Installation of foundation blocks Construction

In construction, one of the main elements for the construction of buildings is the foundation unit. With it, you can create a really durable foundation that will surely serve many dozen years.
The main advantage of concrete slabs is their strength and durability. Indeed, this is the easiest option that can be applied to build relatively large buildings. At the same time, the strength of concrete allows you to withstand the huge loads of the created premises, while having a huge margin of safety. In addition, classic concrete blocks calmly withstand the temperature differences, and the maximum operating temperature can be +50 degrees Celsius, and the minimum -70 degrees.
Well, of course, it should be noted that the foundation blocks are great for the construction of small private houses. It should be borne in mind that with the help of similar products, we can count on the high reliability of the structure. At the same time, the house built on the basis of concrete blocks can quietly withstand various external influences that are often caused by emergency situations.
In this article, we will look at all the main features of concrete blocks, as well as detail in detail the process of installing this product.
Main features of concrete blocks
To date, you can find a huge number of options for foundation blocks. The production of these products is engaged in hundreds of various companies throughout the country. It should be borne in mind that not all the products present in the building materials market are worthy of attention.
It often happens that inexperienced (new on the market) companies offer completely poor-quality products. It's all about violating block production technology. Ultimately, we get products that can have a small porosity, as well as a lot of flaws, including cracks and dents. If at least low damage is detected, it should be discarded to purchase specific blocks.
It is also worth knowing that the quality of concrete blocks offered by various manufacturers often complies with the standard GOST 13015. Moreover, the quality and state of concrete blocks does not depend on weather conditions or from any other factors. Regarding certain issues related to the quality of the concrete product, you can contact consultants.
In addition, it is necessary to understand that concrete blocks should be made exclusively on large industries, where there is everything necessary for the full amount of work. Often you can find on sale concrete blocks of handicraft production. They may even look exactly the same as high-quality products, however, it is not necessary to acquire it. Often, similar concrete blocks have a completely inappropriate composition, which may jeopardize the integrity of the built building.
In order not to become a victim of such purchases, you should request a license or certificate from the manufacturer. Often, large companies value their reputation, so at any situations there are boasted product quality.
The main advantages of concrete blocks
You need to know that every day concrete blocks are used more and more. The thing is that this product is incredibly practical for construction purposes. We are talking about the essential advantages of concrete blocks compared to the monolithic foundation. To create a monolithic basis, a lot of time and effort is necessary. Especially in the event that it is necessary to build a large structure. In addition, you need to use a lot of workers who will be able to spend all these works. And with the help of concrete blocks, you can create a foundation of any sizes. At the same time, it is enough just to transport this product to the destination and make everything necessary to create a high-quality foundation. Given that we do not need to cook concrete from scratch and wait until it grabbies, the process is significantly accelerated. You can make everything necessary to create the foundation of the event and immediately go to the next stage of work.
Moreover, concrete blocks are a fairly low-cost solution for construction. And the more we erect the structure, the more you can save. However, it is not necessary to think that the blocks made of concrete can be used to build any premises. If the scale is very large, then you should refuse this product, as concrete blocks are not too large in size. For the construction of a cottage house or another small room is an excellent choice. You should not forget that you can find blocks of various sizes on sale, which are ideal for specific scale of construction.
You can also find concrete blocks with special holes. This is another advantage of concrete blocks, which allows to carry out various means of communications directly through the foundation. In the process of creating a monolithic foundation, the creation of holes in concrete is a difficult process during which you can encounter numerous problems. In the event that the choice in favor of concrete blocks is made, you should take care of the acquisition of this product with holes in advance, since it is later able to change something very difficult or not at all.
Preparatory work
Before mounting foundation blocks, you need to conduct a number of responsible events. First of all, it is necessary to break the basis of the base axes (right in the bullshit). To do this, we will need to pull the axial cord around the perimeter to fully estimate the scale of work. Next, all the dimensions of the future base occurs, and in places of design points you need to place metal stakes.
The cord itself should be a couple of centimeters further than the edge of the future foundation. It is necessary so that you can easily install the foundation blocks, and at the same time control their position throughout the perimeter.
