Storm sewer with their own hands Useful advice

Storm sewage is an integral attribute of the landscaping of the residential area, whether it is an urban street or private ownership. It allows you to solve the problem with the formation of the puddle after the rain and the tanya of the snow. And if, in the case of an asphalt street in the city of trouble, limited only to the shoe shoes, the absence of a lavety in its own site leads to more serious consequences. If the water has now been stroke, it will remain on the surface, eroding the soil, changing its physicochemical properties and causing terrible discomfort. Everything can lead to the fact that the foundation with the house will begin to fall into the ground, and it will not be possible to go in bad weather in the site at all, not to mention the growing vegetables and fruits there. Make a simple, but efficient storm sewer with your own hands is quite real, even if you first encountered such a task.
Device and principle of system operation
Storm sewage is a system of channels and various elements, the task of which consists in collecting, cleaning and mastering precipitation into specially intended for this reservoir or tanks. Livnevka eliminates excess moisture, preventing the erosion of the soil, the destruction of the structures and the death of cultivated plants on the site.
Livnevka consists of standard elements, the number of which may vary depending on the size of the site:
- raid funnels;
- pallets;
- trays;
- chute;
- trays;
- pipes;
- sandochildren (special filters).
All these components are combined into a single kit that functions on point or linear technology. For the location of the sewer channels in the ground, special pipes are used, and for laying them on the surface - plastic, asbestos or concrete gutters. In order for the rain and molten water to drain themselves and as quickly as possible, all water-conductive elements need to be laid down towards the waterborne and the unloading site. The slope of the storm sewage must be at least 2 °.
The storm sewage device should be such that wastewater collecting from the roof and the rest of the zones form a single stream directed to the collector. The work of the landfill begins with rainy funnels, which are installed under the roof drains. Funnels must be in the same plane with a walkway near the house and docile with pipes laid below the level of soil freezing. If the rain period has a hole at thenime, you can immediately direct the drain down. If there are no holes, the knee is connected to the funnel, and then the pipe.
Another knee is attached to the lower end of the pipe, which translates the flow into the horizontal position, but under a slight bias in a pair of degrees. Then the water enters the collector - the tank for runoff from which the storm water is seeps into the soil or rolls out by the pump to another place (reservoir, ravine). At the collector from above, a viewed well of a diameter of 1 m should be installed, so that the lavety can be cleaned from time to time and control the stability of work.
The system where rain-seekers are used is called point, and a lavender with gutters and lattices - linear. These lattices, as in the previous case, are installed under runoff from the roof and simply on the surface near the house, garage, tracks. Drain trays may differ in size and diameters depending on the level of precipitation and the necessary speed of their lead. Simultaneously with the lattice trays in front of the entrance to the tap pipe, filtering sand-trap, the depth of which exceeds the depth of the trays by 2 times. They delay small litter and do not allow the sewage to score.
The drainage system for the assignment of the miserable snow should not be combined with the lavender, otherwise there is a risk to reboot the last during the abundant spring rains. Drainage should be mounted below the soil freezing point, swallowing a wider trench for it, because gravel or crushed stone will be placed there. So the ground and melting water simultaneously with the ground will not be pressed on the sewer pipe, and it will not collapse.
The video below shows the principle of operation of the storm sewage system:
Construction of lightweight sewage
Any construction begins with planning, especially if we are talking about land, where nothing can be done on the eyes. In the process of designing the Livnevka, take into account the average precipitation in your region, as well as the geology of the area. The latter includes the characteristics of the soil and relief. For example, if the house is on the hill, water will quickly drain on their own, and the simplest rave sewage can be needed. For houses in lowlands, you need a serious system with wide trays and good drainage.
Where can I remove the stormwater:
- collector with a drainage well;
- reservoir, ravine or pit;
- septic with the filtering field;
- shared ditch equipped for several private possessions.
When you decided on a water reset point, think about how it (water) will get there. Usually, storm sewers are paveled so that the pipeline or grooves go under a slight bias. But if the bias does not appear possible, it makes sense to take a special pumping equipment. Its power will depend on the volume of water that must be discharged from the site. This factor, in turn, is determined by the amount of precipitation and the total area of \u200b\u200bthe territory, including roofs and waterproof sites.
