Liquid wallpaper with your own hands. Making the mix Wallpaper

A fairly common type of repair work is the decoration of walls and ceilings with liquid wallpaper. In our article, we will tell about how the preparation of liquid wallpapers is done with their own hands.
Distinctive features of the finishing material
Liquid wallpapers consist of three main components:
- natural fiber (cellulose, cotton or silk);
- water-based dye;
- binder material (acrylic dispersion or glue CMC).
As additional components can be applied:
- quartz and marble crumb;
- slyudy gloss;
- colored flocks.
The scope of application of liquid wallpaper is the inside of residential premises. They can be used both in the bedroom or children's room (create an original and cozy design), and in a living room or other spacious room with a home theater (possess excellent noise insulation).
To make liquid wallpaper with your own hands, you will not need too much space. Compared with the usual material, they do not need to cut into pieces and smeared with glue. Yes, and the alignment of the separated surface does not need to be necessary.
With liquid wallpaper it is very pleasant to work. The material does not smell and is quite easy to use. Liquid wallpapers fill all the gaps and joints near:
- room corners;
- floor and ceiling plinths;
- window frame;
- platbands doors.
Liquid wallpaper are easily separated by complex architectural structures:
- arches;
- columns;
- erkers.
With their own hands, the liquid wallpapers presented in the photo can be made in one of two ways:
- purchase a ready-made dry mixture and make a working solution;
- independently make liquid wallpapers from girlfriend.
Preparation of a working solution from the finished mixture
Before starting the manufacture of liquid wallpapers with your own hands, you should prepare dishes. To conveniently stir the solution, the container must be round (there is a container with a diameter of 0.5-0.6 m) and shallow (up to 0.3 m). Due to the fact that liquid wallpaper is easily mixed, and kitchen dishes can be used for their preparation.
Water will need water to prepare the working mixture. Its temperature does not matter to create a qualitative solution. But it is better when the water temperature is within 20-25º. In warm water, it will be pleasant to stir the liquid wallpaper with your hands.
With regard to the number of packets, it is recommended to prepare a solution of 1-2 packages. This is explained by the fact that it will be difficult to stir a large amount of mixture to optimal consistency. Several packages of liquid wallpapers are mixed only when they relate to various parties of goods.
The process of manufacturing liquid wallpaper itself provides for the following actions:
- so that there were no many lumps, the package is shaken with a mixture;
- the contents of the package falls into the cooked container;
- dry mixture is covered 5 liters of water;
- the solution is stirred by hands until a homogeneous mass is obtained;
- the optimal consistency of the solution is obtained with a gradual addition of water into it.
Usually 1 packaging of liquid wallpaper is mixed with 5.5-6 liters of water. By consistency, the working solution must resemble dense cream. It should be noted that too thick the mixture will be hard to apply onto walls or ceiling, and too liquid solution will be drained from the surface.
Some types of liquid wallpapers are left for 7-8 hours. After normal swelling, the finishing material is again thoroughly mixed. If necessary, a small amount of water is added to it.
How to make liquid wicked wallpapers
This finishing material can be made at home. The composition of liquid wallpapers made by their own hands will be included:
- waste paper (paper, cardboard or newspaper);
- water;
- corolor liquid;
- pVA glue;
- gypsum.
The waste paper should not contain glue and other additives that can enter other components into unforeseen reactions. It should also be without metallic elements: brackets, clips and folder, which can cause rusty spots.
It is recommended to use a colorless paper. The perfect option is the use of white stationery.
The technology of manufacturing liquid wallpaper at home provides for the following steps:
- paper cutting;
- rash in plastic capacity;
- coverage of pieces of paper with warm and clean water;
- for 1 kg of paper, it will take 5 liters of water;
- in 2-3 hours there will be a complete twinkling of the paper;
- grinding the solution with a construction mixer;
- there should be a mass similar to the cold semolina;
- gypsum and PVA glue are added to improve adhesion.
In order for liquid wallpaper to give a certain color shade, a purulent liquid is added to them. This is done in this way. First, a small amount of fluid should be added to the wallpaper. The mixture is stirred by a mixer.
If there is no desired shade, the kel is added yet. The solution is also thoroughly mixed. It should be noted that after drying the applied liquid wallpapers, the color will become more pale. Therefore, with the mixture of the mixture, the color intensity should be significantly higher than the planned shades.
If a dry solution turned out, water is added to it. In the manufacture of too wet mixture, you need to wait until excess water evaporates. Even the liquid wallpaper can be added by adding sparkles, mica, mineral crumb, pearl and other components.
Preparation of liquid wallpaper repair
Sometimes you can encounter the fact that in the room decorated with liquid wallpaper, it is necessary to change the wiring. In this case, you will have to remove a certain section of liquid wallpaper. To accomplish this, you will need a spacing, clean water and a wide spatula.
Displaced liquid wallpapers are collected in plastic dishes. After laying the electrical wiring and putty, the strokes and seams, the plot is covered with two layers of primer. The pulverizer is wetted extreme parts of liquid wallpapers on the surface.
To close the plot with electrical wiring, a new solution of liquid wallpaper is prepared. Moreover, the material that was removed from the wall (or ceiling) and placed in plastic dishes. Old wallpaper is bred by water and appear on the surface again.
Video about the preparation of liquid wallpapers with their own hands:
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Re: How to make liquid wicked wallpapers
And you can proportions of PVA and gypsum on 1 kg of paper? And it would be nice and indicate which quadrature the resulting mixture is enough!
thank you in advance!
Add 40 spoons, from under baby food, gypsum. The higher the gypsum brand, the faster the wallpaper is seized. PVA glue. 2 Bubble in 100 ml. Save day.
Please indicate the proportion of gypsum and pva ???
what quadrature is enough portion
Hello, tell me the liquid wallpaper can be skurt after drying to protect?
Please tell me how much gypsum and plow glue on 1 kg of paper ???