Decorative decoration of the garden lane with their own hands Plot

"Garden tracks are not a luxury, but a means of movement," for some reason, many owners of country sites are thought. But us, creative people with a developed aesthetic taste, it is difficult to understand why, having so much space, not to make a subject of pride and admiration out of it. Start at least from garden tracks ...
Design of garden tracks
Before proceeding to the construction of garden tracks, it is necessary to carefully design them - determine the places, put markup, choose materials. Putting tracks best simultaneously with the development of the project of the future country house. This will make it possible to carry out the right zoning of the territory and designate the place for the courtyard, the attacks, various elements of the site (garden, flower bed, alpine slide). Garden tracks, first of all, should be a convenient means of movement in the territory, but do not forget about the aesthetic side of the question.
During the design of the construction of garden tracks, it is necessary to take into account the style of your site.
There are two main directions:
- Classic - architectural direction, combining paints and forms of decorative plants and forms, resulting in an original artistic effect. For this style, straight lines are characterized, the separation of garden and architectural elements, artistic haircut of plants. The classic direction is most often found in urban parks and large gardens.
- Landscape (landscape) - paths are harmonized with natural natural landscape, and their decorative design combines the use of natural shapes and decorative plants.
But whatever the design of the design you have not chosen, do not forget about the practicality of your gardens. The optimal solution will organize them on the trotted places, because it is these directions that these directions are intuitively chosen by residents and subconsciously considered the most convenient variant of moving from one point of the site to another.
Materials for construction
Well-groomed garden tracks have always been considered a sign of civilization. The main rule underlying the creation of any garden tracks is durability. So that your efforts do not disappear for nothing, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of materials.
Materials for the construction of garden tracks:
- brick;
- paving slabs;
- stone;
- gravel;
- pavement;
- concrete;
- exhaust materials (broken tile, brick, bottles);
- luminous stones.
Each material has its own specificity and requires special skills in your contact.
Paths from concrete
The most common material for the arrangement of garden tracks is concrete. It is cheap, quickly and durable. In addition, concrete paths are very simple in care, and with proper decoration look very beautiful.
The concrete track does not have to be even "boring" web. If desired, concrete you can create a river stone imitation, including brick elements or a stone blocking. It diversifies the landscape and give your tracks a unique style.
If you want to build monolithic concrete garden tracks, you need to clearly define their purpose. So, for simple "walking" tracks, the usual low-strength concrete is suitable. In case you are planning an access road to a garage, it is best to use high-strength concrete, otherwise the surface can turn or crack from a large load.
Track from stone
If you are closer to natural forms and natural materials, build a path from natural stone. You can purchase a special coating or create everything with your own hands from ordinary "wild" stones. In any case, such a garden track will be perfectly harmonized with green lawn and plants on the site.
It is best to use stones that are mined in your area. This will have a positive effect on the harmonious appearance of the garden, and on the growth of the surrounding flora. For those who are not constrained in the means, the option of the garden path from basalalt, granite and other natural breeds is suitable.
Ways to decorate tracks
The decorative design of the tracks recently becomes a generally accepted fashion among the owners of country sites. This is not only a reason to try your hand in landscape design, but also the reason for pride in front of the neighbors. Ways to decorate garden tracks Do not count - suitable forms, development, height differences, the use of all kinds of materials ...
The most exciting thing is that, as in any creativity, there is no strict framework in the choice of materials, forms and colors. The main thing is that as a result, your tracks are durable and durable, harmonized with the environment, were convenient to use and pleased the eyes.
Borders from plants
Boardures from plants are a narrow strip (10-30 cm) plants on both sides of the garden path. For this purpose, one or two rows of decorative cultures. It looks very beautiful, a combination of flowering plants of various coloring. Selective float material for such borders is necessary very carefully. It is important that the plants belong to one variety or mind. Otherwise, the unsuccessful "Neighborhood" will lead to the fact that one species will destroy the other or both cultures will not develop. In any case, for the curb you need to choose low-rise breeds.
Optimal plants for the framing of garden tracks:
- sugit;
- dwarf Spirea;
- kuril White Tea (Daurgy Papers);
- mint;
- oregano;
- marigold;
- lungwort.
Mixborists are small mixed flower beds oblong shape. As a rule, they combine perennial and annual herbaceous plants. In some cases, shrub breeds, dwarf trees and even lianas can be included in the mixtore.
To mix the mixtores to please you with your beauty all the warm period, they need to plant them with various flowering cycles and different heights. Planning a mixboarder is a painstaking work, because it is necessary to competently "settle" representatives of the flora, so that each of them felt comfortable and prevented to develop others. So, the background is better to take high plants, then the average, and closer to the path to plant low-growing flowers or grass. A good solution will pave a lawn strip between the mixborror and the garden path.
The decision to decorate the garden paths by mixboarders commendably, but it entails certain difficulties. Care for such beauty requires a mass of time and certain knowledge of floristics. It is necessary to regularly pour a flower garden, which is very difficult if there are so many diverse varieties and popping of plantings.
But, despite the specifics of the care, mixboraders are considered one of the most picturesque ways of landscape design tracks. The main thing is to correctly pick up the plants, and then any difficulties will pay off an unusually colorful view of your site.
Luminous stones
Glowing stones are used in landscape design relatively recently, but has already gained popularity around the world. Especially the fans of an unusual decor fell in love with large boulders, flickering with dim light after sunset. And they can be understood. Glowing stones are able to drastically change the appearance of your site. Just imagine - fragrant twilight are lowered into the garden, and the darker it becomes around, the brighter the stones of the track are starting to glow, giving all the tests of mystery and magic ...
In addition to the obvious aesthetics of glowing stones, they are extremely practical. Recalculating the garden tracks and the dark areas of the garden in this way, it is possible to abandon the lanterns, burning the mass of electricity forever. In addition, you will never turn off in the dark if you walk along the luminous tracks!
Glowing stones themselves are a full-fledged decoration for the garden, but if they fall into the hands of a creative person with a rich designer imagination, real wonders are going to work. Try to combine the use of paving tile mosaic with glowing stones, create original drawings from them, combining stones of different colors, build unusual garden sculptures ... And if you have a small fountain or pond, try to throw a handful of glowing stones on the bottom and enjoy the fascinating gloss of water.
It seems extremely unusually crumbling of glowing stones if scattering it on the garden paths. In this way, you can create your own "Milky Way" and walk along it with a sunset.
Put large glowing boulders in different parts of the territory, and they will replace you with full-fledged electrical lighting. Unlike light bulbs, the stones produce a pleasant soft light that calms and does not "cut" eyes.
Press the garden tracks the original and unique view can be using a conventional mosaic. Buy in the store ready-made small ceramic plates or use a bitu ceramic tile (article "Mosaic from a bat tile with your own hands" - http://recn.ru/mozaika-iz-bitoj-plitki-svoimi -urbami).
Also for mosaic you can use river pebbles. It turns out magnificent and unique works. Even if you do not have experience in creating a mosaic, a walkway, laid out by multicolored river pebbles will look very picturesque!
Decor of bottles
Interesting design of garden tracks is obtained from old glass bottles. Of course, for the embodiment of this idea you will need a lot of material. For a harmonious appearance, it is desirable that the bottles are the same color and size. As a last resort, you can always cover the bottle of aerosol paint or at all appeal by hand with patterns and ornaments. In this way, you can create an original path framing or designate the borders of the flower bed.
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