How to remake the screwdriver Instruments

The indisputable advantage of the rechargeable screwdriver is that it allows not to depend on the presence of outlets or their remoteness from the place of work. But nevertheless, sometimes there is a need for the alteration of this instrument to work from the network.
Why redo the screwdriver
Initially, while the device is still new, it works fine and pleases with its convenience. But over time, the battery starts to grow old and charge it is increasingly. In the end, it comes to what it is discharged after the two-minute use.
Of course, new batteries are sold in all building stores, but they are very expensive, sometimes it is easier to add a little and buy a new tool. But it is also inappropriate, because Old still quite well and could serve for a long time.
Here in such a situation and there is a need to remake the battery screwdriver on the network. And it is possible not just alteration, but creating a universal thing. The fact is that most often this tool is equipped with two batteries, one of which turns into a power supply, and the second remains as it is. Thus, it is possible to use a converted screwdriver from the network and from the battery, depending on the specific situation.
Preparatory work
1. Before removing the screwdriver by 220 volts, it is necessary to find the power supply of the required size. It is best if it fits into the battery housing.
2. Because The sizes of the body from the inside and outside can differ significantly, it is better to extract all its filling and measure the dimensions of the internal space.
3. Examine the instructions or label on the screwdriver housing and find out the supply voltage.
4. Most often there are 12 volts tools. Because Power supplies with the same parameters are also very much, it will not be difficult to find suitable.
5. If the screwdriver voltage exceeds this indicator, then the search for a suitable unit can delay.
6. Now you should find out the current consumption current. Due to the fact that this parameter is not indicated by anywhere, it will have to calculate it on its own, provided that the power is known. But to facilitate the task, do not deepen in the calculations, and pick up the power supply unit. Just look, what is the battery capacity and charging current charger. For example, if the native instrument batteries have a capacity of 1.2 amps / hour, and the charger gives a 2.5 amp current, the current issued by the power supply must be about between these numbers.
7. Before going to search, fix on paper all the necessary parameters: the dimensions required by the supply voltage, minimum current equal to the battery tank.
Useful Power Supply Tips
1. If you choose between a pulse power supply and a transformer, then the first one is preferable, because It has a small size and a small weight. But it happens that some of them are not designed for intermittent current consumption, which is ordinary for a screwdriver.
2. Chinese manufacturers, labeling their products, sometimes very exaggerate its parameters. Therefore, things should be found soberly and not trust fabulous inscriptions on the packaging contrary to the laws of physics.
3. Power units from the old products of the Soviet era are good to everyone except one - they have a very low efficiency. Therefore, those of them that give a good current, usually have a large size.
4. Start the search follows from a radio line or stores for radio amateurs. That is, most likely, it will be better to find what you need.
5. Buying the device, agree with the seller about the possibility of refund or exchange. And when you come home, check it on the performance immediately.
How to remake the battery screwdriver
1. After the power supply is checked, and it is decided to leave it, it must be disassembled. It is easy to do if it is fixed with screws, but it happens that the body is glued. In this case, you should take a hammer and carefully tapping all over the perimeter of the seam. Usually it is easy to diverge, but if not, put the knife on it with the tip down, and they will neatly knock on the handle. After that, the body will certainly disappear.
2. Separate the cord and conclusions from the plug using the soldering iron.
3. Place the contents of the power supply housing where the screwdriver accumulator used to be before.
4. Cord to work from the network Display through the hole in the housing and attach it to the power unit using a soldering iron.
5. Observing the polarity, solder the power supply output to the battery terminals.
6. Collect the case.
7. Connect the power supply to the tool and test it.
8. In the event that the power supply does not match the size with the battery case, that is, an embedding option in the jar of the socket, which is suitable for the block plug.
9. Connect it in parallel with the supply conclusions and set the plus wire in the break between the socket and the withdrawal of the battery, the diode of the desired power, minus towards the motor. This is necessary, in order to when the tool is connected to the network, the voltage does not go to the battery.
Now we see that it is not so difficult to remake the screwdriver in the network. The main difficulty is to choose a suitable power supply.
How to redo the screwdriver - Method number 2
The instruction described above is good for those who use the tool indoors. But what to do craftsmen who are engaged in building or repair work in the yard or on the roof? There is an exit! Replace the "native" battery for more powerful, from old technology.
Below we consider an example of installing a lithium battery at a 2200 ampere, borrowed from the laptop who taught his age.
- Disassemble the casing of the screwdriver. Remove the old battery, disconnect the wiring using the soldering iron.
- Connect the wiring of the new battery with the wiring, on which the old one, strictly observing the polarity. The connection is also made using a soldering lamp.
- After that, by clicking on the Start button, check the operation of the screwdriver with the new battery.
- In the housing hole, output the charging connector and install the plug. Now he will charge as a laptop.
- Battery itself fix in the housing using a thermoclayer.
- Next, collect the tool body and proceed to use.