Side types, choices Building materials

Siding is one of the most sought-after building materials for the inner and external finishing of houses. Today the market is overflowing with suggestions to buy high-quality and beautiful siding, manufacturers of which promise long years of impeccable exploitation. But, as practice shows, not all of them correspond to the eloquent descriptions. Therefore, before ordering siding, it should be carefully examined by its characteristics so as not to buy a "cat in a bag."
Types of siding
Today, for the manufacture of building materials, a different raw material is used, ranging from iron and stone, ending with waste recycling products. Siding in this regard is also able to please the lovers of diversity. It is made from various materials, thus encompassing the maximum circle of consumers.
Metal Siding
Metal siding panels are made of cold-rolled hot-dip galvanized steel. The thickness of one panel can reach 1 mm, and the width is 55 cm. Polyester, plastisol or pulley are used as a coating. A variety of metal siding paints allows you to create real masterpieces when finishing ordinary residential buildings.
The surface of the panels is also different - curly or smooth. Today, wide smooth panels are very relevant, since they are easiest to be mounted, and the installation can pass, both in the vertical and horizontal position.
Metal siding has a number of advantages in relation to other types of finishes:
- resistance to strong temperature drops (from -50c to + 80c);
- high fire prevention properties;
- resistance to damage to rodents, bacteria and any kind of corrosion;
- environmentally friendly product;
- resistance to mechanical damage;
- convenience in operation (under siding you can raise thermal insulation);
- elementary installation;
- durability (panels can serve over 50 years).
Metal siding is used in the construction of new structures and reconstruction of dilapidated buildings. It is equally in demand in private housing construction, and in the decoration of industrial enterprises and public structures.
Wooden siding
Wooden or Canadian siding is considered the most natural, cozy and desired type of housekeeping. But for obvious reasons, its value exceeds the price of any other type of siding.
The panels are made of compressed wood with the addition of binding polymeric substances that make panels are beautiful, durable and corrosion resistant. These substances are able to give the panel made of ordinary pine, the view of the dear "pioneering" wood and emphasize the natural beauty of the texture.
What you need to know about wooden siding:
- panels possess water-repellent properties;
- siding is not afraid of damage to parasites, insects or rodents;
- high refractory properties;
- low thermal conductivity of the material (perfectly retains heat inside the house).
Disadvantages of wooden siding:
- regular care (cleaning as non-abrasive cleaning agents and soft sponge pollution);
- does not tolerate the use of aggressive chemicals for local cleaning (chlorine, acetone, organic solvents);
- more complex installation of panels.
With proper care, wooden siding will serve you about 25 years and will delight with its natural beauty.
Vinyl siding
Vinyl siding is most popular with external and interior decoration of houses. Unique properties, various types and prices of siding bring it into the first ranks of the most sought-after building materials.
Causes of vinyl siding popularity:
- the lowest cost compared to other types of siding;
- high aesthetic characteristics (a variety of colors allows you to choose a panel for every taste);
- easy installation (even inexperienced man can cope with the installation of siding);
- perfectly retains heat inside the house;
- it is easy to clean (it is enough to pour it with ordinary water from the hose);
- environmentally friendly building materials;
- lifetime for up to 40 years.
Vinyl siding is thin plastic panels up to 1 mm thick. A variety of color palette and textures allows you to choose the appropriate option. Glossy monophonic segments or cozy painting with wood imitation, multi-colored facade or clean white wall - the choice of the widest one.
Useful advice: unfair manufacturers are added to the inner layer of panels production PVC production to reduce the cost of siding. Such panels have different internal and external sides. In high-quality panels, they are almost the same in color, and in the fake inner side of the dirty brown. Naturally, the cost of false panels will be much lower, but it will last such a material for a short time.
Fibro-cement siding
Fiber-cement siding panels are made of compressed cement and fibrocellulose. It is characterized by a characteristic structure resembling wood, and is painted with highly resistant polymer compositions.
Advantages of fibrotent siding:
- relatively low cost;
- high aesthetic characteristics (panels perfectly imitate wood, and the facade of the house looks very beautiful and noble);
- environmentally friendly material;
- high strength and resistance to corrosion;
- resistance to the sharp change in temperature;
- fireproof (combustion system of NG, that is, completely non-combustible);
- simplicity and short installation time;
- good warmth and sound insulation;
- long service life (up to 50 years).
Ground Siding
The base siding panels (photos) are made of polyvinyl chloride, but they are much heavier than vinyl siding, but also the degree of strength of the base panels is much higher. Thickness of one panel from 3 mm.
A variety of textures and colors offers a choice of mass options, ranging from imitation of a natural stone, ending with a facing brick.
The excellent characteristics of the base siding make it more resistant to the aggressive effects of the external environment - it is well withstanding the cold and heat, does not let moisture and is not subject to corrosion. Caring for baseline siding is not required, unless it is possible to periodically wash off the pollution from the hose.
Features of choice
So, you have already familiarized yourself with the peculiarities and characteristics of various types of siding and, perhaps, have already made a choice. But for a more suspended solution, it is necessary to know what to watch when ordering and buying panels, which "pitfalls" can meet when buying and how not to give yourself to fool.
When buying siding, we recommend paying attention to such moments:
- Rate the thickness of the panel - for each type of siding is characterized by their thickness parameters. It is also important that the panel has the same thickness over the entire length. Otherwise, siding over time will be deformed on thinner areas of the panel.
- Color panels - uniform color is also very important. Moreover, the color should be uniform over the entire length and on both sides of the panel. If the facial side is painted evenly, and inside a white "colorless" surface, then the manufacturer saved on the panel and covered with a thin layer of pigment. In this case, it will be unlikely to doubt both the most raw materials, and such panels are unlikely to serve a good and long service.
- The degree of plasticity of panels - one of the main indicators of good siding is moderate flexibility and simultaneous strength. To check, try slightly bend the corner of the panel: if it bends and takes an initial form, then siding can be bought. If the corner immediately breaks - you are trying to slip down the poor-quality goods. Ideally, siding should withstand a few flexions in a row, while not by one crack.
- Inspect the nail holes - their shape and sizes must be the same and located along the level line.
- Inspect the front side of the panel - as for imitation of wood, the drawing in this case should fully satisfy your taste. If we are talking about other color options, then carefully inspect the uniformity of staining along the entire length, the saturation of the color and the surface structure. Good siding has a smooth surface with a pleasant touch, without spots, cracks or solutions.
- Having certificates - if the quality of siding is fully satisfied with you, check the availability of the manufacturer's certificates. The seller must provide a certificate of conformity on your first requirement. Also ask to show the hygienic certificate and fireproof certificate. When examining documents, pay attention to the address of the manufacturer's address.
- Warranty - when buying any building material, the warranty is an indispensable attribute of the transaction. And completely no matter who provides a guarantee - a seller or manufacturer. As a rule, siding manufacturers provide a guarantee of 25-50 years depending on the type of panels. If the warranty period is much less, it is worth thinking about buying such a product, as this indicates that the manufacturer (Seller) himself is not sure as its products.
Siding is a wonderful modern way to make your home warm, cozy and beautiful. A huge variety of textures and colors allows you to invent original combinations and use panels not only as a reliable building material, but also in decorative purposes. Properly selected siding will protect your home from cold, dampness and noise.