Heating the greenhouse with their own hands Climate

A greenhouse is needed on any suitoriety. It becomes even more valuable when it is equipped with a heating function. It can be in early spring to grow vegetables, strawberries, greens and seedlings. Some cultures in the heated greenhouse grow even in winter. In such a warm building, you can provide the necessary conditions to grow decorative and tropical plants there. How to independently equip the heating of the greenhouse, we will tell further.
Types of heating the greenhouse
There are several ways of heating equipment in the greenhouse, among them:
- Gas.
- Stove.
- Steam.
- On hot water.
- Heating with electricity.
For example, to make a warm floor, you can build an electrical outline when building a foundation. One of the main advantages of this type of heating is that it is compact and practically does not occupy space. At the same time, it does not only heat the soil, but also the air.
As for heating with the help of a carrier, it has the following drawback. The greenhouse is heated unevenly, and there is no full air circulation. As a result, part of the room warms up too, and in another heat, on the contrary, there is not enough. How to make heating in a greenhouse in this case, so that warming was uniform? Sometimes a fan is installed, but its work can make the air colder. In addition, the use of the fan increases electricity costs.
Sometimes heating the greenhouse and the house is performed adjacent. Before using this method, you need to make sure that the boiler provides the necessary pressure. In addition, it is necessary to calculate the feasibility of such a step. For example, if the greenhouse is built from the house at a distance of 10 meters and more, then you should not use the system for its heating that heats the house. Laying such a system will cost unnecessarily expensive. In addition, it is impossible to forget that the greenhouse will need a continuous heating, especially at night.
How to choose a heating system
The heating system will be chosen correctly if the following important factors take into account:
- Greenhouse size.
- The method of heating a residential building on the site.
- Own financial opportunities.
In addition, it is important to take into account the view of the existing greenhouse. It must correspond to the selected heating system. For example, complex expensive heating systems make no sense to install a small area into the greenhouses. They are suitable for industrial premises.
Only the competent calculation of heating will achieve the rational distribution of heat. To select a suitable heating option, you should consider in more detail each method.
Water heating Teplitsa
Water heating characteristics
This heating can work on gas or electricity. The coolant in this case is hot water flowing through the paved pipes.
Water heating is equipped with a closed pipe system. It occurs in the circulation of the coolant, which after the air will be warm, again goes to the boiler for the next heating. This process is repeated cyclically until the heating is turned off. The following can be attributed to the disadvantages of such a system:
- Pipes warmed very slowly.
- High price.
- The need to constantly monitor the heating process.
The obligatory element of the water heating system is the boiler. If the house is heated with gas, then the most convenient to use gas and for heating the greenhouse.
Water heated in a boiler with a pump is supplied to the greenhouse pipe laid along the walls. They are made from different material, but copper, plastic and steel are most often used. For greenhouses, the second option is suitable, because plastic pipes cheap, lungs and are not subject to rust formation. This is especially true for soil heating.
Installation of water heating
Water heating the greenhouse with their own hands to make everyone. And there are several options for its execution.
The first way:
- You can make a heater based on an old unnecessary fire extinguisher. To do this, its top will need to cut.
- Then the thermal heater of the case is installed on the bottom of the housing, the power of which is approximately 1 kW. It can be taken, for example, from an unnecessary electric belong.
- After that, water flooded into the electrical heater. For convenience at the top there is a removable cover.
- Then, 2 water pipes from the radiator are connected to the fire extinguisher's body using nuts and rubber seals.
- To automate the operation of the heater, a relay designed for 220 volts voltage is used. For example, you can apply the MCU-48 relay. This mechanism allows you to turn off the heating when the temperature of the water is reached a certain level.
The second way:
- The water heater can also be collected from tubular electric heaters and old pipes. More will need an apparatus for electric welding. For the device of the heating system, you need a boiler for 50 liters and an electric heater with a capacity of 2 kilowatts. It works as follows. Water gradually heats up and rises to riser into the expansion tank.
- After that, the heated water enters the pipes, which are laid around the perimeter of the greenhouse. At the same time, they are located with a slight bias.
- As the basis for the boiler, you can take a pipe of a large diameter, to the edge of which the bottom is welded. Electric heaters are connected to the fork by an insulated cord set.
- Then it is necessary to thoroughly chop out all the plane and enclosures connectivity.
- Now you should make an expansion tank, the volume of which must be up to 28-30 liters. It can be done from pipe cutting.
- After that, with both edges, the coupling should be welded. They are needed to connect the boiler and riser.
- A hole is cut in the tank and covered with a lid. It will be used in the further plot of evaporated water.
- Now, from metal pipes, on which a thread is applied in advance, a pipeline is made.
- The boiler body must be grounded. For this, a three-core wire is suitable for at least 500 volts. Two veins of three go to the phases of heaters, and the third on the boiler body. To reduce heat losses in winter, you can use foil layers or other material capable of reflecting heat.
- A solid fuel boiler is usually used as a key heating. It can be arranged both in the greenhouse and in some separate room. If you place it separately, then the fuel can be put in the stove, without going to the greenhouse. But then you will losety warm, which comes from the most worker boiler. Fuel at the same time will need to run twice a day, no more. Fuel consumption in such a heating system is small. In addition, this boiler is distinguished by fireproof, so it can not be controlled during the night.
