Installation of glass blocks: Step by step instructions Window

Modern construction and decorative material in the form of glass blocks provides ample opportunities for interior design. Applying data glass "bricks", you can implement the most unexpected decoration solutions for premises. Such designs are very convenient in operation - the light is perfectly skipped, characterized by high thermal and sound insulation. To mount the wall or partition from glass blocks, you will need to take into account some features of working with this material.
Properties of glass blocks
Many people remember the fragments of the walls and the deaf windows of industrial buildings and public spaces from glass blocks. Next, this material for a while was undeservedly forgotten. Currently, the glass blocks are experiencing the second birth - using these products of the new format, you can create unexpected and original solutions not only for the outer decoration of private houses, but also to create original and unique interiors of various premises.
Glass blocks are products of two glass plates of thick glass (matte, transparent, painted in weight or with a pattern) interconnected into a hermetically closed design. The air layer gives this building material excellent sound and thermal insulation characteristics. Made glass blocks with a smooth or corrugated surface. Depending on the relief, they can be transparent, scattering or light guides. The glass blocks of rectangular and square shape are presented on sale, as well as triangular, angular and even round products, with a thickness of from 7.5 to 10 cm, with a weight of about 2.5-4.3 kg. Standard size of glass blocks are 19x19x8 or 24x24x12. On sale are samples of glass blocks "Euro", in which the ends are covered with paint - due to this in the masonry, the seams from the solution do not shut down.
This material has a number of advantages, among which can be called the following:
- natural composition;
- high wear resistance and durability - Walls made of glass blocks are distinguished by abrasion, mechanical damage, moisture, and temperature drops;
- due to the presence of an air layer, the glass blocks are perfectly kept warm and provide excellent sound insulation, approaching this indicator to the characteristics of the brick wall or modern plastic glass windows;
- a wall of glass blocks can even withstand a light earthquake. In addition, glass blocks are not combustible, in the case of a fire, they do not melt and do not crack for a long time;
- ease of assembly and ease of operation - glass blocks are a unique building material that does not require subsequent finishing finish in the form of a cladding or painting, as they themselves have pronounced decorative properties;
- moisture resistance, thanks to which glass blocks can be used to build interior partitions and walls, as well as glazed windows in rooms in high humidity regimen (in basins, bathrooms, bathrooms).
Glass blocks effectively dispel the sun's rays, without preventing them from penetration into the room, giving lighting softness and comfort. In this case, transparent products provide the effect of panoramic view, and the corrugated closes the room from curious views.
The use of glass blocks
Decorative glass blocks in the interior of premises of various styles look quite effectively. It is convenient to embed it in various surfaces for decorating walls, windows, as well as partitions.
This material is applied in construction for the following purposes:
- when redeveloping housing for the construction of walls in a new convenient option, since the glass blocks allow you to build a wall without having lost the space. It should be noted that this material cannot be used to build bearing walls, since such a load may be excessive for this building material. It is worth considering that the wall made of glass blocks, the chipping room from the hall or the corridor, passes the sunlight and add light in this room, and relief glass blocks will protect the room from curious views;
- a partition from glassblocks with a flat or step-top can be raised quickly and without special labor and time. Especially relevant such design in bathrooms and bathrooms. Since this material has moisture-eyed properties, it can be used to arrange a bathing corners. The glass blocks in the bathroom allow you to zonate various zones, fencing from curious looks when bathing and protecting the room from splashing water. Such partitions from glass blocks look very harmonious indoors with a mode of high humidity. Showers from glass blocks are characterized by higher safety in operation compared to glass analogs.
How to mount the glass blocks do it yourself
To mount the glass blocks with your own hands, you will need to take into account a number of nuances of working with this construction and decorative material. It is important to note that glass blocks can only be a built-in design for which the support is required in the form of a wall or an end rack.
There are several methods for laying glass blocks:
- a classic method - using a wooden frame of the frame or a module made of metal profile, which is attached to the floor, walls and ceiling. Cement mortar is used to fasten the masonry, in addition, the adhesive composition for tiles can be used as glue for glass blocks. Tile glue is more viscous and elastic, while dryly dries and qualitatively fixes the glass blocks;
- a frame method - to mount the glass blocks is convenient for the base in the form of a special frame, while they must be fixed using a non-bubbling structure. To secure masonry on the frame, you can use silicone sealant, liquid nails, etc.
Classic Mounting Glass Locks
Before laying, it is necessary to clean the treated surface from the garbage, dust and residues of the old finish. Then you must apply marking on the base base. To determine the size of the wooden module (frame) to fix the masonry, you must lay out a row of glass blocks and insert plastic separators between them. After that, it is necessary to measure its length and height and calculate the necessary dimensions of the frame, which will be installed on the place of future masonry of glass blocks. Drilling holes in the frame, it must be attached to it to the wall structure using 50mm dowels and screws. To align the frame module, you can use soxes placed between the wall and its support surface.
After the preparation of the base surface, you will need to prepare the adhesive mixture. To lay glass blocks, you can use tile glue or prepare a cement-sand solution in a ratio of 1: 3. In order to increase the plasticity of the mixture, it is recommended to add PVA glue (at the rate of 200 g of glue to five buckets of the solution). For laying transparent glass blocks, it is preferable to apply white adhesive compositions - in this case, the design seams will look more aesthetic. It should be noted that it is not necessary to prepare a large amount of adhesive solution at once, as it has a property to quickly stick.
Before laying, it is necessary to check the integrity of the glass blocks, as the manufacturers provide a guarantee for this material before the start of installation work. Protective film from blocks before completing the work should not be removed to eliminate damage to glass plates. If there is no such film, you can apply any polyethylene, fixing it on the surface of the blocks with a paper tape.
When installing glass blocks, reinforcement should be used, paving vertically and horizontally in the seams of the rods of the rod from galvanized or stainless steel wire - so that they make up the metal grid fixing the design. For this, reinforcing rods must be consolidated in the wall structure, fixing them in advanced holes. Metal bars are stacked on mounting plastic crosses, while contacting them with glass. At the end of the work, the cross remains inside the masonry and rub.
To lay glass blocks, you can apply the following step by step instructions:
- first, it will be necessary to install vertical reinforcing rods into the holes on the bottom of the frame;
- next should be applied to the horizontal surface of the frame at the bottom of the adhesive solution with a thickness of up to 1 cm;
- putting a solution for fixing the first glass block on the side surface of the frame, the first glass "brick" should be installed and fix it, pressing into the layer of solution;
- according to this principle, it is necessary to post the lower row, aligning it with images, and then install the mounting crosses between the glass blocks, apply a layer of the adhesive mixture and install the reinforcing horizontal rod by fixing it in a predetermined hole;
- next, it will be necessary to sequentially lay the rows of glass blocks according to the method described above, mounted by reinforcing rods.
To avoid sending and curvature the erected wall, it is recommended to carry out the laying gradually - 3-5 rows, leaving the time to further graze the seams of at least 12 hours. After fixing the glass blocks, it is necessary to remove the excess adhesive mixture with a sponge.
After the installation is complete, it is necessary to wait for a complete design of the design - this will take several days. Next, it will be necessary to neatly leaf protruding from the masonry part of plastic crosses, if any. In addition, the seams should be paid - so that they look quite aesthetically, it is necessary to apply the grout composition of the appropriate shade. To seal the seams, the silicone seal will be applied.
After performing these works, glass blocks should be thoroughly wired with a clean cloth. If necessary, the remnants of the adhesive mixture can be removed from the surface of the glass with the help of an anticolored agent or a solution of hydrochloric acid - in this case, it will be necessary to trace so that this fluid does not penetrate into the seams.
For the installation of the rounded form structures from glass blocks, the same classical installation method is used. The only difference is that during arched laying it is necessary to bend horizontal fittings, giving it the desired shape to get a rounded wall. At the same time, the mounting crosses to adjust the thickness of the stamping seams should be used only on the inside of the structure. To lay the rounded part of the wall, it is recommended to use halves of glass blocks, since in this case a more dense reinforcement grid will be used, a hardening structure. In addition, with the use of "bricks" smaller smaller minimize the discrepancy between the outer and internal seams, as a result, such a wall will look more neat.
Frame Mounting Glass Mounting
To mount the glass blocks, you can apply a convenient in the implementation, but a more expensive method of laying without cement mortar. This design is obtained easier and looks more aesthetically compared to the classic installation method.
To do this, it will be necessary to use a specially made frame system in the form of a metal module or a wooden (made of dry grinded boards) - with cells of a suitable size in which glass blocks are inserted. It is necessary that the cell size coincides with the size of glass blocks with an accuracy of up to 2 mm. This design will be necessary to paint on the appropriate color and securely attach to the walls, floor and ceiling - for this you should use a dowel or anchors. This module is important to thoroughly align vertically and horizontally.
Next, in the cells of the prepared frame, it is necessary to place the glass blocks and fix them in the joints of the joints with the help of silicone sealant, resembling a colorless rubber after frozen. To dry out the joints, it will be necessary to 10 hours, after which the frame design will be ready for operation.
Application of glass blocks - Photo
Installation of glass blocks - video