Skeleton Pool: Tips for selecting and installing Baths, saunas and pools

With the long-awaited advent of warm days there is a desire to escape from the stuffy, dusty city, to break away from jobs and to change the situation radically. days begins to count the output. Hold them in the country or to go fishing? And it is better to go to the sea, soak up the sunshine and swim in the pleasant waters. But, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity, often the necessary financial support and the lack of time play an important role, just to take and plan a vacation. Even those who could undermine off and go on vacation, can upset their unpleasant sea views complete with algae, low temperature due to cold flow or ban bathing sanitary-epidemiological service. And in the end you leave, do not indulge themselves to the full.
Excellent yield for the owners of summer cottages in this case can serve as a frame pool, set right on the site near the manor house. In this article we will tell you about the construction and installation of frame pools, their advantages and disadvantages, and how to care for them.
Types of frame pools
Frame pools are divided into 3 types: seasonal, season and stationary.
Seasonal pools
- The name speaks for itself, they are collected on the eve of the summer season, and at the end of the warm months, the niche is disassembled under the water and leave for storage until next year.
- Such a team-collapsible design is very convenient, but it is designed for a small number of people, mainly for babies and water, it can accommodate up to 7 tons.
- The frame consists of metal material, hollow pipes and connecting elements. The pool itself is a bowl of polyvinyl chloride, it usually consists of three layers.
- Such reservoirs retain the form by filling the tank with water. Establish such a pool does not represent any difficulty, so it can be placed in different places every year, giving residential sites to relax.
- For larger water, there is a seasonal pool with a capacity of up to 20 tons of water. It is strengthened by an additional metal wall that is fixed from the outside of the pool. In this case, the bowl necessarily has a string characteristics of fasteners.
- Such frame pools can be purchased a variety of forms: round, rectangular or square. It all depends on the size of the free plot and the number of people who plan to relax at the same time, and the form and to order can be made.
- The service life of such a basin is approximately 6 to 8 years, the price depends on the manufacturer, the quality and size of the selected artificial reservoir.
All-season frame pools
- Their advantage is that they do not need to be disassembled before the onset of cold weather. Thanks to a metal board, a strengthened frame and a good coating enamel or polymers, he does not threaten frozen water, winter it will survive calmly if it is properly approached to conservation.
- In the case of such a type of basin, it will be enough to move it quite difficult, so you think about the installation well and pick up a place for it.
- The shape of such basins is mostly round or oval. The height reaches up to 1.5 m, but there is a well-known manufacturer in Germany who was able to make a swimming pool of 2 meters high. He will be able to serve about 10-15 years with proper care and prevention.
- The basin is mainly included: installation instructions, a pump with a filter cartridge, a coating on the bottom of the basin, a cincure, a cover and a small staircase.
Stationary pools
- Such artificial reservoirs are set once, they are mostly immediately made in the measure of deeply.
- The framework of the pool consists of sections, they are fixed very firmly and reliably.
- The design itself is different from other types of pools with material and installation style.
Pluses of stationary basins
- The shape of the pool can be diverse, from the usual round to the polygonal.
- The depth of the artificial reservoir in such a type is maximum, which is impossible to afford to itself in other versions of water bodies.
- Multi-level pool height is possible.
- Service life over 15 years.
Minuses of stationary pools
- No dynamic, that is, it is impossible to move, so it is necessary to carefully select a place for its location.
- The price of such a pool will be significantly higher than other types of reservoirs. It is equivalent to the costs of the concrete type pool.
Benefits of frame pools
Frames of seasonal and all-season type are different from inflatable structural strength, the best quality of materials and a long service life. There are some more advantages of frame pools, let's look them in more detail:
- The frame pool looks thoroughly, is a separate full-fledged bathing object.
- Ideally fit into any landscape design of the plot.
- There is a wide variety of forms, so choose in size will not be difficult.
- Installing such a basin is very simple, even an inexperienced one on the shoulders.
- This type has a sufficiently long service life.
- The assembly of the basins of the All-season type occurs once, it perfectly tolerate frosts and is not deformed.
- If you wish, you can move the pool to another suitable place, in the case of a stationary type, this movement is impossible.
- Thanks to the strength of the design, the pool can be deepened in the ground by 1/3.
- The filtration system is not inferior to the system of expensive stationary or other artificial reservoirs.
- According to the characteristics, the life of the premise-collapsible basin is a bit less than inpatient reservoirs, but it is installed much faster without the help of the builder and is the possibility of moving.
Disadvantages of frame pools
- Seasonal type pools must be collected and disassemble every year in the summer season, as it will not stand and crack.
- An additional tuning in the pool (illumination, bubbles, waterfall, etc.) is not possible, as it is difficult to technically perform on the metal trim, so manufacturers do not use such equipment.
- The capacity of seasonal and all-season pools does not provide for a visit to a large number of people in contrast to the stationary.