Infrared heating Teplitz
In this case, 2 types of heat sources are used:
- Infrared lamps.
- Infrared heaters.
It should be noted that electricity is one of the most expensive coolants. Therefore, other types of heating are becoming more popular. These include the PLEN heating system. From its advantages you can allocate:
- High efficiency.
- It is heated only by the soil and plants, the air does not heat up.
- Saving.
The air in this case is heated due to the fact that it is given to heat soil and heated design. The heater does not work constantly, so it is quite economical. It turns on only when it is necessary to maintain the desired temperature. Thus, a thermostat can be installed in the system, with which the specified temperature mode is controlled.
It is also important that infrared radiation absolutely does not harm people and plants. With the help of such heating, you can create climatic conditions and temperature regime for plants, which corresponds to their natural place of gravity. This makes landing very comfortable.
Air heating Teplitz
Air heating characteristics
In this case, the role of the coolant plays air. This system works as follows:
- Air heating occurs between the boiler and the furnace. It is then straightening through the air duct system.
- The soil is heated due to warm air coming from polyethylene perforated sleeves laid out on the perimeter of the greenhouse. This system is able to quickly warm the room, regardless of its area.
From disadvantages, it can be noted that for normal heating, it is necessary to constantly monitor the humidity of the greenhouse. After all, the increase in temperature in the room leads to a rapid decrease in this indicator.
Installation of air heating
To create such heating, do the following:
- Take a segment of a steel tube of diameters of 500-600 millimeters and about 2-2.5 meters long.
- Then one of its end should be introduced into a film greenhouse or a greenhouse, and under the other edge to dilute the fire. His burning should be constantly maintained. This is this method of heating and uncomfortable.
- Due to the fire, the air in the pipe is quickly heated and goes to the greenhouse. The heat will be given to the plants that are grown in it. This is a very easy way of heating.
Heating Greenhouses Firwards
This is one of the budget options. For this purpose, furnaces are suitable, such as Buleryan (Bullerjan), which make it possible to eliminate the need to put firewood at night. Of the advantages of such heating, the following should be noted:
- The room is quickly heated.
- The temperature is maintained at the desired level for a long time.
- Fuel economy.
Solar batteries
For heating, the greenhouses can use solar batteries. The process of the device is as follows:
- First, there is a depth of 130-140 millimeters in the greenhouse.
- It is covered on top of a layer of heat insulator (for example, polystyrene).
- Then from above you need to post coarse-grained wet sand.
- After that, all this is covered with dumped ground.
Due to this method of heating, solar energy accumulates and for a long time maintains a normal temperature in the greenhouse.
Heat heating Gas
Gas heating has one essential advantage - it is more stable in terms of filing. To the arrangement of this type of heating should be approached depending on the current needs. So, in winter, the greenhouse needs to be used for only a few weeks, you can use cylinders, and not carry out expensive pipelines. Only then the room should be well ventilated. After all, the plants are poorly transferred excess hydrocarbon in the air.
In order to eliminate burning waste, you can put a special exhaust device. As a result, oxygen will be supplied in the required quantities to ensure a full combustion process. In addition, due to the presence of an exhaust, the gas will not stand out in the air. For safety reasons, it is recommended to use heating devices equipped with automatic protection, which will immediately work when the gas supply is stopped.
Stove heating
The furnace heating does not require so much expenses as electric. Simple greenhouse furnace can be completely built yourself. And this does not require large financial investments. Consider the principle of device of one of the furnace options:
- Tambour the greenhouse is lined with bricks. At the same time, the chimney is paired along the entire length of the room (including near the beds and racks). It heats the greenhouse, and the carbon monoxide is already outside the other side.
- The stove should not stand close to the torch of the greenhouse. It is recommended that the distance between them is at least 250-270 millimeters. From the bed to the top of the borov must be at least 150 millimeters.
There are other options for furnace heating in the greenhouse. Tell about one of them:
- A barrel is taken with a capacity of about 3 cubes. So that it is not covered with rust, inside it in two layers.
- Then inside it is the holes for the chimney and the stoves.
- After that, the stove is welded and inserted into the prepared barrel. The holes for the expansion barrel and from the bottom for the drain crane are cut on top.
- Now the chimney is derived from the tank. From the outside of the greenhouse, it is put on a pipe height of 6 meters.
- Then on the barrel is installed on top of iron, the expanding tank with a capacity of 20 liters is installed.
- After the profile tube 40x20x1.5 is taken, heating is welded out of it. In order for the soil near the roots, it warmed quite well, the pipes are folded into the ground with a distance between them about 1-1.3 meters.
- Water in the system should circulate. To do this, you need to purchase a pump. Any firewood can be used as fuel.
- The drain valve at the bottom of the tank can be used for both drip irrigation and water drain. Climatic conditions and temperature in this case are monitored remotely using electronic sensors installed in the greenhouse. The temperature itself is visible on the digital scoreboard, which is convenient to set at home.
Combined heating
This method was quite widespread. It allows you to quickly respond to changes in operating conditions. So, for example, when the electricity is disconnected, the heating method changes to another.