It is also necessary to take care of both the foundation for creating a foundation. In this case, a sandy pillow is perfect - an inexpensive and effective option for the construction of a durable foundation. In this case, you just need to pour out a certain amount of sand into the torn trench and to dissolve. The thickness of the sandy layer should be up to 10 cm (at least 5 cm). It is necessary to make sand seals, so that no problems have arisen with the establishment of the foundation.
Despite all the above manipulations related to the preparatory work, the situation can change significantly depending on the specific situation. In some cases, it is necessary to increase or decrease the dimensions of the sand pillow. Sometimes only the minimum deepening of the foundation in the soil is required, but such a scenario is envisaged only in cases where there is a need to create a basement. However, the most attention at this stage should be given to the quality of the sand pillow, on which the entire future structure will be based. You should check the density of the created layer several times.
Separately, it should be noted that when using foundation units, the FBS can be based on the positive qualities of special PL Pillows. The essence lies in the fact that such a concrete pillow will significantly increase the supporting ability of the foundation. This is relevant in those frequent cases when a large-scale structure is erected, which should easily cope with colossal loads. However, in most cases there is no need for PL pillows, especially if only a small private house is built.
Installation process of foundation blocks
Before laying concrete blocks, you need to make sure that there are no water or other precipitation throughout the perimeter. With this situation, the installation cannot be started. It is not only unsafe for the future framework of the structure, but also can cause incorrect block installation.
- Installing blocks begins with those places that will perform a peculiar "marking" role. The essence is that on the basis of the blocks already installed around the perimeter, it will be possible to navigate in the future process. Often at this stage there is a block installation at the corners of the future foundation, as well as at the intersection of the walls. With the help of preliminary calculations, you need to make sure that the already installed concrete elements will not interfere with the installation of all other blocks. Of course, the installation occurs with the help of a lifting crane.
- Conditions of already installed blocks take place (cord, serving to accurately determine block installation location). Accordingly, all other blocks are based on the moorings. Often, install several levels of blocks at once. This can be 3-4 layers of the foundation element, it all depends on the specific scales and the need to create a basement. When creating a new masonry, you need to raise the moor. If there is at least a small deviation from the required installation value, you can rectify the situation with a metal scrap. Just just move the necessary concrete element.
- After installing each masonry of concrete blocks, it is necessary to check the horizontal surface level. For this, the level is used. The installation itself is quite simple, however, it is still better to hire specialists who fully analyze the situation in full.
- If it turned out that one (or more) from concrete blocks is not at all as needed, it will have to take advantage of the power of the lifting crane. You should check the installation of each block immediately after the crane placed it on the surface. Between concrete blocks there is a cement solution. The process is a similar brickwork, however, in this case, the scale is essential larger. The thickness of the solution should be 2 cm. In order to high-quality work, it is also possible to moisten the surface of the concrete blocks. Then the grip of cement will occur far faster and better. Cement racing is often carried out with the help of a shovel. The vertical gaps between the blocks also need to be filled with cement mortar.
Nuances during the installation of foundation blocks
Of course, this process has certain difficulties that will probably have to face most builders. Next, we will consider the most common nuances of the building process:
- Most often it turns out that the total length of concrete blocks does not correspond to the perimeter of the base. Accordingly, small (or large) intervals that need to be fill in between the blocks can appear. Often, monolithic inserts are used for this process, as well as special good blocks. It is most important to know that all these aggregates should have the strength of approximately the same as concrete blocks.
- Using Kelma, it will be necessary to remove all excess cement mortar. It should be monitored so that emptiness cannot be formed between the blocks that can cause the low strength of the foundation. Just these excess cement can be used without restrictions to strengthen the weak points of the base.
- It is also worth always attentive to any manipulation, which occurs at the construction site. As already mentioned, the use of concrete blocks is a significant acceleration of the building process. The foundation itself can be erected during a couple of days. However, such a hurry can bring a lot of problems. For example, in some place may not be cement mortar for blocking blocks. Obviously, such problems should be avoided. In any case, should not be very rushing, as a qualitative result is much more important than the fast building building. It is advisable to attract specialists to the work that instantly detect errors in creating a foundation.