To construct an effective landing, it is necessary to divide the entire system into two parts: an overhead (roof gutter, paths), underground (water parts). Consider each of them in more detail. The water intake gutters must be installed along the entire roof eaves - water will be flushed in a given direction. The gutter can be purchased at the finished form or do it yourself, cutting the usual tube along the input. For this, asbestos, plastic or steel pipes are suitable. Recently, plastic products are used more often, however, if you live in an area where strong wind is often blowing, there are abundant shower with thunderstorms, it is better to put a strong steel gutter.
The dimensions of the grooves are spelled out in the corresponding SNiP and are determined by an average amount of precipitation in one area or another. To take water from them, you need to install funnels. They must be equipped with a filter grille so that the pipes do not beat.
Useful advice: For the arrangement of a storm sewer system on the pitched roof, use protective caps for funnels, and on a flat roof - grilles.
It is extremely important to ensure the tightness of the junction of the funnel with the roof, which should be bolted first, and then plane waterproofing and deceive with mastic. So that water flows do not swipe at the edges of the funnel use streaming. At the bottom of the raindrop funnel, attach the pipes by which the water will go to rainmakers for storm sewage.
Spot storm sewage
For a point storm system, you will need to establish rain-seekers under the waste pipe at the house. Because these elements must be in the ground with the level of land (the track around the house), then before installing for funnels, it will be necessary to roll out small pitting depths equal to the height of the rain-seeker.
To connect the funnel of the rainry with a drainage pipe, which goes deep away, use the knee. Remember that the pipes for storm sewage must be laid under the tilt towards the collector. The collector itself is better to install at a depth, exceeding the level of primerization of the soil, but if it is impossible, you will have to make high-quality heat and waterproofing for it. Otherwise, in winter, water will freeze, the ice will create pressure inside the collector, and he can crack.
At the top of the collector, the viewing window should be equipped on the surface - a regular well with a opened hatch for maintenance and repair of the system.
Linear sewage
Linear sewer system can be found on the streets of the city. In it, instead of rainy funnels use gutters with lattices in which water flows. These lattices detain large garbage, but this is not enough - before water falls into the waste pipe, it must pass more serious cleaning. For this use sandcloths.
Usually the widest trays with grilles are installed in front of the porch or the inlet door to immediately remove the water and do not carry it into the house. Thicker gutters are stacked around the perimeter of the house to collect water flowing from the scene and garden tracks. The principle of the device and laying a linear system is similar to the point, only the exception that trays for storm sewage are used on the surface for water collection.
When you spent the system from home to the collector, you can proceed to test test. It is very important to do it before the real rain goes to take into account and correct possible errors. To check the operation of the system, pour into each of the rains of the water 1 bucket of water. Leite it slowly and follow the possibility of the whole path of water movement. Make sure that the fluid moves freely and flows in the same volume as he arrived. If the outlet of the water is much smaller, it means somewhere there is a leak. If the test passed successfully, you can fall asleep ditch and go to a well-deserved rest.
Heated system
Usually in winter, there is no need in the storm sewer, but the system should be ready to work with the first thaw. The climate of the middle strip of Russia is such that the temperature on the street during the day and night is very different, for this reason, the sewer should be heated in order to avoid icing and pipes. Solving this problem will help the usual electrical cable, wrapped around the pipe and closed with non-combustible thermal insulation.
The most effective heating is obtained if using a self-regulating cable, which is capable of controlling the heating power depending on the present temperature of the pipe. So you can not only be confident in constant system health, but also rationally use electricity.
Using steel pipes for the construction of the storm sewer, the properties of this material should be taken into account. It is quite natural that over time the steel begins to rust, especially if you do not cover it with anti-corrosion paint. After some time you will come across the need to repair the system. To do this, it is necessary to identify a damaged area and replace it. It is clear that since everything is underground, it will be necessary to completely roll up the pipeline. It is easier to initially spend a little more money and install durable and stainless steel polymer pipes.
It is quite simple to care and maintain the rave sewer sewer. To do this, regularly remove the garbage from the raid lattices and funnels, if necessary, rinse the pipes and trays after heavy rains, change the filters. During operation, all the outlet holes of the pipes and wells of storm sewage should be closed with hatches and dampers. To clean the system, use the pump, to force the thread first in one direction, and then back. First, always clean the well, and then proceed to the maintenance of pipes.
Storm sewage: photo
The arrangement of storm sewer is the case is quite troublesome and serious, so if you own a large plot or the house is in lowland, it is better not to experiment yourself, but to entrust work to specialists. Below in the photo you will see options for designing systems in private possessions:
Lattices for storm sewers: