- Using a drill drill holes and install the fastener.
- After installing the fastener, you can install the boiler on the wall and consolidate it thoroughly.
- If the wall has combustible materials (wallpaper, plastic panels, wood), it is necessary to pre-at the installation of the boiler to attach a sheet of heat-resistant material. The ideal option will be the installation of a metal sheet whose width is two millimeters.
- To mount the chimney, it is necessary to drill a hole (this work is considered one of the most time-consuming, so as to drill a thick brick wall, you must make a maximum of effort and work with a perforator).
- Take the pipe to the street, having previously connected it with a boiler with a coupling.
- The resulting gaps in the wall must be carefully fill in the mounting foam. If the hole is located in the ceiling, then the gaps are filled with waterproofing material so that moisture does not penetrate the room.
Connecting to the heating system
To protect the boiler from the garbage, it is desirable to establish a purification filter on the return. When connecting the heating pipes, you need to install cutting cranes that will allow freely to lower the air from the system, as well as carry out the preventive operation of the heating system yourself and at any time.
If you independently performed the installation of pipes of the heating system, then connect the boiler to the pipes will not be much labor.
We connect the boiler to the pipeline on the principle of pipe connection to the boiler. The plumbing pipes differ in diameter, so nozzles must be purchased in advance and the desired inches.
To connect the boiler to the water, you first need to mount the connector, set the cleaner filter and install the cutting faucet. On that pipe that serves as a heat outlet, set the connector and also cutting off the crane.
So that the equipment does not fail, it is necessary to additionally install the pressure reducer to stabilize the pressure jumps in the private water supply.
Connecting the boiler to the gas pipe
Installation of a wall gas boiler, in particular, the last stage of the work is to connect to the gas pipe, perform specialists of the gas service, which have admission and certificate for carrying out this type of work.
When the gas workers will be connected, check the filter to be installed, which will be retaining microparticles and trash in the system.
To seal the threaded compound of the gas pipe with the boiler, it is necessary to use paint and pass. At first, the thread scores well, and after the pacles are wrapped up and again processes well.
It is necessary to know that connecting the gas pipe to the boiler with a conventional flexible hose is strictly prohibited.
If your boiler does not work from gas, but from electricity, then it must be connected to the wiring. If you decide to do it yourself, carefully read the instructions in which the cable connection scheme will be stepped up and indicates.
To protect the operation of equipment from overvoltage, it is necessary to install also fuses and connect the boiler to grounding.
After all the work on the installation of a wall gas boiler will be executed, you must run the boiler to check its operation. The first start of equipment is made in the presence of gas service specialists.
This video will allow you to familiarize yourself with the step-by-step fulfillment of the heating boiler:
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