How to put a laminate for concrete floor Floors

Laying the laminate is still a popular way of flooring device. The advantages of this material are obvious: appearance, successfully imitating natural wood, relatively low cost and practicality. In addition, laminate laying on the concrete floor does not cause difficult times. But, before work, you should familiarize yourself with the main rules and some nuances of installation.
Preparation of the foundation
Concrete base is better than the rest suitable for laying the laminate, but at first it must be checked and prepared as follows.
- Using the rule and construction level, the base is examined: it must be horizontal, and the drops in terms of the level of 1 m long should not exceed 3 mm.
- Significant surface defects are eliminated by an aligning screed. For this, the base is first cleaned from garbage and dust, processed by primer.
- The self-leveling mixture is poured over the concrete base. It is important that the base is absolutely dry. Windows and doors should be closed to avoid drafts.
- Air bubbles in the mixture after the fill are removed using a needle roller.
- After 6-12 hours (depending on the type of mixture), you can proceed to further work.
It should be borne in mind: Laying of laminate on concrete floor with a substrate will make it possible to create a coating with good noise insulation, which is important for inter-storey floors. The thermal insulation quality of the substrate will make the gender of the lower floor more comfortable.
Laying the substrate
Laminate to concrete floor without a substrate is not necessary: \u200b\u200bthe coating should be isolated with heat and noise insulating material.
Distinguish the following types of substrates:
- from natural material (cork);
- from polymer (foamed polyethylene or polystyrene).
Laying the substrate is performed in compliance with the rules.
- The substrate is laid on a dry, clean surface.
- There should be no gaps between adjacent sheets or strips.
- Under the cork substrate, it is necessary to lay a polyethylene film with a thickness of at least 200 microns (for vapor barrier) with a naughty on the wall.
- The lanes and sheets of the substrate are bonded with each other with a wide scotch.
- The laying of two layers of the substrate is allowed, while the bottom layer is allowed to be jammed (at least 200 mm), and the upper one is in the joint.
How to put laminate for concrete floor: technology
There are two ways to connect laminate boards: Besleless and with glue. Methods of connecting laminated boards without the use of glue (using "Click" or "Lock") are greater popularity.
How to raise laminate for concrete floor: Blueless way
Before starting to install, it is necessary to open the laminate packaging and to withstand the floor covering for two days. Material during this time adapts to the microclimate of the room in which it will be operated.
ATTENTION: Purchase flooring should be purchased with a reserve - from 3 to 15% (depending on the installation method).
It is necessary to adhere to the following rules during the installation.
- Redeshes with dents and chips are rejected.
- The first panel should be located a groove to the wall.
- It is recommended to lay the laminate along the direction of propagation of natural light: with this layout of the panels will be less noticeable.
- Between the wall and panels, spacer wedges with a thickness of about 10 mm (compensation clearance) are installed, which can be used to use panels.
- Cutting panels is performed by an electroll bias equipped with a filling with small teeth.
- Start the styling of the second row should be with half of the panel. Each next row should be shifted relative to the previous minimum of 300 mm, the end connections of the skins should not coincide.
- The panels with the lock type "LOCK" are connected by inserting the matented parts in one horizontal plane and picking through the spacer with a wooden hammer.
- Laminate with the "Click" system does not burst: the panels are joined at an angle of 30-40 degrees, and then aligned until it is clicking at the connection site.
- In the place of passing of heating stands in the panels, round holes are done, the diameter of which should be a large diameter of the pipe. The gaps are filled with rubber liners or close with a spacade, selected in color.
- At the end of the installation, the spacer wedges are removed, the gaps are covered with a plinth, and the joints with another floor material in the threshold area are a special profile.
- The floor can be loaded immediately after the end of the installation.
Laminate laying technology on concrete floor with glue: selection of adhesive mixture
Important: Laminate laying technology eliminates the rigid fixation of the boards to the base using self-tapping screws or glue. The substrate under the laminate on the concrete floor and the boards is placed in a floating method.
In some cases, laying of laminate for concrete floor should be made with applying glue on lock connections. The use of glue increases the stability of the laminate to the loads and protects against moisture. This is important when laying outdoor coverage in the corridor or kitchen. Before talking about how to put a laminate for concrete floor, you should state information about the properties of adhesive compositions and the technique of their use.
Distinguish the following types of glue.
- Water-dispersive - universal mixtures, as one of the components of which various additives are used (painting, water-repellent, polyvinyl acetates). Such adhesives can be used at air temperature not lower than 15 ° C.
- Adhesives containing synthetic resins are used to connect panels with a thickness of 14 mm and more. Processing of lock compounds with such glue makes it possible to obtain a monolithic coating.
- Single-component polymer-containing adhesives do not contain solvents and water. They are used for laying laminate to dry and even concrete base. A feature of such adhesives is rapid frozen, which requires immediate removal of surplus during the installation process.
- Adhesives Two-component polyurethane contain polyvinyl acetate, which is connected by the quality of which provide a long service life of the coating. The use of such mixtures does not require primer and special preparation of the ends of the panels.
Important: Aqueous adhesive mixtures cannot be used to connect the laminate boards, as they can lead an outdoor coating.
How to put laminate on the concrete floor with glue: phased instruction
The main rules of installation are similar to what should be respected in a volatile method. Laminate laying technology with glue provides the following procedure.
- Carefully clean the ends of the dust laminate boards: pollution can cause the formation of slots and deterioration of the quality of the adjacent elements.
- Before applying glue, it is necessary to degrease the connection site specifically designed for this tool and handle finely abrasive emery paper.
- The glue is evenly applied to the ends of the panels, after which the dense docking of the laminate boards is performed. The panels are fought with a light tapping of the hammer through the spacer bar.
- Speakers excess glue are immediately removed with a dry cloth. After laying every three rows, a break for 2 hours for grazing glue.
- Putting to each other boards must be withstanding for 15 minutes. Fixation is performed using a special clamp.
- The last row is stacked using the assembly lomka. At the perimeter of the room fasten the plinth, on the threshold and in the places of transition to another type of coating - a special profile.
- The glue must completely dry before the floor will be placed heavy furniture.
Please note: on the base with heating, laminate is impossible to the glue method. The adhesive as a result of the effects of high temperature collapses, and the flooring will be unusable.
How to bed laminate on concrete floor: laying schemes
Features of the room and the general design concept put in front of the choice of one of the following methods of laying laminate:
- along the direction of propagation of sunlight (classic scheme);
- perpendicular to natural light;
- at an angle to light flow.
If you need to visually expand the panel space, it is placed along a short room wall - perpendicular to light stream. The fundamental differences in the installation technology does not exist.
Diagonal laying requires the acquisition of flooring with a large reserve than in the classical method - at least 15% of the total. The diagonal location of the panels create a feeling of greater space.
In conclusion, the story of how to put the laminate on the concrete floor - a video, a clearly demonstrating process.