Repairing floor screed with your own hands Floors

Old concrete floors are a real problem for residents of thousands of houses around the world. Despite the fact that concrete is a durable material, after dozens of years of exploitation of the floor, the screed starts to lose its basic properties, and then there is a really sad situation. First of all, it makes sense to note that many experts easily restore various concrete surfaces, and for this you do not need too many tools and building materials.
For beginners, the recovery of the screed is also an easy task that often consists of just a few steps. Unfortunately, there are cases when some not quite familiar details appear during the repair of the floor, and then it is necessary to comprehensively analyze the situation and make certain conclusions.
In this article, we consider the most important parts of the floor repair process. We will also analyze all those unexpected moments associated with the restoration of the floor surface, as well as the main reasons that cause them. If you take into account all the information provided, you can safely begin the repair process and be confident in the excellent result. It is worth remembering that the builder always has a chance to fix everything, even if too serious errors are made.
Main features for repairing floor screed
First of all, it should be noted that the defects at the screed can be a huge amount. These very defects arise from different reasons. In more detail, we will look at this question further, but I would like to note that today many people make a decision to resort to the help of specialists immediately after detecting damage to the screed. Accordingly, such services costs the owners quite expensive. In most cases, people do not even suspect that it is possible to correct the situation to correctly, and at the same time spend quite some money.
If the concrete floor is already several decades, and its condition is simply catastrophic, it is best possible to create a screed again than trying to "reanimate" a surface. It may turn out that during the repair work there will be too much strength and money, and it was for these funds that could be held a full creation of a screed. You should also not forget that the first cracks or other defects on the screed mean that gradually the surface of the floor will still lose its strength, and it will be possible to help periodically repair.
Thus, if the scale of repair is too big, perhaps it makes sense to think about the full replacement of the screed.
If you are not sure that certain events will help in restoring the screed, it is necessary to refer to specialists at least for consultation. Most often, professionals in such affairs are capable of identifying the main problems and give a good advice. It will be much better than an empty time of time for certain manipulations. With the help of information from a specialist, we can immediately begin repair work, which certainly will not be useless.
Basic Floor Screed Defects
Obviously, the concrete surfaces of the floor have a wide variety of damage that are formed some time after their creation. Often we are talking about several defects, which make up almost 100% of all cases associated with damage to the floor screeds:
- Cracks and potholes. Often the cause of large cracks is the absence of shrinking seams. In addition, the hosts often, which conduct construction work, use a cement mixture of incorrect consistency. Sometimes the mixture has not the highest quality of the manufacturer's fault, and it should also take note. It is best to give preference to proven manufacturers of this raw material, as well as to specify the specifics of the preparation of concrete in consultants, or directly from the manufacturer. Also, the above damage may occur due to weak reinforcement of the base, and this error often appears during construction.
- Holes on the surface. Unfortunately, small holes on the surface of a concrete screed are very often formed. The main cause of this problem is air bubbles that are formed when pouring the solution. In addition, this trouble arises and in cases where the workers did not have a mandatory surfaces of the surface. From this information it becomes obvious that the problem is hiding precisely in non-compliance with construction work technology. This should be paid attention to first.
- Slashing a screed. If we are talking about flaking a screed, then this means that the workers allowed too serious error. The thing is that peeling is due to the crude surface of the base floor. Accordingly, this event should be carried out first. So that this trouble does not become the main problem, it is necessary to clean the surface several times in order to fully ensure that subsequent works can be carried out without unnecessary caution.
- Dusting surface. It is dusting that is the most common problem associated with the screed. Often, this trouble occurs in industrial or public spaces, where people are moving along the surface all the time. Of course, under such conditions, it is best not to make a choice in favor of a concrete screed as the main surface of the floor. It is advisable to cover the surface with tiles or other material. In addition, the appearance of dust often means the low quality of the concrete mix. If the problem is really in this, then dusting will begin to form just a few months after the start of operation of the screed. If the first signs of dusty manifested themselves, it is necessary to react as soon as possible to this and carry out restoration work. It can be noted in advance that such a surface (if a poor-quality concrete was used) it is better to completely remove and create a screed again. In this case, we will be confident that the surface will be high-quality.
Features of repair work
As we said, it does not always make sense to restore the floor screed. In some cases, it is necessary to simply create a screed from zero. Unfortunately, at first glance, it is necessary to determine whether full-fledged repairs are very hard.
- If cracks or other damage appeared on the screed, which is already several decades, restoration can not be engaged. Here, without hesitation, a complete removal of an old screed and creating a new layer is performed. If you take some action on partial restoration, no effect will give this decision.
- In the event that on the screed, which is created relatively recently, defects are formed, and on the entire surface, restoration work may be too expensive. Therefore, again, it makes sense to pay attention to the full creation of a screed taking into account all the technological features of the process.
It is also worth knowing that often the screed defects can be hidden from the human eye. Such disadvantages are located inside the concrete layer, and it can be detachalled and emptiness. To detect similar defects, you need to catch the surface with a metal rod. If the deaf sound is heard, it is necessary to start repair.
