Repair of sewer pipes Plumbing

The service life of sewage pipes largely depends on the quality of their assembly. However, no designs can work without breakdowns forever. Sooner or later, it will be necessary to repair. Therefore, it is worth knowing the basics, relying on which you can independently eliminate the breakdowns of the sewer pipe.
When is the repair of sewer pipes in the apartment?
Urgent repairs are required in the following cases:
- The pipe was blocked.
- At the junction of structures, approach.
- Cracks and potholes appeared. Disruled construction integrity.
Elimination of subtles
First of all, it is necessary to find where the breakdown was formed. Lects can appear on different parts of the structure. For example, at the entrance to the pipe. Of course, the plums of the bathroom and washbasin flow. The most common reason for the appearance of protections is the wrong compound directly on the boundaries of the siphon and the drain hole. In this case, first of all, you need to set the state of the gasket and if it is possible, then replace it. After that pull the junction in which there was a flow. Sometimes it is necessary to make the entrance to the pipe.
Lects can also occur on the place of the joint of two pipes. In this case, the repair will be somewhat more complicated than in case of leaks at the entrance to the pipe. So, the types of pipe connections are different. For example, lead or cement. Consequently, for each of them, flow will be eliminated in different ways.
In the presence of cement pipe connection, the repair technology is as follows:
- Remove the old cement. It is easiest to do this with a chisel and hammer.
- Remove from the slit packing and its remnants.
- Make a new layer of packing.
- Score a fresh layer of the seal.
- Separate a slit with a special solution. For its preparation, cement with water is preferably mixed in a ratio of 1:10.
With lead pipe connection, the leak elimination sequence is as follows:
- Clean the place of the junction to pure metal.
- Score new lead cones in the gap. Work is performed using a chisel.
Unfortunately, there is no necessary tool at hand. For example, how to repair sewer pipes in the presence of leaks at the junction, if there is only cement, and no seal? In this case, you can do the following manipulations:
- Clean the connection location. Be sure to remove the old insulation.
- Prepare liquid soap, medical bandage and liquid glass.
- Prepare a cement solution (until it becomes a casual state). Bindings will be painted. We will have to work with liquid glass immediately because it quickly solidifies.
- Welcome bandage in solution. And then wind the location where the pipes are joined.
- About two hours later, you can paint the place of docking in order to hide the existing defects and disadvantages.
In the event of a leakage of plastic structures, it is usually enough to change the rubber seal. Then, on top, the connection site to enhance reliability can be covered with sealant.
Prevention of leaks
Check the condition of sewage pipes should be regularly. If there is a high probability of the appearance of leaks and at the same time the pipes are old, then they should be replaced. In general, the leakage of sewage pipes is a fairly common problem. It occurs because the service life is coming to an end. If the straight trumpet either has become unreasonable over time, then it is only replaced, it is no longer repaired. In some cases, it is necessary to replace the sewage throughout the apartment. In order to avoid the accident, metal clamps are used, but before applying them, gaskets from rubber are stacked on a pipe in several layers.
On the pipe formed a crack
The crack, as a rule, is eliminated for a while until the pipe is completely replaced. Moreover, the repair of sewer pipes with their own hands when the cracks appear should be carried out as quickly as possible. After all, with time, the slit is only increasing in size, which, in turn, can lead to a break of the pipe. For this reason, if there is an opportunity, the design on which the crack was formed is replaced immediately.
When sticking the sewer pipe, you need to consider from what material it is made. For example, in the polymer design, the crack is embarrassed by a sealant and is wound with scotch.
With a cast-iron pipe, it is somewhat more complicated. Therefore, you need to execute the following priority of actions:
- Expand the crack and carefully degrease the surface.
- Prepare a solution (copper and phosphoric acid oxide). Mixed in a ratio of 1.5: 1.
- The finished mixture is quickly lining the crack.
Clocking pipes
Pipes in everyday life are rare enough. Usually, clogging occurs in the siphons under the sink, it is often a different garbage trash. In order to cope with blockage, you can use the vanatoux, and, therefore, get rid of the garbage, which accumulated in the siphon. So, you need to arrange it right above the drain, then make vertical movements (usually enough 2-3 times). In order for garbage to be delayed, water should be included.
Some washers are equipped with overflow. It is a hole that is insuring the overflow of the container. Before you get rid of blockage, first you need to plug this overflow. Otherwise, the work by Vatuz will not give any effect. The right pressure is not created and the air will chase just like that.
Almost similar actions must be performed in the case of a toilet deposit. We also use vanatuz. When work is done, it is necessary to turn on the water pressure to rinse the pipes well. In some cases, Vanutuz does not help. Therefore, you can resort to the use of chemicals that are sold today in almost any supermarket or shop, in the department of household chemicals. Only before you should read the instructions of the selected tool.
Repair of cast-iron sewer pipes
- First of all, you need to clear the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe structure from rust and paint. Then you should estimate the level of the available defect and, in accordance with its assessment, select the repair method.
- So, the narrow slots close with the help of the chasing a specially blued chisel.
- If in the pipe through fistula of a small diameter, then a lead cone can be scored to eliminate it with a hammer.
- If there are leaks in cement plugs on the joints of pipes, then, first of all, it is necessary to remove the entire existing cement and package from the connection site. After that, it is necessary to fill the new gasket from the cubicles and pour in advance prepared cement mortar.
More difficult, if necessary, replace cast iron pipes. The main difficulty is to dismantle the designs. After all, they could grow alone for many years to another.
To dismantle and install a new section, you must perform the following:
- Crop the cast-iron design with a grinder to a joint place.
- Of the existing socket connections using a chisel and a hammer to remove the remaining cement or lead and packing.
- On the remaining part of the design, make brilliating transverse cuts. They will serve as a stop for the lever.
- In the grooves insert the mount and the edge of the crop, which is used in the quality of the support under the lever, to draft the cast-iron construction along its axis.
- Extract from the termination the remainder of the tube.
- Insert a special adapter coupling into the socket. Its inner diameter must correspond to the outer diameter of the installed design of plastic.
- Install a new plastic pipe.
Repair of plastic sewer pipes
Pipes made of plastic in the event of damage to the surface are usually not repaired. There are two main reasons for it:
- New plastic pipes are quite cheap. Therefore, the costs of money and forces on repair often do not justify themselves.
- If the plastic pipe is damaged, then its strength characteristics become worse. And so much that after repair the reliability of the system is much lower than was initially.
From repair work, it is mainly carried out only the molding of sealants. And in this case it is done for a while until the replacement is bought. Just do not delay. After all, the sealant does not serve long.
It is often required to repair plastic sewage connections. After all, the rubber seals are often damaged when installing the sewerage. Pipe can also be due to poor quality seals.
Methods of trenchless repair of external sewer pipes
Today these methods are becoming more popular. Polyethylene pipes are used for work. There are two methods of trenchless repair:
- Berstline. In this case, the repair is carried out by destroying the old damaged pipe with the subsequent stretch instead of a larger diameter polyethylene tube. After the destruction of the pipe on it passes the expander to press the remnants of the old design to the ground and expand the well for a new one. After that, a new pipe is held in the tunnel.
- Relaining. At the same time, a special polyethylene tube is stretched inside the pipe with damage, which has a slightly smaller diameter. In this case, the leakage is eliminated for quite a long time.