Drill for a perforator: characteristics and rules of choice Instruments

The need for a perforator when performing repair work occurs often. And living in the house built from the panels, without a perforator, can not do at all. But even a good perforator, it is difficult to perform a good job if the consumable material is unsuccessfully selected, for example, a borough. How to choose a bur for a perforator, now consider.
The main characteristics of the borax
Visually drill and drill similar, so inexperienced man should pay attention to some differences.
Than the car differs from the drill
The car is the same drill, but:
- You will not insert it into the drill because of one small feature: the shank is with a groove. Therefore, even if it turns out somehow clamping the boring in the cartridge, it will not be vertically.
- Drill, compared to the drill, tougher, because Has a double spiral and winning (VK8) tip. This tool freely drills reinforced concrete and not bend.
- In the work of the car is more productive, because The drilling process combines with a blow.
See how the bur for the perforator looks like, the photo below:
Types of drill shanks for perforator
In construction perforates mainly use shanks with a special fastening system that ensures the fast shift of the Bura - SDS. This fastening system is the development of such leading companies as Bosh and Hilti. All of them 5:
- SDS - diameter 10 mm, has 2 grooves.
- SDS-Plus - with 4 grooves, the most popular, diameter of it is 10 mm. The drill with such a shank may have a diameter of 0.4-2.6 cm. Used to perform holes in concrete slabs.
- SDS-TOP - is common, it has 4 grooves, a diameter of 1.4 cm. The boys with such a shank have diameters from 1.6 to 2.5 cm. It is installed in the SDS-TOP cartridge on medium weight perforators.
- SDS-MAX - popular, occurs on borage from 20 mm and up to 80 mm, i.e. Established for perforators with great weight. Drill with shank SDS-MAX. Lovers are sometimes used as an earthen car for the perforator. At the same time, if the working part of the borax is more than 40 cm, then the guide holes are performed to a depth of approximately 15 cm. True, professionals believe that the perforator for drilling is impossible to use.
- SDS-Quick - protrusions are placed on the site of the grooves. It is rarely applied.
Basic parameters of Bura
Defining when choosing a bead for certain works, are:
- diameter;
- length.
Dimensions of drills for perforator
The diameters of the drill for the perforator are selected depending on which work you are going to perform:
- for homework - 6, 8, 10 mm;
- for fastening large structures - 10, 20 mm. The first frame for a dowel, and the second - for an anchor bolt.
In this case, using a boiler 6 mm drilled holes in the wall under the pattern, shelves, plinth. Work is performed in 3 reception:
- the hole is drilled;
- dowel is inserted;
- screwd up with a screwdriver screwdriver.
You can still:
- take a dowel-nail and place it in the hole;
- score him with a hammer.
Important: Dowel diameters and holes must match. As for such a parameter, as the length of the drill for the perforator, then the range is very large here - together with the shank from 10 to see to 1 m.
Drill on concrete for perforator
The constituent structures of the bora in concrete are:
- rod spiral;
- cutting part;
- shank.
Boers designed to work on concrete can be attributed to 2 types:
- crushing - destructive;
- passing - performing holes.
All concrete boys for the perforator are divided into types:
- screens - self-folding. Made so that the sludge is removed at high speed. Buryat on a big depth. Equipped with a winwood attack. Basically combined with SDS-Plus shank. Indispensable when repairing and installing not very heavy designs;
- spirals - also apply to perform deep holes. Usually have a large diameter. Used when installing air conditioners, performing not very large-scale construction work, dismantling the walls of large thickness;
- weather - with their help, the holes of a small depth with an additional effort app, because The sludge is removed poorly because of the low spiral spirals. In their favor, says the fact that they serve lon longer than spiral-shaped.
Specific boys of perforators for work on concrete
To perform specific works, there are the following types of bers:
- Drilling crown. Used when laying wiring on concrete walls. With it, openings of any diameters are performed for installation:
- connecting boxes;
- sockets;
- switches.
2. Chisel in the form of peaks. Destroys concrete.
3. Chisel flat. Chips concrete more accurately.
4. Car canal. Facilitates the laying of the electric pipe.
Healthy: Faster removes the slurry bur, having a larger angle of tilt spiral.
Buying a bob in concrete for the perforator, it should be remembered that this is not a tool, but the consumable material that is not refundable. Therefore, they sell it in sets. And he should also listen to the following:
- Do not buy borants by anyone made. Though they attract a low price, but they can smash the perforator cartridge so that even a good boring breaks in it.
- Using Bosch, Sturm, Makita, you will work longer, which will fully justify their higher cost.
Price categories of boots
For the price, you can smash all the boys into 3 categories:
- The storms are the most inexpensive - no reliability and quality comes. On them, sometimes, not even marking. Suitable only for one-time use and in this capacity have the right to exist.
- Buras for home use produced by solid firms - compared to lots, cost more, but will serve for a long time.
- Boers for professional perforators are the most expensive, but the quality of the highest discharge. If finance is allowed, it is better to acquire them. There are more, they will serve how long that, perhaps, and change them will not have to.
Car Bur for Perforator
To perform holes in wood, the drills are mainly used, but the car is more productive. For example, such a burden, as Blue Groove 6x Irwin from the American company Irwin (Irvin) performs this operation faster than 6 times. And the burden of the punching tree has the following advantages:
- the chips is accelerated, because There is a 3-graded cutting spiral;
- the accompanying efforts are reduced due to the presence of a screw self-drawing tip;
- wood is not destroyed when drilling holes due to the cutter for pure drilling.
In conclusion, watch the video: