How to make lightning Useful advice

Incecked the thunder and zipper caused by a person if not horror, then the involuntary worship before this frantic natural force. The danger of lightning speaks at least that about 3,000 people die in the world in the world from her blow.
Many fires arise precisely because of the lightning in a ground or building. Only in the XVIII century, scientists proved that thunder in itself, no more than a loud sound accompanying a powerful electric discharge. Historians argue that for the first time the principle of operation of the lightning conduction described Benjamin Franklin, although the work in this direction was conducted in all countries of the world.
Principle of operation of a lightning conductor
Lightning conductor - construction installed on buildings and intended for their protection against lightning damage. In a colloquial language, it is more often called a threshold.
At the time of passing the thunderstorm front, a strong electric field manifests itself on the surface of the earth, one of the signs of the presence of such a field is the smell of ozone. This field appears as a consequence of excessive electrification of the clouds relative to each other and the Earth, in this case it can be said that the clouds and the surface of the Earth play the role of condenser capacitance. At some point in time, the potential difference reaches its limit and as a result, lightning discharge occurs.
The presence of a lightning conduction in leads to the fact that the charge of electricity is not assembled in the clouds, and through it it goes into the ground without a discharge in the form of lightning. But even in the case of a discharge, a lightning track, because of its constructive features, he will take it on itself, saving from the destruction nearby buildings and structures.
Design of lightning conductor
The design of the lightning conductor consists of three interrelated parts:
1. Lighting message - designed to accept the discharge of lightning, it can be executed either in the form of a pin or in the form of a grid that covers the protected area.
2. The current - is intended to transmit the received discharge on the earthing.
3. The ground is a metallic conductor, which is several conductors in direct contact with the soil. It is grounding the lightning.
For the manufacture of lightning message, various materials can be used, the sections requirements are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Characteristics of lightning game
The current, performs the transmission function of the charge received onto the ground, various materials can also be used for its manufacture, see Table 2.
Table 2. Coter characteristics
The earthing can be either a design welded from metal, for example, a boutique and depicted to a depth of at least 0.7 m to the ground. Often, a metal sheet is used as a grounding. The earthing must be located outside the building, on the removal from the wall of the order of one meter, and not closer to 5-6 meters from the pedestrian paths. In the thunderstorm weather, it is possible to occur the so-called step tension, which is dangerous to the life of people who are nearby. In addition to the foregoing, it must be remembered that in hot weather, the ground over the earthing can dry, in order to avoid this, it is necessary to have it in the shade or ensure that it becomes watering this place as necessary.
Compound of lightning elements
To connect together structural structural elements, it is advisable to apply a welded joint, but use and threaded compounds are allowed.
In accordance with regulatory documentation, which regulates the production, installation and operation of lightning lines, allows for the use of metal structures of buildings, from which they are made, are carrier farms, beams, columns.
Calculation of a lightning conductor
For a capex calculation of the lightning conduction, it is enough to remember the simple rule - the radius of the protected area is equal to 1 to 1.5 height of the mast of the lightning conduction, that is, at an altitude of 20 meters, a circle of 60 meters in the protected area falls. In the event that the calculated diameter is not enough, you can install two or more masts at different ends of the buildings.
Figure 1. Territory of protection depending on the height of the lightning
Production of lightning game
The simplest version is a rod lightning result made of metal bar, without isolation and maximum cross section and stripped from corrosion. (See Table. 1). Various materials are used for manufacture: steel, copper, aluminum or dural. By the way, it will not be superfluous to remind you that it is not worth painting that part of the lightning conduction (lightningness) that takes place on the discharge.
In the event that there is no such lightning game, the roof of the building can act in his capacity, but only if:
- The roof is metallic, including the connecting elements, and carrier beams.
- The thickness of the roofing sheet is at least 4 mm (steel).
- There are no flammable or flammable materials under the roof.
As an alternative embodiment of the lightning conduction, it is possible to consider the placement of a lightning game on the crown nearby the standing tree, for this it is desirable that the tree is significantly towered over the structure, and the receiver itself was located above the crown.
When protecting high-rise buildings, lightning tracks are placed on their roof, and the current sequel is placed either on the front side of the building, or in a protected communication channel.
In the Russian Federation, the rules for the arrangement and calculation of the lightning conduction are governed by the following documents:
RD 34.21.122-87 Instructions for the device lightning protection of buildings and structures.
From 153-34.21.122-2003 Instructions for the lightning protection of buildings, structures and industrial communications.
When carrying out design works of buildings of any type, ranging from a single-storey country house and ending with super-modern heights, designers are guided by their requirements.
With the external simplicity of the design, the system of protecting the building from lightning damage has its subtleties, for example, with the root closed metal sheet, one scheme is possible, and it is advisable to use a pin and grid in the roof from polymeric materials. Therefore, it is best to develop and install a lightning conduction to entrust specialists from the organizations of the relevant profile.
Installing a lightning lifting with your own hands
- Fix lightning game on the roof. Better, if the highest point of the house will be the lightning message. So the efficiency of the design will increase several times.
- Breeping zipper. It is a wire of a circular cross section connecting the lightning message and the earthing. The diameter of the cross section of such a wire can reach 8 mm. The "assembled" charge on it quickly "will pass" to the earthing man.
- Krepim Ground. An electrode or any other metallic rod can be used as a earthing. It is connected by welding with lightning pressure and stick to a depth of about 1-1.5 m.
You can use bolts, welding, clamps as a connector. The main thing is that the connectors are metallic and kept the details tight.