Children's pools: do it yourself or buy ready? Baths, saunas and pools

The hot summer of the best baby fun can be the game in the pool, if the hosts of the cottage or cottage were disturbed on time. It is necessary to solve the task of which the children's pool should be for kids. Buy ready or do it yourself? Ready is expensive, do it yourself - difficult. Before making a choice, consider all aspects of this issue.
About the types of pools for the household plot
There are several types of pools for country sites and country houses.
- Frame: due to complex technology can be built only by specialists.
- Children's inflatable pool: convenient in transportation, but due to low mechanical strength, it does not serve for a long time.
- Fiberglass: finished design, installed in a predetermined pitted pita. Difficulties arise at the stage of delivery and installation (special technique is necessary).
- Plastic: features high strength and relatively light weight. Transportation and installation is performed using lifting equipment.
- Pool of monolithic concrete: can be made with your own hands directly on the household site. Differs on high strength and long service life.
How to choose the right inflatable children's pool, nuances of operation
For those who have no opportunity for the stationary basin for children, the best solution will be the acquisition of the inflatable pool. Installation does not require considerable effort and a large amount of time. In addition, this design is safe: its softer sides.
Choosing the pool, you must pay attention to the following:
- Material of high-quality product - polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The Intex children's pool is made only from PVC.
- The bottom must be inflatable: it will prevent the injury during the game.
- The width of the side: it also affects safety.
- Basin shape: It can be round, square, oval. There are also children's inflatable pools with a slide (see photo below).
- The size of the product should allow to play all children's children at the same time.
- The color of the material is chosen to taste. It should be borne in mind that the pools of bright colors raise the mood.
- Complete set: Large inflatable pools come on sale with a pump of air, water pump and filter for water purification. It will come in handy for capping garbage and an umbrella from sunlight. There must be a plum valve. Pools with high sideboards (more than 1 m) must be supplied with a staircase.
Important: High-quality material should not exhibit a sharp smell, which indicates the presence of components dangerous to health.
Children's dry pools
In the event that there is no possibility to fill the inflatable pool with water (for example, in an apartment or after the end of the bathing season), you can buy a dry-type children's pool. Such a container can be made of artificial leather. To ensure the safety of children's games, some rules should be followed.
- The pool material should not be slippery.
- Balls for filling the tank must be soft, without sharp seams. It is recommended to choose a medium size (about 5 cm).
- It is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the material and the reliability of the manufacturer. Information about this is indicated in the accompanying documentation.
Recommendations for installing an inflatable pool
The children's pool with a slide should be installed on a flat area. Previously need to prepare it: remove branches, swirls, stones, make a subftitude of sand. Under the bottom of the pool should be a tarpaulin.
Before pumping the cylinders of the product, you need to straighten it, eliminate folds. Air pressure should not be maximum.
Repair of an inflatable pool
With careless circulation, damage to PVC can damage. For repair, the following methods use.
- For accurate detection of the puncture, the pool is pumped and immersed by an allegedly damaged area into water. The prolque place will be given air bubbles.
- It is possible to flick the puncture, using remakomplekt or materials for repairing car chambers. It is important to clean well and degrease the recoverable area. After applying glue, the patch is tightly pressed the clamp on the time specified in the instruction.
Important: It is possible to store an inflatable pool only after its drying and talc treatment. This will prevent the muzzle of the material and its cracking.
Concrete children's pool at home: phased description of the construction process
The most reliable are concrete children's pools. Reviews and calculations indicate that this material is not one decade. The construction of the pool from concrete is a complex technological process, which can be divided into several stages.
- Drawing up a project. At this stage, a place for construction, size and configuration of construction, architectural features are selected: the upper pool can be located in the ground or higher. Experts should calculate the wall thickness and reinforcement scheme. In addition, the project should be laid the drainage system, backlight, water filling system and drain.
- Preparatory work: the playground is cleaned from trees and is aligned.
- Drain pit: Knowing the configuration and size of the pool, with the help of excavation equipment, the ground is made. It should be borne in mind that under the bottom there should be a sandy bench, and a formwork will be installed around the perimeter. The walls of the pit should be at a low angle: it will prevent the sweeping of the soil. The bottom must have a small slope (about 4-5 degrees) - for water drain to the drain hole.
- Putting pipes for the flow of water and its drain, as well as cables for highlighting (if provided for by the project).
- Device submissions under the bottom: the mixture of rubble and sand should be a thickness of at least 300 mm. The subference is moisturized and thoroughly compacted.
- Waterproofing the bottom of the pool. It is recommended to use various materials, combine them. The quality of the pool depends on the quality of waterproofing. Multiple layers of the rubberoid with the allen lay on top of the revinct coupling. A good effect gives PVC membrane.
- Pre-fill the bottom of the basin concrete brand B-25. It must be performed in one app. It is recommended to use the finished mixture delivered to the place using a mixer. Concrete solution must be distributed over the entire area uniformly.
- Reinforcement of the bottom. Used rod with a diameter of 10-14 mm. It is necessary to create a bunk frame, the cells of which - with the parties of 200 mm. In places of crossing the rods are fastened with knitting wire. Under the reinforcement frame is placed special remote spacers. The final fill of the bottom of the concrete is performed in one reception using vibropress: it is required to eliminate air bubbles and chambers in the mass of the solution.
- After curing the bottom, the Armokarkas walls of the pool are constructed. Armature rods are connected as well as during the bottom arrangement. It is important that the upper limit of Armopoyas is on the same level throughout the perimeter (in accordance with the design height of the bowl).
- Formwork formwork for pool walls. The best material for this is moisture-resistant plywood. It is capable of bending, which allows curvilinear structures. In order for the formwork walls, they do not hit under the weight of concrete, set the struts from the bar and jumper.
- Pouring concrete: After filling the formwork, the solution must be covered with a polyethylene film to prevent surface cracking. Periodically concrete is wetted with water.
- Installation of steps: reinforcement is made separately. Pouring concrete (after the formwork device) can be performed simultaneously with the pouring of the walls.
- Grinding walls and bottoms: For this, a grinding machine is used with a cap of concrete.
- Waterproofing walls and bottoms: liquid solutions are used (they are applied in several layers) and the technology of penetrating waterproofing. Between the layers, the surface of the bowl surface of the reinforcing grid is performed. Special attention should be paid to the shakes of the bottom and walls, places input pipes. After the installation of waterproofing, the pool should be temporarily filled to check the tightness and wait for a while. In case of detection of leakage, make additional waterproofing.
- Finishing bowls and external surfaces. The finished pool is faced with ceramic or mosaic tiles. PVC film can be used.
Tip: The pool will be well combined with other furniture objects, if comprehensively approaches its layout. This applies to outdoor lighting, device tracks, benches for recreation.
In conclusion, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the video on the process of filling the children's concrete pool.