Installation septic tank Plumbing

In order for in a country house, accommodation was as comfortable as in the city apartment, reliable livelihood systems are needed, in particular, sewage. Septic tank is very popular with country residents and dachens. Buy septic tank simply, but its installation requires certain knowledge. This will be discussed in the article.
Benefits Septic Tank
Advantages of the septic tank are obvious:
- consists of modules, therefore, by calculation, you can choose the optimal performance;
- water cleans very high quality, therefore, the soils are not infected on the site;
- going fast;
- does not consume electricity, because is a completely autonomous system;
- studies are pumped out 1 time in 1-2 years;
- it is not so expensive.
Design septic tank
Septic tank is a durable cast polypropylene tank. Strengthen the walls of the tank ribs. Device septic tank as follows:
- 3 sections equipped with ecoofilters. Join them with each other overflows;
- filtering system that is purchased separately.
Operating principle
The waste disposal is carried out as follows:
- liquid waste from home fall into 1 section. Here they roam, and as a result there is a separation of organic and inorganic parts;
- the inorganic part of the waste is deposited on the bottom;
- the clarified liquid enters the following section, where it is cleared of the remaining solid particles;
- water falls in 3 section - Biofilter, where there is a doctrine;
- water goes to the infiltrator and cleaned by almost 100%.
Modifications Septica
In the trading network, septic tank is represented by several modifications that are indicated by numbers in order of increasing capacity. The choice in favor of a particular model depends on the number of people living in the house constantly or seasonally. Consider at what volume each model is calculated:
- Up to 0.6 cubic meters. M per day passes the tank-1 with compact dimensions of 1x1x1.2 m. Such volume is optimal for permanently residing 2-3 people. And if the family is in a country house only in summer, then Tank-1 will provide up to 7 people.
- Up to 0.8 m cubic meters For 24 hours recycles Tank-2, ensuring comfort of a permanent family of 4 people.
- 1 cubic. M - this volume of effluent is able to skip Tank-2.5. It is worth installing if there are 5 people in the house.
- 1.2 cubes - septic tank with such bandwidth needed if the family consists of 6 people and all of them are permanent residents of the house. Provides this volume of Tank-3.
- 1.8 m cubic meters. Passes a day tank-4. Its purchase is appropriate for a large family to 9 people or for use in conjunction with neighbors. This is the biggest septic tank, the dimensions of its 3800 x 1000 x 1700 mm.
- From 1 to 4 cubic meters. m misses septic tank universal. This is a great option for sewage device for several houses.
- 0.75 m cubic meters. per day - productivity septic tank mini.
- 0.15 cubic meters. M Just a day I miss the septic tank micro. If there are not very often in the country, then more and not necessary.
Installation septic tank
To the tank purchased septic, the instructions for installing it is necessarily attached.
Septic usually establishes a company that it acquires it, but this work is not very difficult, so by buying a septic tank, you are completely able to install it. Installation circuit septic tank as follows:
- Makes a trench from the house to the place allotted for the installation of the septic.
- It rotates for a septic tank, while the septic width is added to another 25 cm on each side, and when the depth count comes from the sum of the height of the septic and the thickness of the pillow. If the groundwater is high, do not do without a cement screed device to strengthen the bottom.
- The pillow is satisfied: in the pit, where the septic tank is located, the sand is poured with a layer of 30 cm and rolls. At the bottom of the battlefield under the infiltrator, gravel is poured, centimeters thick 40.
- It is placed in the pitt tank. At the same time, it is important to observe the uniform gap between the walls of the pit and the container.
- The septic is fixed using belts or sling in the case of a similar arrangement of groundwater.
- Pipes are connected.
- Water poured in the tank.
- The reservoir is covered with a dry mixture, which consists of 1 part of the sand and 5 parts of the cement. Falling asleep at a height of 0.3 m, perform a tamper. Then the next 0.3 m - again rubbing and so to the end. At the same time, it is important that the water level of all the time was centimeters 20 above the backfill, otherwise the walls of the container at best are deformed, and at worst it is cracked.
- Located a layer of insulation on the top of the case.
- The top falls asleep, and only the neck remains on the surface, tightly closed with a lid.
We continue the installation of the septic tank. Infiltrator
In order for water to the soil, it is absolutely purified, it is necessary that it passes through the infiltrator. Its installation technology:
- retreating from the septicity of 1.5 m, arrange the pit in the form of a rectangle;
- on the base, we fall asleep gravel the thickness of the layer of centimeters 40;
- installation infiltrator;
- we connect the septic tube to it;
- mount at the output tube for ventilation;
- cover the design of geocal;
- we warm the infiltrator using isol;
- i fall asleep sand with cement. The proportion is the same as for sweeping septica.
On the installation of the septic tank with infiltrator This video is:
Correct installation and operation of septic tank - a pledge of long service
If the installation of the septicity of the tank is performed with violations of the instruction, then troubles are possible:
- Cracked on the case. They appear precisely because of the errors allowed during installation. Polypropylene walls themselves, although they have a thickness of 1 cm, very durable. For them, you can not only walk, but also jump.
- Unpleasant odor. It will definitely appear if not to install the ventilation pipe or consume a large amount of chlorine or aggressive detergents. This leads to the death of bacteria living in the septic.
- Septica float. If you fall asleep correctly, it will never happen. Septic tank is designed so that it is not necessary to fix it additionally, except for reinsurance. The main document when installing the Septic Tank is an instruction, its exact compliance.
Advice: If in the winter you do not plan to often visit your country possessions, then leave the septic tank is not empty, but filled with a minimum by 30%.
Rules of proper use
The rules are simple, but if they are observed, then uninterrupted operation septic is provided:
- ordered annually an assessing machine. This will not allow the sediment condensed;
- fill in septic tank with water immediately after pumping the sediment;
- add an optional module, if you see that the bandwidth is not enough;
- use special biological products. They will not allow rapid formation of precipitate, and if there is an unpleasant smell, they will eliminate it.
Important: If you have a tank-1 septic tank, and the soil passes the water well, then one infiltrator is sufficient. For more powerful septic, as well as heavy soils, several filtering elements are needed.
Where the septic tank is produced
The septic tank of all modifications produces the manufacturing company Triton Plastic. Products are high quality and reliability, because company:
- uses new foreign and domestic equipment;
- applies progressive technologies;
- it has an international eco-quality sign E3.