Bathroom in a wooden house do it yourself Useful advice

One of the most important stages of the arrangement of a residential building is the equipment in it of the bathroom. Considering that the mode of high humidity can adversely affect the construction of wood, for the house of the bar or logs will need to plan the execution of these works in advance. Thus, the appropriate version of the bathroom device, applying moisture-resistant materials and performing the floorproofing of the floor and the ceiling, can avoid many problems. To further arrange this premises, you will need to choose a suitable beautiful and practical finish.
Features of the arrangement of the bathroom in a wooden house
It is no secret that wooden structures under the influence of high humidity can swell, dispel and breed, are susceptible to the appearance of fungus or mold. Not so long ago, the arrangement of the bathroom in the house built from wood (logs or timber) was a real problem, because the presence of moisture and dampness in it largely reflected on the microclimate of the entire construction. Thanks to the development of modern technologies, any homeowner can arrange a convenient and functional bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands.
If you want to install in a house from a bar or logs a bath, you should consider its considerable weight, on average, about 200 kg (besides, if you fill it with water, it can double). You can protect yourself from possible problems by performing an increase in the designs of a wooden house - in this case, the considerable weight of the bath, filled with water, will not be an excessive load for floors of the building. Given the features of the operation of the wood structures, plan how to make a bathroom in a wooden house, preferably since its construction. Calculated load on overlappings in this case should be increased with a standard up to at least 460 kg / m 2. To do this, it is necessary to use the beams of a larger cross section, as well as lay them with a smaller step. In addition, their level must be lowered at least 0.1 m.
When planning a bathroom device in a wooden house, it should also be considered that it needs to provide a 20-25 cm level in it lower than in neighboring rooms. As a result of the subsequent screed and laying of the tile, the floor level drop smooths.
To equip the bathroom in a wooden house, you need to implement the following stages of work:
- provide a high-quality ventilation system;
- equip the sewer system and drainage;
- perform reliable waterproofing of the room;
- install in the bathroom plumbing;
- finish work.
Careful performance of such work will make it possible to make further operation of the bathroom in a wooden house quite comfortable. Paying proper attention to each of the above stages, it is possible to significantly reduce the need for repair and alterations in the near future.
Liver arrangement
Of particular importance in the wooden house acquires a way of removal from the bathroom. As a rule, the house of the logs or a bar gives a tangible shrinkage. This wood feature should be taken into account when installing the water pipeline. To remove the water, it is necessary to use pipes that are resistant to deformation - for these purposes, plastic is suitable or metalplastic. The pipeline must be fixed with special clips or clamps for plumbing pipes with rubber gaskets. Protect the pipeline from winter frosts, insulation pipes, as well as base base. In addition, to protect the wood in the bathroom from wetting, it will be necessary to equip the drain valve through which the water accumulating on the floor will be outlined.
Experts recommend paying attention to the drain ladder system with a dry shutter, which uses a float of plastic, overlapping the hole after removal of excess moisture. This drain device is optimally suitable for a private house, allowing to protect the tenants from the penetration of unpleasant odors from the sewage. For such a drain equipment, it will be necessary to lay the floor in the bathroom at an angle of 1.5 °.
For the bathroom of a wooden house there are no restrictions on the installation of any plumbing equipment. In this room you can install baths of various sizes, shower cabins, jacuzzi, etc.
Installation of the ventilation system
Regardless of the choice of materials for the decoration, in the bathroom, a wooden house, you need to ensure full-fledged ventilation. To do this, it will be necessary to equip the bathroom with a fairly powerful system of forced ventilation. It should be laid at the attic at home or pave under the suspended ceiling. It is worth considering that in order to fire safety in a wooden house, it is necessary to use non-combustible materials for equipment of ventilation channels, as well as a high-quality fan protected from fire. In addition, the entire ventilation system will be required to equip fire valves. The power of the fan should be selected, based on the bathroom area.
To equip ventilation in the bathroom can be as follows:
- pour two air ducts under the ceiling that ensure air flow and its removal. For this, the pipes should be made from different corners of the bathroom;
- at the ends of them, in accordance with the planned level of the suspended ceiling, the funnels need to be installed. In one of them, after its installation, the fan will be mounted, the other should be made with a decorative lattice.
