How to make a concrete mixer with your own hands Building materials

The economical owner in its subsidiary farming is trying to do everything alone. If you feel about such a category of people, then without concrete mixer you can not do. She will be an excellent assistant in the household. It can also be leased to neighbors, which will not only return the invested funds, but also help earn money. Many different options for such products are presented in the construction market. The model row has concrete mixers from several liters to hundreds of liters.
Characteristics of concrete mixers
It is necessary to approach the choice of concrete mixer, because the quality of the mixture you get at the output will depend on her work. All concrete mixers are divided into two types:
- gravitational - mixing the mixture is carried out due to the force of the gravity of the Earth;
- forced - the mixture is mixed with the shovels of concrete mixtures forcibly.
In a constructive plan - these are two different concrete mixers. In domestic conditions, mainly gravitational concrete mixers use. They are cheaper, easy to use and always satisfy their owner.
Concrete mixers with forced mixing produce two main species - with a horizontal or vertical placement of the shaft. They allow you to get a better concrete mix. The main advantage of concrete mixing with forced stirring is to reduce the amount of water in the mixture to the minimally permissible for complete hydration of cement. It is impossible to get such a mixture in gravitational concrete mixer.
Concrete mixtures of forced mixing also include vortex concrete mixers.
When choosing a concrete mixer, pay attention to the volume of pears. It should be noted that during the preparation of the mixture, this volume will be filled only by 60-70%, depending on the angle of the pear. Therefore, for a concrete mixer, the volume of pears of which consists of 120-130 liters, we obtain 70-80 liters of the prepared mixture at the exit. Of course, you can set the minimum inclination angle of pear, but this will lead to an accelerated wear of the support bearing, an increase in the load on the engine and failure.
Choosing a concrete mixer - important nuances
For construction work in domestic conditions, small 110-130 liters of gravitational concrete mixers are well suited. Easy design, reliability and ease of management made such models popular. True, not all manufacturers conscientiously belong to the manufactured product. So what should be paid when choosing a concrete mixer?
- Engine. Most concrete mixers for private construction are equipped with a single-phase engine. But there are models with a three-phase engine. If you have a three-phase network in the house, you will not suit such a concrete mixer. The devices installed engines with a capacity of 700-1000 W. A weaker engine will not be able to mix the mixture. It makes no sense to put the engine as much as it will only lead to an increase in electricity costs.
- Tank concrete mixer. Pay attention to the thickness of the wall of the tank, the shape and thickness of the blades. The thickness of the metal used should be at least 2 mm.
- Toggle - made of steel, cast iron and plastic. The crown of concrete mixers does not require lubrication. Applying lubricant, you just speed up its failure. Since sand, cement and other dust-like building materials are very well adhered to lubricant materials. For reliable and durable work, you just need to keep it clean.
- You should pay attention to tank device. The tank of concrete mixers may be non-fuzzy and self-attaching. From the design of the tank will depend on the time for the unloading of the solution. With a self-faded tank, the unloading time is noticeably lower and amounts to 15-30 s.
- Concrete mixers, for convenience of transportation, sometimes complete wheels. The presence of wheels is not necessary, but reduces the time and effort spent on the permutation of concrete mixers.
- Guarantee - It is also a criterion for the quality of made components for concrete mixer. Since you can demand the replacement of spare parts in the warranty. But there is an indirect moment. The warranty longer, the most reliable this device is made. The manufacturer itself is ready for a long time to serve its equipment, which indicates the good quality of this equipment at the stage of purchase.
How to make a concrete mixer yourself
If you like to make time, there is time, spare parts and most importantly - desire, you can make a concrete mixer yourself. Judging by the photo of concrete mixers on the Internet, the designs of such aggregates are a lot. They are different forms and ways of action.
For the assembly of concrete mixers use the old spent barrel. The volume of the barrels should be chosen, leaving the objectives of construction. The optimal option for the construction of concrete mixers will be a barrel of 150-200 liters.
A feature of concrete mixers collected by their own hands is its simple and reliability of work. As a project of self-made stirrers, forced concrete mixers often make.
A stumbling block in the construction of concrete mixers can independently become a shortage of experience in the construction of such things. But if you are stubborn and love to make, then it will not be a problem. Accessories to concrete mixer can be bought on the market or in the nearest economic store. The final price of the device will be at times lower than purchased concrete mixer. To save money or in places where there is no electricity, the drive for concrete mixers can be done manually.
On the Internet there are many drawings of concrete mixers, followed by a mixer for any purpose.