Insulation home mineral wool Insulation

To date, it is simply necessary to use various materials for the thermal insulation of the dwelling. Without this, in the winter period, we will suffer not only from low temperatures, but also from significant energy losses. Indeed, ordinary walls are a serious source of heat loss. In some cases, heat loss is achieved by 30-40%. First of all, we are talking about private houses. In winter, the cold wind will be felt about himself, and the disapplied dwelling will be constantly in the cold, even if an effective installation for heating is in the house.
The same applies to those who live in ordinary high-rise buildings. Often, thin concrete slabs are used in construction, which terribly show themselves in winter. Accordingly, even with a small frost in the room it will be very cold.
In this case, we will talk about mineral wool - one of the best means of insulation. Due to its efficiency, the mineral wool preserves warm air even within the huge premises. At the same time, this material is quite inexpensive, which highlights it among dozens of other options. And it is only the vertex of iceberg, since mineral wool has a huge number of advantages that should be known about.
Main features of mineral wool and its dignity
Mineral Wat is the material that can be found in almost any construction store. Accordingly, each buyer has the opportunity to choose the most inexpensive option, you also need to pay attention to the manufacturer of products.
Given that it is the mineral wool that is the most common insulation, most of the analogues have much more negative sides. Accordingly, consider the main advantages of our material:
- Low price. The technology of production of mineral wool is arranged in such a way that in the end we get a fairly inexpensive product. At the same time, he possess high quality, especially if you compare it with many other insulation, which appeared on the market quite recently. Low price also means that if necessary, it is possible to easily replace the material, while not colliding with large financial costs.
- Simple installation. Mineral wool differs from most other insulation by the fact that it can be very easy to equip in the desired area. Often, the beginner builders can easily cope with such work, and if you study the installation technology, it can easily be checked and the real newcomer. Accordingly, even without experience, you can make a full amount of work. In any case, if necessary, everything can be corrected, even though it will have to spend a lot of time. In fact, it is quite difficult to make a mistake in this process.
- High-quality sound insulation. Indeed, mineral wool is a good soundproofing agent. Of course, this option is far from such an effective as specialized construction resources, but in most cases mineral wool quite grabs for sufficient insulation from external noise. This is especially important in cases where we are dealing with a conventional apartment in a panel house where sound insulation is a very important aspect. For high efficiency, mineral wool is often used, and specialized sound-insulation materials simultaneously. However, in most cases, the Minvati layer is enough.
- Parry permeability. This advantage is due to the fact that mineral wool does not block air and moisture. This material freely "breathes", and this, in turn, allows you to confident that indoors (decoration of mineral wool) can be for children, as well as people suffering from various ailments. Minvat provides a full-fledged air exchange.
- Fire safety. Numerous experiments have shown that mineral wool cannot become a source of fire or even small ignition. That is why this material is used not only in ordinary housing, but also in specialized buildings that are in the risk of fire (refueling, industrial enterprises). Also, minvatu can be used in wooden houses. In this case, there are no restrictions.
- Huge range. On sale you can find dozens of different options for this product. Mineral wool can be chosen based on the width of the materials, its lengths, as well as forms. The choice of construction resource depends only on the specific conditions in which the material will be used. On this issue, you need to consult with experts who will give their authoritative assessment.
Disadvantages of mineral wool
Surely there is no such material that would not have flaws. Mineral wool is no exception. It must be said that this material is not so many weaknesses, so the list of flaws should not affect the choice of the optimal insulation.
- Fragility. Indeed, mineral wool is a fairly fragile material to which you need to relate carefully. Any bending of this construction resource can lead it to dissent. In order not to face the troubles associated with the integrity of the material, it is necessary to carefully examine the technology of furnaceing the surfaces of the Ministry of Service. Professionals to this case are suitable, therefore, no unit of material is in recycling.
- Unique material fibers. Mineral wool often has a sufficiently unusual composition, therefore it is necessary to approach the use of material very carefully. Minvati fibers cause scabies and terrible itching, from which it is very difficult to get rid of. Especially bad if part of the material gets on a torso or legs, then you can go crazy from unpleasant sensations. In order not to face similar problems, you need to get mittens, special clothing and respirator.
Mineral wool varieties
You can find several types of mineral wool on sale. Often the characteristics and efficiency of mineral wool are independent of the composition. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the components of the product, since in some cases the composition may be sufficiently specific.
- Glass mineral wool. This material is created from the glass melt. Accordingly, such production of Minvati is based on industrial waste. The main advantage of this material is chemical resistance.
- Slag mineral wool. The domain slag is the basis for creating this type of mineral wool. It must be said that every year such material is used more and more often, it is often associated with a fairly high cost of production of insulation.
- Stone mineral wool. This is a common type of insulating product, which is created based on the melt of rocks. Stone material especially well shows itself in the insulation of large premises.
Use of mineral wool
Mineral wool is used in a wide variety of housing places. Of course, the whole Minvat is used for the exterior decoration of the walls of the house. This is the most effective option that allows you to significantly increase the temperature in the dwelling during the whole winter period. Also often mineral wool serves as the basis for the insulation of horizontal surfaces (floor, ceiling).
At the same time, this material can be safely called universal, since the temperatures in which Minvat demonstrates its effectiveness, simply amaze. Most manufacturers indicate that mineral wool can be insulated for surfaces with a temperature of up to + 650-700 degrees Celsius.
In addition, this construction resource is used for thermal insulation of mounted facades, enclosing structures, industrial equipment.
In the event that mineral wool is needed for too specific work, you should pre-contact the manufacturer and clarify all the information.
Mineral Wool Housing Heavy Process
The process of thermal insulation of any surfaces includes several important stages. It is necessary to accommodate to each step to end up get a decent result. It must be said that in some cases the process may have some features that you definitely need to take care. Accordingly, all the surprises need to be prepared.
- At the very beginning, the surface preparations for finishing. In this case, we will look at the process of insulation of the external walls of the dwelling. If we have wooden walls, you need to arm them with an antiseptic and soak wood. This is necessary so that after a while on the walls of the walls, various microorganisms began to appear. In addition, a variety of areas are very often formed on the tree, which are threatened for the integrity of the material. It can be a rot or a large crack. From all this you need to get rid of. The rot should be cleaned, and the crack fill the construction sealant. Also before insulation, you need to dismantle all the details that may complicate the process.
- Before the layer of mineral wool you need to place a vapor-permeable membrane. Accordingly, such a layer of material must be installed in such a way that its vapor-permeable side is located to the housing wall. Without this film, insulation can simply collapse, or for a long time, gradually lose its effectiveness. Material with membrane easily assigns all water vapors.
- Next, the basis for fastening the insulation is created. For this we need wooden slats. It is advisable to make a choice in favor of some size and quality. Rakes are attached with self-tapping screws. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the step between the slats. Often it is necessary for 2 cm, less than the width of mineral wool. It is necessary so that the insulation is tightly installed in the created framework. However, it is not necessary to assume that this is enough for the fastening of the insulation. Light a little in advance should be said that in this case special fasteners are used, characterized by the high reliability of fixing heavy material.
- Now the main stage of housing insulation takes place. Rolls (or mats) of thermal insulation, as already mentioned, we laid between the slats. The process begins with the bottom of the surface and ends with riding, but only if we are used by the Main Mats. Rolls need to be laid down. If the material is a kind of plates or blocks, you need to use special construction glue. Dowels are used for high-quality attachment. They allow you to hold the material large in volume, while slightly pressing it to the main surface.
- Then you need to create another film layer. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that in the mineral wool from penetrating moisture. Moreover, the film often resists strong wind, which can also cause destruction of the insulating layer. Material is mounted brackets to wooden battens. It is also worth bearing in mind that in this case should not be allowed any shortcomings of the film, because it is fraught with many challenges. In places the fasteners (staples on rail) may be applied to an adhesive tape, which will protect the most vulnerable part of the surface of the ingress of rain or moisture.
- Well, and now, the final stage of work - surface finish. In this case, there are no restrictions. You can arrange the usual wood paneling or plastic slats. It is advisable to do everything in order to access the insulation was as simple as possible. It is also possible to plaster the walls, but in the case of detection of problem areas on the wall would have to completely remove the building material. In this case, plastic or wood panel look much more attractive and practical. Approximately the same occurs installation of mineral wool, and based on any other surfaces.