What kind of springless mattress is better. Types and characteristics Useful advice

The quality of night rest directly depends on the properly equipped bedroom. A well-selected mattress allows you to make a comfortable position, normalizes well-being and sleep. If you want your mattress to provide optimal support, while not contained metal, creaking springs and emptiness, it is worth looking at high-quality workless products. Currently, they are becoming increasingly popular among buyers - someone like to sleep on a hard basis, others began to take care of their health.
Advantages and disadvantages of springless mattresses
If you prefer a hard or elastic-soft version of the mattress without a specific spring effect, then you will be suitable for a workless product. These types of mattresses meet modern requirements for convenience and comfort, guarantee the correct anatomical position during sleep and will provide a strong healthy sleep. These products are withstanding significant weight loads - more than 110 kg. Orthopedic specialists often recommend springless mattresses for children and adolescents, since the use of a properly selected model of sufficient level of rigidity avoids the curvature of the spine, normalizes the posture and is the effective prevention of disorders of the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. The flavored mattress will help unload the spine during the rest, will save from voltage and pain in osteochondrosis and scoliosis. In addition, such a mattress is convenient in transportation, easily ventilated. It will not creak, waitly spring and bend, the weight of a lying person on it is distributed evenly. Explosive models do not accumulate static electricity, there are no emptiness in them - therefore, they will not collect inside dust.
High-quality flavored mattresses from natural materials, as well as from high-tech synthetic fillers with a memory effect differ in durability and cost enough. In a more affordable price category are polyurethane foam mattresses. The low thermal conductivity of the material can be attributed to their disadvantages - in the summer it is hot on it. In addition, poor-quality synthetic materials may highlight volatile substances, as well as quickly deform.
Types and designs of flawed mattresses
Depending on the design and material of the filler, expectant mattresses are presented soft, medium hardness and tough. It is difficult to definitely answer what kind of springless mattress is better, each view has its advantages and disadvantages.
The following varieties of flawed mattresses are manufactured:
- monolithic - are products consisting of a monoblock of one material. Single-layer mattresses can be folded into a roll, which improves the convenience of transportation;
- puffs - these models consist of several interlayers of materials of approximately the same thickness (up to 3-4 cm) glued together for rigid fixation. The combination of rigid frame slabs and depreciation sucks gives the product sufficient strength, while the softness and elasticity of the surface of the mattress remains. Such products can combine various materials in their design - for example, latex layers, polyurethane foam, coconut coyra;
- mixed - include the basis in the form of a monolithic unit, as well as one or several auxiliary plates of filler, allowing to achieve various effects of stiffness and elasticity of the product, while maintaining the durability and wear resistance of the product.
Fille materials
For the manufacture of flawless mattresses, the following natural materials are used:
- latex - This natural material from rubber tree is characterized by soft and elasticity, as a mattress filler is capable of taking an anatomical shape of the human body, providing reliable support. The larger latex in the filler composition (usually this indicator is from 20 to 90%), the higher the quality of the mattress, as well as its cost. The combined mattress with Latex's layer acquires orthopedic qualities at a reasonable price. The monolithic block from the perforated latex reminds on the touch down the downstream, rapidly restoring its original shape. When using a springless mattress from latex, blood circulation is normalized, muscular corset is effectively relaxing. Orthopedic latex monolithic block contains cylindrical holes of various diameters - to create zones of various rigidity and effective anatomical support;
- coconut Coyra is a durable fiber of a coconut walnut, impregnated to increase the elasticity of latex. This natural material is hypoallergenic, has antiseptic properties, it is distinguished by significant rigidity and wear resistance. Orthopedists recommend the use of flavored mattresses from coconut for children and adolescents - the rigid coir surface is characterized by elasticity and prevents the development of the spinal curvature, and also acts as the prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system. According to the reviews, flaws from the monolith of coconut are the most rigid. Popular enough different combinations of effective complementary layers of latex and coconut - are many, they find its best springless mattresses. Flipping sided mattress, you can use a hard or soft surface to sleep;
- cotton wadding, - used as a cushioning material between the layers, or as a surface for the deck of a mattress;
- wool - has excellent insulating properties may be used as the upper layer of one of the sides of the mattress "winter-summer".
Alternatively, the natural filler mattress following synthetic materials are widely used:
- polyurethane foam - soft and elastic material is hypoallergenic. Mattresses of high quality polyurethane foam durable, are relatively low cost;
- artificial latex - durable synthetic material, characterized by a greater elasticity and rigidity, and reduced weight and more democratic price compared with natural latex. It does not cause allergies, can withstand considerable weight loads;
- hollofayber - soft hypoallergenic polyester filling of the hollow fibers. Moisture-resistant material which does not accumulate dust and odor absorbent;
- materials with memory effect - tech soft and elastic filler, the pressure-sensitive and heat receiving body shape and easily restores its original shape.
Mattress manufacturers use various combinations of materials, which allows combining the benefits of natural and synthetic fillers to achieve various effects of elasticity and stiffness of products. Coconut Coyra in the mattress enhances its rigidity and elasticity, the most rigid flavored mattresses - from the monolith of coconut. Products made of natural latex are soft enough, while due to horizontal perforations differ with orthopedic support.
Features of the selection of a flawed mattress
To determine which springless mattress choose, focus on personal sensations - try to sit down and lie down on different types of mattresses, compare sensations (every person they will be purely subjective), and consider advice advice. The main purpose of the mattress is to maintain the body of a sleeping person.
When analyzing, what kind of springless mattress is better, a number of features should be taken into account, which will depend on the successful of your choice:
- if you periodically feel pain in the lower back, then you need to buy a flawed mattress with sufficient support. If there are problems with the spine, many orthopedic doctors recommend the use of rigid or semi-rigid mattresses;
- for a small child, it is important to choose a well-ventilated mattress - for example, from coconut coir. For older children, you can pick up semi-rigid mattresses - for example, from an artificial latex;
- for elderly people, the use of semi-rigid or soft products is recommended;
- it is necessary that the mattress cover will meet the requirements of hygiene - differed air permeability and did not accumulate moisture. It is fairly easy to operate removable covers with zipper along the entire perimeter.
Pay attention to density and weight, as well as the price of a flawed mattress. The denser of the mattress and harder, the more durable and more convenient in operation. Buy mattresses of famous manufacturers, more expensive by their reputation. Accordingly, the best quality product will be accompanied by a higher cost. Painty the domestic flares of Ascona are quite popular - this product is certified according to world standards. The modern range of orthopedic mattresses of various manufacturers has hundreds of models.
Surveying Tips for Spring Mattress
To provide long-term operation of a threaded mattress, try to comply with the rules for the care of these products:
- with periodicity, several times a year spend dry cleaning of the mattress using a vacuum cleaner;
- once every two or three months, turn the mattress by 180 degrees;
- pollution from the mattress should be removed slightly moistened with a sponge or tissue napkin;
- it is not necessary to dry the product with an iron, a hairdryer or heaters. If you need to dry the mattress, it is preferable to set it in a well-ventilated place, not allowing the long-term exposure to direct sunlight.