How to build a pool with your own hands: Tips and recommendations Baths, saunas and pools

Everyone wants to have an ideal country house for rest, and even better if it is located on the shore of a clean cool reservoir, in which you can swim with hot summer days. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford such location, and it is necessary to make a choice: get into the car and go to the river or lake or create your own reservoir on the site. As you already guessed, in this article we will discuss the construction of the pool in the country of your own hands. We will look at the highlights that will help you acquire a personal lake with a cool driver.
Organizational moments
Many are accustomed to believing the pool by the attribute of luxury and wealth, something very special and difficult to achieve. However, in fact, if you understand the technical details and know some secrets of construction, everything turns out to be not so difficult. Any hardworking owner can acquire a private pool, even if finances do not allow "to get roaring". But, before going off for building materials, you need to decide where the pool will stand, how much space under it can be distinguished and what form to give a bowl.
Choosing a place for the pool
Choose the right place for the construction of the pool is very important, because it will not work simply. At the same time, several factors should be taken into account. First, large trees should not grow nearby, because their root system can significantly harm the waterproofing of the pool. The most undesirable breeds in this respect are Iva, chestnut and poplar. Keep in mind that it is cheaper to emerge or transplant the wood than to repair the waterproofing of the pool. In addition, the leaves will constantly fall into the water, and you will have to constantly wake a sacc. This in particular concerns low-speed rocks. By the way, if it does not take out the foliage from the water on time, it will very quickly begin to decompose, which will lead to the active development of green algae (water "blooms").
Secondly, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the wind, which will begged the sealing stamp to one of the sides. And it is better to do so that it begged there, where it is easier to remove it. You can also make a overflow pipe so that a litter was removed through it with excess water. Best if the wind will move along the bowl.
Thirdly, the type of soil is of great importance. If your site is located immediately on several types of soil and among them there is a clay, it is best to dig a pit for the pool in it. The land with a high clay content is worse thanks water, which means it will help the waterproofing layer to hold the liquid in the bowl.
Useful advice: If there is at least a small bias on the site, it can be beneficial for it to save on earthworks. Also, the slope will allow you to immediately determine the place to place the drain system.
And finally, try to place the pool closer to the water supply in order to fill the bowl.
Sizes and shape of the pool
Form, length, width and depth of the reservoir will depend on its intended purpose. So, if you want to build a decorative pool with your own hands, there is no need to make it deep and multi-level. For swimming, the elongated pool (oval, rectangle) is best. For a relaxing holiday or children's fun are good round bowls with several levels of depth, so that adults can plunge, and the children were safe to splashing.
Depth is generally a very important criterion. If you want to swim freely, dive and even jump from the side, make the pool with a depth of about 1.5 m. If you plan to install a springboard, the depth must be increased at least to 2.3 m, otherwise there is a risk to hit the bottom. However, it should be understood that this level can be made only in the diving zone, and most of the pool create a smooth transition to 1.5 m and less. If you want to build a pool specifically for young children, then half-meter depth will be enough for a fun holiday.
The most difficult from a technical point of view is considered to be the combined design for adults and children. In this case, it is necessary not only to create several levels of depth, but also divide the children's and adult zone by partition to protect the kids. The second most important detail is to do the bottom of the gentle, and not a stepped one. This will prevent accidents and injuries.
Recently, there is a tendency to improve the basins of unusual forms, and many masters' owners, having seen in the photo in glossy design magazines, seek to repeat this architectural feat in their backyard. At the same time, almost no one thinks that the more difficult form of the bowl, the harder it is to care. Such a system is difficult and in the installation and subsequent maintenance.
To better understand, let's take the example of a conventional rectangular pool. To clean the filter needs one certain capacity. If the pool has a "nooks and crannies" and turns, one filter with cleaning does not manage, and require the installation of several pieces in precisely calculated points and accurately calculate the power. Novice to cope with this kind of work without error is unlikely, and professional services are quite expensive. Moreover, for several filters have to buy more reagents, which also affect the financial side, so in the beginning we recommend satisfied pool of simple form. And if you crave originality, you can make a beautiful staircase to the pool with their hands or throw out your creativity in the finish of the bowl.
Equipment for swimming pools
So we gradually come to the last important element that must be considered when planning a swimming pool - the choice of cleaning equipment. Pool without filter very quickly turn into a swamp with "blooming" water, so you should immediately attend to selecting the appropriate technology.
There are two types of filtering systems for pools:
- Overflow - this system is mounted in basins with continuous circulation of water. To do this, all over the perimeter of the reservoir establishes a special grille, through which water overflows from the bowl and falls into the cleansing tank. There she is freed from Sora and impurities, after which it goes back to the bowl, and the cycle is repeated. The system makes the pool visually more and makes it possible to fill it up to the very edges, but it is quite difficult in care and is quite expensive.
- Skimmer - the perfect option for pools built by personnel. The essence of the work is very simple and lies in the following: the pool is filled with water below the side of 12-15 cm, at the same level the device-skimmer is installed, which sucks water, cleans it and rejected into the bowl again. The skimmer system is not as effective as overflow, and water in the pool has to be changed more often, but it is much cheaper, and if you wish, you can make a filter for the pool with your own hands.
How easy and quickly make an elementary floating filter:
- Take a replaceable filter cartridge with a diameter of 50 mm (inside), a polypropylene tube 50 mm Length 2 m and an angular rotary element of the corresponding diameter.
- Drill the hole drill insert the plug into the filter and the corner element.
- Fasten the design with a nut and connect aquarium pump on the other side.
- By the end of the pipe, attach a small piece of foam, which will hold the filter on the way waving.
- To improve efficiency, connect several cartridges at once.
Construction of a stationary pool with their own hands
So, it's time to tell how to build a pool with your own hands. We will not consider the option with ready-made polypropylene bowls and frames, although it will be more convenient to build the frame pool with your own hands. In this part of the article you will familiarize yourself with the construction technology of the stationary pool outdoors, so to speak, "from scratch". The widest range of modern building materials makes it possible to make it quickly, simple and relatively inexpensive, and the cost will mainly depend on the size of the bowl and the type of the cleaning system for it.
At the moment, the easiest way to make a pool of polystyrene foam blocks. More precisely, they will be based on a non-removable formwork. Extruded expanded polystyrene is a foam with a more dense and durable structure. It has excellent thermal insulation characteristics, does not pass water, it weighs little and is relatively inexpensive. Elements are clearly and tightly adjusted to each other, so they are very easy to work with even beginners. The dimensions of the elements can be different, and if you need to maximally lay out the pool bowl, choose large blocks. Of course, you can build a swimming pool with your hands from undergraduate materials, but in the case of polystyrene foam formwork, you can safely hope for the quality and durability of the structure.
Phased construction of the pool:
- Make the markup of the site, while the boiler must be more than 70-90 cm from all sides.
- In accordance with the markup, dig the pittal. Its depth should be greater than the depth of the bowl by 50-60 cm. The selected ground does not export from the site - part of it is still needed for filling the design. If you build a spacious pool, it will be easier and faster to hire an excavator and digging the pitted with it. And with a small reservoir, it is quite possible to cope with yourself or with a pair of assistants.
- Thoroughly align and confuse the bottom of the pit, then pour with a solid-caliber crushed stone layer 25-30 cm. Pour rubble with water and, too, see how you follow a special tamping machine or bar or logs with plywood, nailed to the end (manual traam).
- Before armature the concrete screed, it is necessary to put the reinforcement, tied a rod with a step of 25-30 cm. The reinforcement must be in the middle of the concrete layer, so it must be noted on the crushed stone, but to fix on sections of the rods with a length of 5-7 cm or polystyrene cubes. Then, when pouring, the concrete will envelop the grid from all sides.
- Now you can proceed to the pouring of concrete. It is necessary to do this in one approach, so if the pool is small, there will be enough small concrete mixer, and if large, it is better to order a car with a finished solution. The thickness of the screed should be 25-30 cm.
- After the fill, treat the solution with vibroma to release air bubbles from it (they reduce the strength of the screed). If there is no such typewriter, just stick the solution with iron rod not several places.
- Run the bottom and leave to dry, periodically splashing the surface with a spray with a spray gun to prevent too much fast evaporation of the fluid (concrete can crack).
- After 5-7 days, when the solution hardens, the beds are dense geotextile so that the cuts go to the walls of the pit and sticking out about 20 cm (then drive them or doomed). Instead of geotextile, it is possible to use construction polyethylene with a thickness of 150-200 microns. To enhance the waterproofing, it is recommended to coat a concrete screed with several layers of the penetrating waterproofing solution of betacontact. More information about the choice of composition can be found in the article "Penetrating waterproofing: characteristics and technology protection of basements". If funds allow, instead of geotextile or film, it is better to cover the surface of liquid rubber. This is a durable elastic waterproof material that is often used for pools.
- On top of the geotextile, mount the pillow from the extruded polystyrene foam, bonding the plates between themselves with a construction scotch. It is necessary to act at the same time so as not to remember the substrate.
- Now you can proceed to the assembly of the walls. For convenience, apply the contours of the future bowl on the concrete base and already collect the walls from polystyrene foam blocks. If you want to make a descent into the pool in the form of a Roman staircase, you will need to make a separate niche for it.
- Cut the openings in the walls to connect the equipment and insulate these places by mounting foam. As a result, you should turn out the frame where the metal reinforcement grid must be placed.
- Install the staircase and a basket for a skimmer into place.
- Fill empties in the walls of concrete solution and wait for it to complete drying.
- Perform the internal decoration of the bowl. The easiest way to do is done with the help of a special film, which is glued to all internal surfaces and weld the seams. Also for cladding often use mosaic or ceramic tiles. If the facing is dark, the water in the pool will heat up faster. The pool from the film do it yourself is pretty problematic and for this you will need to hire specialists, but if you want to save, you can simply be attached to the bowl and paint the waterproof.
- It remains only to fill the ground of the emptiness between the walls of the pool and the pit and fill the bowl of water.
In the video about the pool with their own hands, it is shown in detail how to make an indoor design at the cottage:
As you can see to build a small summer swimming pool in the country, you do not need professional skills and large financial costs, it is enough just to show a desire and a little worry.