Wardrobe mirror in the bathroom: Tips for choosing Useful advice

Modern bathroom can not do without special furniture. This is not just an element of the interior: it is necessary to store wash and cosmetics somewhere, other economic trivia. In addition, the cabinet overhead in the bathroom with a mirror visually increases the volume of the room. In order to put yourself in order, you just need a mirror. Wardrobe for the bathroom: What should it be?
General requirements for bathroom cabinets
Choosing furniture for the bathroom, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors, namely:
- appearance: The design of the lockers should be combined with the overall concept of the interior of the room;
- safety: The cabinet for the bathroom hinged with a mirror should be securely attached to the wall, and the mirror itself - to the cabinet sash;
- resistance to the conditions of high humidity: paint coating should not be stratified;
- quality of fittings: Retractable boxes must freely move on guides, loops - equipped with closers, handles and legs must be metallic, with chrome coated;
- functionality: The furniture should be rationally located in the bathroom, and its departments and shelves - to accommodate the necessary accessories.
Tip: Corner cabinet in the bathroom with a mirror should be at high legs. This will ensure ventilation and simplify the cleaning of the room.
Types of lockers with bathroom mirrors
The mirror cabinet in the bathroom (see below) should be selected taking into account the design features and layout of the interior of the room.
- Mirror Cabinet for a bathroom in the form of a foam (installed on the floor): such a form of furniture saves a place that is important for a small room. The mirror can be height into human height. The inconvenience is that the mirror cannot be above the washbasin.
- Hinged cabinets for the bathroom without a mirror or with a mirror: usually it takes place above the sink. It is convenient: there you can store all the means of hygiene, and they will always be at hand. The option of the cabinet with a mirror is preferable.
- Angular wardrobe with a mirror will allow rational to use the bathroom area. It will take place where it usually cannot be installed.
- Mirror-locker: its design is such that the main part is the mirror attached to the sash. The cabinet with the shelves can be narrow and often installed in a niche.
Some tips for choosing a mirror locker
Before you finally decide what kind of bathroom furniture (cabinet or other mirror), you should find out what requirements it must match.
- Mirror Cabinet for the bathroom with a shelf must be roomy. It is important that the distances between the shelves make it possible to place all the detergents and objects of hygiene. It will be better if the height of the shelves can be adjusted.
- The cabinet for the bathroom can be used as a linen basket. The tank for linen can be made in the form of a roll-out trolley or attached to the box of the box.
- Towels can also be hidden in the cabinets if special dryers will be located inside. It will save from the need to attach additional hooks on the walls of the room.
- It must be taken into account, in which direction the doors will open. They should not create inconvenience and danger to users. In close rooms, the optimal option will be sliding doors or opening up.
- The mirror of the cabinet to the bathroom with illumination will be very convenient for various hygienic procedures.
It should be borne in mind: modern furniture is equipped with heating that prevents fogging mirrors.
Safety requirements for a cabinet with a mirror
Mirrors with a closet for bathrooms must comply with the following safety requirements:
- all the edges of the glasses and mirrors should be with the facial removed or polished, the presence of chips is unacceptable;
- high and narrow lockers should be stable;
- the quality of fittings and opening mechanisms must comply with the conditions of high humidity;
- the attachment of hinged lockers should be reliable.
What made mirror cabinets for the bathroom
Material for furniture in the bathroom must withstand the conditions of high humidity, and also to be combined with other elements of the decoration.
- The locker housing can be made of natural wood. Moisture-resistant belongs and oak. But larger distribution received furniture from chipboard and MDF. It has a moisture-proof plastic coating with moisture protected by edges (using a tape from polychlorvinyl). The appearance of such lockers is not inferior to made of wood.
- Plastic is used as materials for the hull and door. Details are made of various shapes and colors, which allows you to create an original interior in the bathroom. The dignity of plastic is also in a relatively low price.
- Metal chromed frames and stainless steel sheets are also popular. The spectacular appearance of the furniture is well harmonized with the interior in the style of High-tech.
- Glasses and mirrors can be partially matured, with a matte surface forms a complex pattern. The color of the mirror also differs: satin, bronze, graphite, blue shades occurs.
How to hang a cabinet on the wall: phased instruction
Hinged cabinets are three species:
- horizontal;
- vertical;
- corner.
The principal difference in the fastening technology does not exist on the wall. To work, you will need a set of tools and devices:
- roulette;
- building level (Waterpas);
- marker;
- perforator with drills with a diameter of 8-10 mm;
- hammer;
- passatia;
- screwdriver curly.
As a rule, the cabinet is already equipped with hinges for hanging, but anchor bolts, plastic fillers and hooks for hooks should be taken.
In the event that the wall in a bathroom made of concrete or durable bricks, the following should be performed for the cabinet.
- With the help of roulette, the desired top level of fastening of the cabinet is marked.
- A marker on the wall is the mark corresponding to the place of one of the loops.
- The distance between the centers of the faces of the loops is measured and postponed from the first mark. It is important that both holes are on the same level, which is controlled by Waterpas.
- Using the perforator, the holes are drilled to the depth corresponding to the length of the plastic filler. In the event that it is necessary to drill a ceramic tile, the impact mode should be turned off by releasing the perforator lever to the position of a simple drilling. After the tile is drilled, the perforator impact mode can be activated again.
- Plastic fillers are clogged with hammer to the resulting holes.
- Hooks are screwed, for which in the final stage it is necessary to use passages.
- The locker is hung.
Important: choosing a place for a locker, it is necessary to take into account the location of the plumbing devices so that in the future the furniture sash did not create interference. Cables for backlight are paired in advance.
For hanging lockers on the walls of fragile materials (for example, folded from plaster blocks), the hooks with plastic fillers should be replaced with anchor bolts.
Heavy cabinets require fasteners not only in the top, but also at the bottom. To do this, use special support brackets.
Recently, special fasteners and special devices (canopies) are used to hang out cabinets. This method is especially convenient if you need to hang on the wall several lockers at one level. To do this, first fasten the overall fixing bar of the required length. After that, fasteners (canopies) are installed on cabinet enclosures and then flashing furniture.
In conclusion, a video disclosing some nuances arising in the process of hanging the locker.