Waterproofing floor and ceiling with subsequent finish
For the equipment of the bathroom in a house from a tree, it will take waterproofing of the room by creating an effective waterproof barrier. Special attention when planning, how to make a bathroom in a wooden house, the floorproofing of the floor and the ceiling should be given. It is worth considering that before carrying out such work it is necessary to clean and align the treated surface.
To ensure bathroom waterproofing in a wooden house, you can apply runneroid, liquid glass with concrete tie, bulk polymer floors. It should be noted that the waterproofing of the floor and the ceiling in this room must be carried out simultaneously.
You can highlight two main ways of bathroom waterproofing in a wooden house with your own hands:
- application to the surface of the waterproofing mixture, which creates an impermeable film for moisture;
- the surface of the surface of the layer of rolled material protecting against moisture exposure (it should be laid it.
When using a film waterproofing material, it is laid, as a rule, two layers on the floor throughout the perimeter of the room, overlapping the surface of the walls to height at least 0.1-0.2 m.
To make moisture resistance, the surface of the walls from wood should be treated with special antiseptic protective compositions. In the bathroom, a wooden house can be installed mounted ceiling - this design will hide the ventilation system, moreover, it is thus easy to organize a spectacular lighting of the room. As a more affordable option, you can make the ceiling facing with tiles.
For floor-insulation of the floor in the bathroom on the flooring of a tree, you can lay a layer of bitumen mastic and from above the rolled waterproofing material like "Aquaisol". When carrying out work, it should be noted that the waterproofing of the floor of the bathroom is the level of level - it is required that in this room it is below relative to the rest of the premises.
Next, you should lay a layer of insulation (if necessary), the reinforcing grid or the reinforcement frame, to assemble the lighthouses and fulfill the Cement-sandy solution on them.
If the bathroom waterproofing is performed qualitatively and reliable, the final coating of the floor can be made almost any. Most often to lay a bathroom flooring in a wooden house, the following materials are used:
- moisture-resistant varieties of laminate;
- linoleum;
- ceramic or porcelain tile;
- adhesive cork coating;
- moisture-resistant wood.
These works are quite realistic to do independently, while the small errors are unlikely to be noticeable and in any way they will find the beauty of the decoration finishing, in this case, the main thing is to carefully adhere to the work technology.
Wall decoration in the bathroom
When finishing walls from a tree in the bathroom it is worth considering the characteristic features of working with this material. In view of its natural origin, under the influence of temperature differences and humidity, wood is largely susceptible to dry and shrink. In order to avoid possible problems in the form of wall deformation, before carrying out finishing work, it is necessary to establish a crate on them - a false wall is subsequently mounted on it and on top of the facing. To adapt the walls of the bathroom in a wooden house under the subsequent finish is easy with moisture-resistant drywall. False walls constructed from this building material will be suitable for almost any final trim of the bathroom in a wooden house. The exception is the situation, if it is decided to uninstall the walls with a wooden rail - in this case, the facilities will not need to build fake structures.
An independent structure for further finish can be erected on a special sliding frame from a metal profile. It is fixed to the wall with moving connections in the form of vertical grooves with screws inserted into them - with any deformations of the main walls, they are moving exactly, and the lining is preserved in primevarial form. When building, falseland should be observed a gap for ventilation between them and wooden walls.
The bathroom of a wooden house is easy to successfully arrange with the help of a combined wall decoration - in this case, they are faced under the tree, except for the places that need to be protected from water from entering (near the placement of the bathroom, washbasin, etc.) In addition, it is possible to separate the walls with tiles. bottom to a certain level of walls. Selectable materials for facing should consider their moisture resistance, in addition, their resistance to washing with the means of household chemicals should be taken into account, as well as inventing aggressive chemicals. For the design of the walls of this room, any moisture resistant finish is suitable, including ceramic tiles or art mosaic, porcelain stoneware or lining. Wooden walls can also be left in pristine form by treating them with a special impregnation to give wood moisture resistance.
Wooden house owners can issue bathrooms in various styles. The most advantageous for this room are classics, country or provence, artedeco, minimalist and ecosil.
Bathroom in a wooden house - Photo