Filling the foundation under the fence with your own hands Construction

As is known, each structure has a base with which the high reliability of the structure is ensured. Most people know that the foundation is often erected for homes that create a colossal load on the ground. Despite this, there are many other designs under which a massive and reliable foundation is created.
In this material it will be about the fences, under which it is advisable to create a full foundation. Of course, this is not the grounds that it is customary to use under multi-storey houses, but many of these designs still have.
I would like to note in advance that thanks to a reliable foundation, the erected fence is a reliable fortress, which not only provides full protection against the surrounding world, but also creates a certain design of the landscape.
In the article, we will consider the highlights related to the creation of a qualitative foundation for the fence. Of course, this is a laborious process, since it creates a base around the perimeter during it, and it should not have any flaws. Separately, analyze the main parts related to the durability and reliability of the concrete structure.
The main features of the foundation under the fence
First of all, you need to know that the creation of foundations for massive fences is a prerequisite under which the fence will last for many years. Moreover, in such conditions, we will be sure that the fence will not fall, even if the most unfavorable weather conditions are on the street. Most often, the owners who decided to create a foundation under the fence, aimed to make a kind of fortress from their site. And to some extent this is true, because the fence becomes truly monolithic and eternal.
It is also worth paying attention to the fact that under such conditions the foundation is not so responsible structures as, for example, the base under the house. In this case, we will need only a minimum stable surface for the fence of a certain size, and the rest is no longer much important.
At the same time, the foundation for the fence, as well as the classical base under the structure, may also have an original external component, including decorative. Accordingly, protruding over the soil part of the foundation becomes a truly excellent addition to landscape design, as well as the external design of the site, to which passers-by and neighbors will definitely be paid.
With a proper approach, the foundation for the fence is capable of listening to dozens of years and at the same time absolutely not to lose their initial properties. All this is due to the fact that the fences, most often, create small loads that do not affect the state of the base.
It must be said in advance that the process of creating a foundation is quite a time-consuming work, but it is characterized by simplicity of many other construction events. Thus, with the creation of the base for the fence will be able to cope beginners in construction.
Types of foundations for fences
Despite the fact that the base under the fence should be simple design, builders use as many as 4 types of foundation in certain conditions:
- columnar;
- tape;
- tape-columnar;
- stone.
It must be said that the choice of one or another type of foundation depends on the conditions presented. For example, large supports of the base foundation are advisable to apply under the conditions when the ground is a certain obstacle to construction work. Moreover, not everyone is crazy to create a massive stone foundation, and the base of small supports is quite suitable for a wooden fence.
If the fence is massive, it is advisable to use a ribbon base that can cope with a large weight of the fence, as well as ensure reliable stability of the design.
As for the stone foundation, it is also an excellent basis for most fences (except for mesh and tiled). In addition, this base is durable and durable, it also also fits in almost any landscape design, and also becomes its highlight.
Preliminary work
Before starting the building process, it is necessary to clearly plan each action associated with the creation of the foundation. First of all, it is necessary to assess whether the plot is a suitable area for these works. The fact is that the foundation may not be required for the fence, and the site itself does not always correspond to this decision.
As for directly preliminary measures, the following items should be noted:
- At the very beginning, a full markup of the terrain is created. First of all, the markup is carried out on paper: a sketch is created that allows you to roughly estimate the scale of work and certain difficulties. For example, when creating such a markup, it can be determined that in one or another location of the site is reservoir, which complicates the work. It is at that stage that it is necessary to determine the main problems and immediately get rid of them.
- After that, we need to make full-fledged territory marking. For this we need pegs and rope. According to the previously created sketch, we place the pegs, and between them stretch the rope. Again, and in this process, there are often problem areas that immediately need to be corrected. This, for example, there may be trees or other vegetation that prevents the construction of the foundation. Of course, to immediately cut the tree - this is not an output, as there may be a more practical way to exit this situation.
- Next, when all the features of the site are taken into account, you can proceed directly to construction work, but it is pre-make sure that the soil on which the foundation will be created is not problematic. As in the case of the construction of structures, pumped soil, as well as marsh terrain may not be the best way to reflect on the state of the foundation.
Creating a belt foundation
In most cases, when the owners make a decision to create a foundation for the fence, this type of foundation is used. And all because the belt foundation is created precisely under the massive fence, which should be decorated for the entire territory. Moreover, as we have already spoken, such foundations create a real fortress from the site.
Often the process of erection of a belt foundation under the fence consists of the following steps:
- Creating a trench. At the very beginning, you need to dug a deepening, which will be the basis for a belt foundation. As we have already mentioned, the foundation for the fence is often not designed for large loads, so its dimensions must be relatively compact. The depth of the trench is often 60-80 cm. If the soil is problematic, you can slightly increase the depth. As for the width of the trench, it all depends on the width of the future fence directly. We must choose a fence in advance, and from this information is repelled for further work. Immediately after creating a trench, you need to take care of the sandy pillow. This is a sand layer that canceled compensates and evenly distributes the load on the ground. The thickness of the sandy layer should be only a few centimeters. At the same time, sand must be mixed with water and tamper.
- Reinforcement of the foundation. It is no secret that with the help of reinforcement, the concrete structure becomes almost invulnerable to many external and internal factors. In the process, we will need fittings, the diameter of which should be 10 mm. Laying the metallic product occurs at 5 cm from the bottom of the trench, and for this you need to use special supports. The recess should be at least 7 cm. As for the laying of fittings, as well as the distance between these elements, it all depends directly from the selected construction scale. However, it should be remembered that the rods should be higher than the most concrete structure by 5-10 cm. The attachment of the elements of the reinforcement is advisable to produce with solid wire. At the same time, it makes sense to check the strength of the created structure, since any flaws of reinforcement can turn into substantial deformations of the foundation.
