Solid fuel burning boiler: Tips for choosing, dignity and lack of Climate,Useful advice

The heating of a private house is more optimally carried out with the help of a heating system, rather than with a furnace. The efficiency of boilers and systems based on them are much higher than this indicator in a simple furnace. Also, such a system makes it possible to expand the area of \u200b\u200bthe house with the possibility of heating new rooms. The most optimal heating system for a private house is gas. Gas boilers are distinguished by a high level of automation, ease of use, low levels of gaseous and solid burning waste. However, the situation with the gasification of a large number of settlements and its cost, make owners of private houses look for an alternative to blue fuel. The most optimal in the absence of natural gas is a system based on solid fuel boilers. Modern models of such heating devices allow you to increase the time between the loading of fuel due to the automatic adjustment of the combustion process. This fact makes the use of a solid fuel boiler more attractive.
What kind of solid fuel boilers are, and how to choose them correctly and mounted, then.
What is a solid fuel boiler
The fundamental difference of a solid fuel boiler from the gas or electric is that it is capable of working on solid fuels, such as: wood (wood), wood pellets, pellets from dry straw or grass, stone coal, chip, etc. In a word, in such a boiler you can burn everything that burns.
The most popular models of solid fuel boilers are the installations of long burning. Thanks to their use, the owner does not have to play fuel every 4 hours, which is more convenient than when using conventional solid fuel boilers. Such aggregates are equipped with automatic valves that are able to adjust the intensity of combustion of fuel, due to a decrease or increase in thrust. This makes it possible to adjust the temperature in the room.
Advantages of solid fuel boilers:
- The use of a large spectrum of fuel, which makes it possible to diversify its purchases depending on the prices in the market. If the price of firewood grows, they can be easily replaced by stone coal.
- Long service life. In comparison with gas boilers, which have a high level of automation, the scheme of solid fuel plants is much easier, and therefore their operation is much higher.
- In the absence of forced circulation of the coolant, such a boiler can work without the presence of electricity, which allows it to be used when it is turned off, however, it is worth noting that its efficiency in this case is noticeably declining.
Disadvantages of solid fuel boilers:
- The need for regular physical efforts to load solid fuel and cleaning the boiler from the ash mass.
- The inability to accurately control the temperature regime. Even automatic boilers are quite seriously responded to the change in the temperature mode, which makes the necessary manual adjustment of the coolant supply.
- The need to use high-quality fuel. The higher the boiler automation, the highest quality should be fuel.
- Low low efficiency in comparison with gas or electric boilers. Even the most recent models, this indicator does not exceed 70%.
- Large overall dimensions. In comparison, even with gas boilers, solid fuel are quite large, and there is nothing to say about the electrode. If the gas double-circuit boiler for heating a private house can be easily hanging on the wall, to install a solid fuel boiler you will have to pour a separate foundation.
- The need to build a large chimney. The process of burning solid fuel requires greater traction than when burning gas. Therefore, for a normal process, a rather high chimney is needed, despite the fact that some models of gas boilers can do without it.
- The need to install a separate water heating system. If a double-circuit gas boiler can work as a flowing water heater, the installation of an indirect heating boiler is needed for a solid fuel boiler, which will heat the water using the heating system coolant. This carries additional costs for the installation and the need to highlight the place.
Types of solid fuel boilers of long burning
All solid fuel boilers can be divided into several signs.
By material of the manufacture of boiler firebox on:
- Steel.
- Cast iron.
By type of combustible fuel:
- Wood, designed for burning firewood.
- Coal, burning fuel is anthracite.
- Pellet, intended for burning pellets, which are granules from pressed fuel (chips, cakes or straws).
By download type:
- Boilers with manual loading.
- Boilers automatic download. Such installations can only be used with a bulk fuel type, as a rule, pellets are like such fuels. The cost of this boiler is quite high, and due to the construction of the bunker for filling the fuel, it takes a large number of areas.
According to the fuel combustion scheme:
- Boilers with natural burden.
- Boilers with additional forced tag.
- Pyrolysis boilers. This type of boilers consists of two cameras. In the first fuel, it is slowly burning, highlighting the pyrolysis gas that goes into the second chamber and is surrounded there, increasing the pot efficiency. Such boilers, despite their rather high price, with more than it is justified, as they have a long burning time and low fuel consumption.
By type of heat carrier:
- Copper solid fuel long burning with water contour.
- For air heating.
Selection of solid fuel boiler
Buy a solid fuel boiler for long burning, taking into account the large number of proposals on the market, it's not quite simple.
When choosing a boiler, you need to pay attention to:
- The type of fuel that uses the boiler. It depends on what fuel is most affordable in the region. Naturally, buying an anthracite boiler if there are many forests and there are no coal mines, not logical.
- Room area. Approximate boiler power should be calculated in the proportion of 1 kW at 10 m 2 For a standard brick house with a ceiling height of no more than 3m. For more accurate calculations, it is necessary to take into account the heat loss through the walls, the roof, glazing. When they decrease, the power of the boiler may be less. However, it is necessary to remember that its power is calculated in ideal conditions: the caloric content of fuel, its humidity, normal thrust that is rarely found in reality. Therefore, it is better to take the boiler "With the reserve" of power.
- Various additional boiler options. They can significantly facilitate the process of use, however, it is necessary to weigh their "utility" and the cost.
The best solution to this problem will be entrusted to the decision of professional installers. They will be able to choose the most optimal option of the boiler, depending on the specific requirements, including the buyer's capabilities.
Requirements for the installation of a solid fuel boiler for long burning
To install the equipment of this type, it is necessary to highlight a separate room. The ideal option can be the construction of a small boiler room, in which all the instruments of the heating system will be focused.
The room in which the installation of a solid fuel boiler of long-burning should be:
- Have a concrete screed with a thickness of at least 80 mm. Otherwise, under the weight of the equipment (which also works in high temperatures) concrete will crumble. If the boiler does not have legs, it must be installed on a steel sheet with a thickness of at least 4 mm.
- Have a smooth surface. The equipment must be installed in terms of without distortion, which can negatively affect its operation.
- A visit should be equipped with a supply of electricity, water.
- It must be attended by the express ventilation, which will be the source of oxygen to maintain fuel combustion.
- The area of \u200b\u200bthe room should be at least 7 m 2.
- It must have a place to store the minimum quantity of fuel.
- A visit should be equipped with fire extinguishing and gas analyzer.
When buying a boiler of solid fuel long burning for the house, it is necessary to remember that with a rare exception, it does not include the smoke system, so it is necessary to take care of it in advance.
Full operation of a solid fuel boiler depends on:
- Normal traction.
- Properly installed chimney.
- The magnitudes of the heat loss indoors.
Tips for the installation of a solid fuel boiler for long burning
The installation of the boiler in the home heating system is better to entrust professionals, because it depends not only the right job, but also the safety of people living in the house.
The entire commissioning process can be divided into several stages:
- Preparation of tools and equipment.
- Installing the boiler.
- Binding and its insert in the heating system.
- Install the chimney.
- Run.
Special attention should be paid to the chimney, since the correct operation of the boiler is most dependent on this device.
Chimney should be well isolated, especially the part that goes into the attic
A protective cap is installed on the chimney, as well as a condensate collection.
Mandatory in the chimney should be provided by technological holes for conducting preventive work, since the ferrous fuel combustion on its walls will be postponed.
When installing the boiler, it is necessary to clearly think through the entire system. In the required locations, shut-off cranes are installed so that the boiler can be turned off from the system in case of preventive or emergency work.