Commercial linoleum - especially laying Floors

Commercial linoleum - floor coating used in areas with intensive human stream. Due to the increased wear resistance it is the best building material, long retains its original appearance.
Features of commercial linoleum
Application area
- Schools, hospitals.
- Conference rooms, offices.
- The corridors of the hotel.
- Cafe, dining rooms.
- Enterprises trade and others.
Characteristics of commercial linoleum
- Linoleum thickness - 2.4 mm.
- Linoleum width - 4.2 meters.
- Protective layer - 0,7-1 mm.
- Weight - 2.8 - 3.2 kg / sq.
- Sound absorption - 6-10 dB.
Advantages of commercial linoleum
- It does not require additional treatment.
- Excellent moisture transfer.
- A protective layer of 0.7 mm.
- Reliable, durable.
- Resistant to deformation.
- It has a smooth surface.
- It contains quartz chips.
- Environmentally friendly.
- Fireproof.
- Under it is possible installation of underfloor heating.
- Easy to clean.
- It has good sound insulation.
- It has a monolithic structure.
- Antistatic.
- Resistant to all types of pollution.
- It has resistance to sliding.
- Resistant to occurrence of dents, etc.
- It has a small selection of colors.
- The high cost.
Types of commercial linoleum
Linoleum, whose price is high enough, it may be of several types.
The heterogeneous (layered)
- compact base and a protective PVC layer provides increased durability of the present building material;
- long retains its appearance;
- it does not require additional costs for care;
- it has a wide range of colors.
Commercial heterogeneous linoleum:
- Tarkett Acczent Terra, Acczent Mistral;
- linoleum acczent mineral sales, Acczent Mineral AS;
- LG Durable, Juteks Global.
Modification of heterogeneous linoleum
- antislip (used in wet areas);
- tokorasseivayuschy;
- conductive;
- antistatic;
- acoustic.
Homogeneous (single)
- as part of the building material contains PVC granules, coloring, lime. A thin polyurethane layer increases the durability of the building material retains the original appearance;
- the service life of more than 25 years;
- it has a uniform layer.
Tarkett commercial linoleum homogeneous:
- Tarkett Aria, Horizon, Eminent;
- Tarkett Granit, Megalit, Toro SC;
- Tarkett Granit SD, Melodia, Primo Plus;
- Tarkett Monolit, Optima.
Homogeneous and heterogeneous linoleum are similar in terms of operating costs, but differ in application. So multi-layer fabric is used in areas where there are high requirements for thermal and sound insulation. Homogeneous - employ at sites with a high probability of mechanical damage to the coating.
Laying of commercial linoleum
rules laying
- Installation of linoleum-tile requires a greater consumption of building materials.
- Number for linoleum flooring ladders determined by the number and size of steps.
- Before laying linoleum need to accepted building material at room temperature, humidity 30-60%.
- You need to take care of the presence of a special tool.
- The floor covering should not close the expansion joint.
- Store rolls should be exclusively in the vertical position.
- When installing, use the building material of one party.
- For laying conductive and antistatic commercial linoleum need to purchase additional material and tools.
- When installing, use the special glue for commercial linoleum.
Preparatory work
- Initially, you need to carefully prepare the ground:
- to align;
- eliminate elevations;
- cracks, dents putty.
- Further process it deep penetration primer (layer 2).
- if the laying of the linoleum is produced on a wooden surface, it should be seized by sheets of chipboard;
- regardless of the structure, the base for installation should be dedicated, dry, even.
Rolling, trimming, linoleum fixation
- In front of the rolling of linoleum, we withstand rolls indoors for about 24 hours.
- Especially the canvas across the area, creating an inlets on the knocks and walls.
- Let the linoleum get sequished.
- Cut the canvas strictly around the corner between the floor and the wall. At the junction of the bands, both layers are cut through a flat line.
- Along the corners of the walls, create vertical cuts to the floor, then hang the resulting languages.
- Cropped canvas half fill in the longitudinal direction. On the released section of the foundation we apply glue.
- The glue is applied by semicircular movements using a toothed spatula, placing the latter at an angle of 30 °.
- After applying the solution, it is necessary to give it to "ripen" 15-30 minutes. As soon as the glue acquires the necessary consistency, the canvas rolling. Do it consistently from the middle.
- The spreaded strip is rolled with rollers weighing from 50-68 kg. Rollers move from the center to the edge, across the strip. Next, the non-glued band is rejected, and similar actions are made.
- After the commercial linoleum is fixed, it is necessary to make trimming around the perimeter. Thanks to this, you will provide a thermal gap of 1-2 mm.
Welding of commercial linoleum
After the polymerization of the fixing composition occurred (there must be about 24 hours), you can begin welding seams. For this, a hot method is applied, in which the polymer cord is fitted with rolls in the seam between the canvas.
- In the fitted junction between the stripes, the groove is cut on 2/3 of the layer thickness with a groove chisel.
- From the resulting groove remove the remnants of building materials using a vacuum cleaner.
- Next, the welding cord is cut down the length of the seam.
- Place it exactly above the groove and felt in a 5 mm nozzle in diameter.
- Then heated the welding machine and, moving the nozzle along the seam, the polymer is fitted.
- Cut the surplus building materials.
- this procedure is created in 2 stages. On the 1st one, part of the non-cooled mass was removed using an arcuate knife, on the 2nd (after complete rejection of the polymer), it is cut into the surface with the surface;
- properly mounted seam isolates the joint from external influence. This is especially important to know when laying heterogeneous linoleum.