Cramped cracks on the tie
It is small cracks that often are the most serious problem for a concrete screed. Fortunately, if cracks are a bit, this question can be solved very quickly. First of all, we need a hammer, as well as chisel. A small crack must be expanded so that its depth is at least 1 cm. Thus, the crack should have a cone type. After that, it is necessary to clean the deepening so that there are no dust in it (it is advisable to use the vacuum cleaner).
Now the crack must be treated with epoxy primer, which is diluted with solvent. After this layer dries out, the slot is filled with a solution. It is necessary to use a high-quality mixture so that in the future there were no problems with cracks and other screed defects.
After a while, when the mixture has already dried and gained strength, it is possible to grind the surface.
If cracks are located too close to each other, you can safely connect them and after that it is possible to restore the surface.
Separately, I would like to note that the mixture must be thoroughly tamped into the slot, as otherwise, in the future, the problem may again know about yourself.
Deep Cracked Repair Process
Deep cracks on the screed are a more serious problem than small, but they can easily get rid of them.
- To begin with, it is necessary to clean the deepening, as well as armed with a corner machine and handle the crack to a depth of 5 cm. Thus, deep grooves are made.
- Again, we will need a hammer and chisel to get rid of the slot parts of the concrete screed. Also, the crack is a little deepening, after which is covered with epoxy primer.
- Now it's time to apply a solution into cracks. This process is divided into several stages, since the recesses may be too large, and the mixture can be seized not so high quality. Often filling the crack mixture occurs in three stages.
- In the event that the crack is too wide, it is necessary to arm the metal brackets and place them across the defective sites. The metal element will perform the role of reinforcement. It is worth noting that this procedure needs to be done carefully, as massive brackets, if possible, can adversely affect the appearance of the screed surface.
Getting rid of chosel on the screed
If on the surface of the screeds are formed potholes, you should prepare enough serious repair activities.
- To begin with, the site where it is pothole, hesitates at a depth of 2 cm, and for this, the Bulgarian is often used. All concrete before the specified value is simply removed, and the deepening of one level remains.
- Next, the surface must be cleaned and brew. For cleaning, it is best to use sandblasting equipment that will easily eliminate the surface from any contamination and pieces of shakes.
- Now it's time to fully restore the surface. As in the case of large cracks, it is necessary to fill the deepening with a solution in several stages.
Removal of dusty screed
We have already talked about the dusting of the screed is a serious problem. Often, people do not pay attention to this, however, it is safe to say that dustiness gradually leads a screed into a terrible state that can be corrected only to the complete removal and creation of a new layer of concrete.
It should be noted that it is not necessary to carry out any complex manipulations to get rid of dusting, as it is enough just to purchase a special mixture and cover the surface of the screed.
Often on sale you can find a mixture under the names of Ashfort and Elakor. We only need to determine the most optimal mixture according to the characteristics, and in this case it all depends on the loads that act on the screed. For example, if it is an industrial enterprise, it makes sense to acquire high brand products.
Before applying the solution, it is necessary to carefully clean the surface, again, it is desirable to use sandblasting equipment.
Next, with the help of the roller, the corresponding mixture is applied. It should be borne in mind that the success of the event is precisely from the quality of the material. It is worth saying that the above mixtures are not only able to get rid of dust, but also significantly increase the wear resistance of the screed. This is especially true in industrial environments, where transport is moving on the surface, as well as many workers.
Restoration of the screed using injections
Sometimes it happens that the disposal of the screed occurs in conditions when there is simply no free access to voids, but to carry out a full dismantling of a screed - inexpedient. In such conditions, you need to remember the construction syringe for injections.
Using a conventional drill in several areas of the floor, holes (small diameter drill) are drilled. We also need to repair the reduced viscosity to be pouring into the above syringe. Thus, the mixture falls into the holes and is evenly distributed via a detached surface.
In a day, a protective coating is applied to the surface of the screed, and then you can safely operate the surface, while forgetting about the detachals.
It is obvious that this process is quite delicate, so if possible, it is necessary to use the services of specialists who can easily hold the entire amount of work.
Screed alignment process
The horizontal surface is the most important question to pay attention immediately after the mixture is filling. It is often obtained that after creating a screed, some irregularities are detected. While the laminate is not installed on the floor, or another coating, the situation can be corrected.
In this case, we will need a self-leveling mixture.
Before using the above mixture, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the screed, as well as rinse a soda solution several times. In addition, immediately before applying a self-leveling mixture, the floor surface must be moistened.
The mixture must be prepared small in terms of volumes, which are applied to the floor and roll up with a needle roller (sharp elements on the roller remove all air bubbles from the composition).
This process is also quite laborious and responsible, so if possible, a professional should be done. After a couple of days after the events held, the floor can be fully operated.
Replacing tie
Experts argue that the replacement of the screed is only needed if the total area of \u200b\u200bdamage on the surface is more than 30%. To fill a new screed, you need to carefully align the previous one, and for this you do not need to completely remove the old surface.
It is necessary to make a complete stripping and grinding of all the irregularities of the screed, then apply a self-leveling mixture.