- Creating a formwork. The formwork is a peculiar body for filling concrete. In this case, it makes sense to use boards as the basis of the design. From this material, shields are knocked down and form a box. It should be borne in mind that the foundation will slide a bit over the soil, so the formwork needs to be adjusted with spacers.
- Pouring concrete. The process of fillings is recommended to be carried out in the shortest possible time. As for the mixture itself, it is necessary to use a mixture of cement and career sand (ratio of 1: 4). A certain volume is also added (depending on the scale of the works) of rubble. The mixture should be thick, so you need to ensure that emptiness is not formed in the created design. After this process you need to wait at least three days before starting the construction of the fence.
Erecting a columnar foundation
A columnar foundation is the easiest option to create a reliable fence, but it should be remembered that in this case it will be possible to create a wooden fence, or a fence based on a corrugated floor. However, the main advantage of the columnar base is its stability on problem soils, first of all - on bubbly.
The process of creating a foundation consists of the following steps:
- First of all, the marking of the territory is made. It is necessary to establish where the mounting of the columns will occur (the foundation pillars are most often used, which are deeply screwed into the soil). It is necessary to determine the very places that will be perfect option for the location of the supports. The most suitable step between the pillars is established, which would best fit the idea of \u200b\u200bthe future fence.
- Next, recesses under the poles. For this, of course, you can use specialized techniques, or to carry out all the work. The depth of the pits should be from 100 cm and more (depending on the size of the fence and many other factors). At the bottom of the recesses, a layer of 20 cm is created, which consists of sand and small rubble. Also, this layer should be abundantly moistened with water and high quality it. Of course, every recess, and there will be a lot of them, should have the same dimensions.
- Now it's time to place the pillars in the recesses. However, it is worth checking the verticality of these elements of the future fence. With the help of a plumb (or construction level), the position of each post is adjusted. Sandobeton is filled with space that is available at the ground level.
Here you can also use small supports created from wood, brick or metal pipes. With this scenario, peculiar plugs will also do not interfere, which would prevent ingress of water and snow.
After all the above manipulations, it is safe to carry out the installation of transverse components of the fence. In this case, you can be confident in the strength and high durability of the fence.
Construction of a tape-column foundation
If we are talking about the construction of a ribbon-columnar foundation, such a mixed base is suitable for combined fences, which consist of wood elements, as well as from brick, professional flooring or stone.
Moreover, due to its design, the tape-columnar foundation is a truly durable structure, which is almost impossible to deform even the most severe fences and other structures.
- First of all, the trench turns out, the width of which is 20-25 cm, and its depth is 0.5 m. It is also necessary to ensure the most optimal step for recesses under the poles. Most often, this distance is about 3 m, but it all depends directly from the project, which was asked the owners of the territory. It is important to remember the one rule, in which the depth of the holes under the poles should be slightly lower than the level of the fruit of the soil, and this is approximately 1.5 m.
- As a support, it is advisable to use metal frames (pipes). It is necessary to place a pillar in the pit and pour all this with a layer of concrete. Of course, it is previously necessary to analyze the placement of the supports, since any deviations will negatively affect the overall design. Again, in this matter, we use a construction level or plumb.
- A few days later, when concrete scored a bit of strength, it is necessary to start the next stage - the arrangement of the belt component of the foundation. At the very beginning, it is necessary to create reinforcement, and for this, a certain amount of reinforcement is stacked in the trench. Again, you need to create a formwork, which we talked earlier in this material. Now it is also necessary to create a concrete mix and pour it into the trench. Concrete construction should be slightly higher than the soil level.
Based on the resulting design, as we said, you can easily create this or that fence. Regardless of the specifics of this design, we get a durable and reliable foundation.
Separately, I would like to say that financially tape and columnar foundations are practically analogues, but the second option is preferable to a variety of factors. Well, the most important thing is that by creating a columnar-belt foundation, we can be confident in the stability and durability of any type of fence.
Foundation from stone
Experts note that stone foundation is almost the most reliable solution for the fence. First of all, it should be borne in mind that this base is not suitable for fences from the grid and tiles. Often the stone foundation is created under the fence from the forged elements. It looks all this solid. However, the owners can use a wide variety of fences based on the foundation of stone.
Most often, the creation of a base of stone is a rather laborious process, which is able to conduct experienced people. Thus, beginners in construction work is best to contact the specialists and clarify all issues related to this foundation.
The process of creating a foundation from stone consists of several stages:
- First of all, a trench is created with a small deepening (for several centimeters). The width of such a trench is about 0.5 m, however, depending on the project, this value may be different.
- Now we need the stones themselves. There should be a lot of them, with a wide variety of sizes. The largest stones are stacked directly at the base of the foundation, and then you can alternate. When using too large sizes, it is necessary to use fine products, which in the best way will fill all empties and ensure the reliability of the base. Outside (visible part of the foundation), it is necessary to use as many stones as possible with smooth surfaces. This will make the design really presentable outwardly.
- For connecting stones, it is best to use cement mortar. In many cases, the process occurs on dry, but it becomes obvious that the reliability of such a design may not be the highest. The surface of the foundation should be as smooth as possible, and again, again, the corresponding stones should be used.
In addition, it is worth noting the fact that this foundation is not very deeply located, so any shifts of soil reservoirs, as well as waste water, will not be better reflected in the structure of the structure.
The strength of this option of the foundation under the fence is its appearance. Of course, in this matter, he clearly exceeds the remaining foundations. Despite this, the ribbon foundation can be submitted, which will make this type of foundation attractive outwardly.