- The dimensions of small models do not allow fully swimming, they are intended for children, and large stationary pools are not suicide.
How to install the frame pool with your own hands?
In the configuration of the frame basin, manufacturers provide for detailed instructions with step-by-step reservoir assembly, and some even offer a video lesson, how to install and assemble the pool on the plot. So with this work will not arise, we will tell you how to choose and prepare a place under the pool.
- First you need to choose a plot of land where the pool will be located. The ideal option will be if it is gentle and, as it were, on the hill. It is desirable that there are no trees, such as a poplar, fruit-berry plantations, which can often contaminate with reservoirs and clog the filtering system. Plus the open area in the fact that the water will warm up faster, but during swimming you can burn or get a sunnd. Therefore, it is better that the shadow can create evergreen plantings. If you install the pool on the hill, there will be no problems with puddles around the reservoir during bathing.
- Installation of the seasonal and all-season frame and all-season basin does not provide for a deepening in the ground. But if the user has such a need, you need to consult a specialist. First, it is necessary to make a pit for the pool, it should be no more than 1/3 of the part of the pool height. From all sides of the reservoir, the space should remain so that the soil layer does not create pressure on the walls of the pool. It should be well thought about to put under the base of the reservoir or it will be a plate or gravel, filled with concrete. Here it should be borne in mind that the water will warm up much longer due to the cooling capacity of the soil.
- A power supply source must be present near the filtering system. As well as the possibility of emissions of the liquid used, followed by replacement to new, fresh water.
- After you have chosen a plot under the water, you should proceed to the markup of the future frame basin, whether it will be a classic round form or rectangular, etc. It all depends on your preferences and size of the site. To properly make marking for a round pool, you need to drive the peg in the center, to bind a strong thread or fishing line to it. The length of the fishing line should be less than 15 cm diameters of the pool, at the end to tie a chalk or a sharp nail and on the principle of circulating the circle. The entire surface of the circle is necessary to get rid of vegetation, otherwise it swings under the pool, and a characteristic unpleasant smell will be present. To align perfectly soil you need to take a building level to align the walls or a flat board, longer than the diameter of the bowl and the usual water level. Put the board to the surface of the soil, and on top of the level and spend around the circumference of the soil. If there is a hill you need to cut them, but if the recesses, then fall asleep.
- Then the soil fall asleep sand, the layer should be about 1 - 1.5 cm. The sand must be aligned with the same method using the board. Following the layers of bedding under the bottom of the future reservoir, having done a hole in the center for a carriage so that the layers did not slip and found themselves in an outlined place. Thanks to the special bedding, the service life will significantly increase. Geotextile is best suited - this is a waterproof material that performs three fundamental functions: filtering, separation, reinforcement. Next, proceed directly to the installation of the frame basin itself using detailed instructions or video.
A stationary type is suitable for a deep frame of the basin, which is almost impossible to establish without special knowledge and skills, it is necessary to help specialists.
Operating Tips Frame Basin
- As soon as you completed the installation of the pool, do not rush it to immediately fill with water. Check the operation of the cleaning system by connecting it to the power grid to avoid current impact.
- The pump should pull filtering the total volume of water in the reservoir at least once a day.
- It should also be pregnant to disinfect the surface of the bowl. The pump copes mainly with mechanical and biological pollution of water.
- To prevent the process of overgrowing the bowl of pool by algae, it is necessary to apply chemicals.
- We need to monitor the level of pH at least once every 7 days, in case of deviations to align it to the optimum index, suitable for humans. Here, too, we will need more chemical treatment.
- Do not forget that the much neglected pool is expensive and difficult to repair. Proper care and timely disinfection will create favorable conditions for swimming.
Preparing for winter
Preservation of the pool for the winter takes place in several stages:
- Purification pool from contamination with a special vacuum cleaner, with no need to drain the water.
- Processing pond chemicals that will secure pool from algae and insects during the winter period.
- Draining the water to a level of 8 cm and detach the filter of the pump with its accessories.
- To prevent volumetric expansion of the bowl due to water freezing are used so-called equalizers: canisters with water, tires, bottles, half immersed in water. They should fill the entire bottom of the pond.
- Closing mirror pool with a security cover.
Currently, there are a large number of frame pools from different manufacturers. The most popular in the Ukrainian market are the frame pools Intex and Bestway companies that are actively fighting for the lead. They are made in China. Design - is the main difference between the two firms. The price and quality of execution of frame pools are relatively the same. Every manufacturer is trying to entice the consumer to imagine using all sorts of other stuff: extra fabric at the bottom of the ladder, cover the open water body at a time when it no one bathed, net for collecting garbage, etc. Distinguished by its reliability and quality of the carcass pool Intex metal frame pool, but also the price is appropriate.
At the end of the article I would like to say that frame the pool - this is not a cheap pleasure, for which it is necessary to monitor and care for, but the effort will not be in vain, the pond will respond to you in return in full and will faithfully serve the year.