How to choose a gas column Instruments

If you need to purchase a gas column, the buyer detects a variety of proposed models. This task is complicated, because I want to make the right choice of the gas column for use under certain conditions.
Help to choose consultants in stores, but in the final decision still should rely on their knowledge in this area. The gas column system consists of a burner, heating water and automatic components. The incoming flow passes through the heat exchanger, and the automation provides the security process.
Gas column selection criteria
From what gas columns come and buyers are repelled. The first item is selected performance, the efficiency of the device depends on this indicator. The greater the power of the gas column, the faster it heats the volume of water to the desired temperature. It is believed that for ordinary household needs there is enough of one device with a capacity of 10l per minute, while the water will be ensured and the bathroom, and the kitchen. For large houses, where there are several bathrooms and there is a large consumption of hot water. The gas column is better to choose with a capacity of 13-16 liters per minute.
The burners in the columns can be a constant or variable power, the first type requires constant control and regulation of water heating. In this case, devices with variable power are calculated on the instability of the supply pressure. The automatic gas column is better, it is independently adjusted under the intensity of the pressure. Initially, in such columns, the work is configured even on a thin flowing of water. Convenient features features a modulation burner that adjusts the height of the flame in automatic mode to withstand one level of heating. When the pressure drops in the water supply at the output will go water of the same temperature.
Features convenience during operation
Best gas columns withselect practicality and convenience in operation, and this directly depends on the ignition option:
- there is a manual ignition, but the models of modern production do not provide such a device. This is considered an inconvenient type of launch of the device, but in the models of the old sample, the manual ignition is still found;
- razihague with a piez, the activation of heating due to the separate button is very convenient. Nearby is a knob - a regulator that helps control the intensity of the gas supply;
- more economical options include models with electronic ignition. The principle of operation is based on the activation of a water pressure turbine, respectively, to start working column, it is enough to scroll the crane.
What depends the service life of the device
Correct gas column correctly Taking into account the operating conditions, local water pipes supply the population with rigid, far from clean water. Different columns have their own set of components, such as Chinese producers faster, it is out of order. This is explained by the presence of thin-walled tubes of small diameter, their quality is not designed for the composition of the applied pressure. Models from European companies are more adapted, connected tubes are performed from copper, which gives a guarantee of long-term operation.
The manufacturer of the column is the indicator of its quality
Consumers are often wondering: "What is the manufacturer of gas speakers to choose? » — for someone importing companies are preferred, and some only consider domestic firms. The seller can tell about the advantages of a certain model of the device, as well as reviews about a specific manufacturer. . Which company choose a gas column to choose the buyer, but there are decent companies that produce good quality products and abroad, and within our state. If you wish to choose the optimal version of the average price category worth paying attention to the flow gas water heaters from domestic producers. Their advantage is to obtain urgent repairs at small breakdowns due to the presence of many service centers.
The leader of the development in the field of production of gas columns is considered to beBosch.. This German company constantly pleases consumers with innovative techniques with advanced features under brandJunkers, Radison, Leblanc, Vulcano, Geminox.
Among domestic representatives are popular among consumers Neva, these column data are pleased with high-quality elements, the components are used by German, which ensures high operational properties.
Gas speakersARISTON. Developed to apply changeable conditions for our gas pipelines, the automatic system has a beneficial effect on the safety of its use. However, the models are demanding about water supply pressure.
Speakers are characterized by good indicatorsElectroluxThe applied components provide high-quality and silent operation of the device for long years. But cost is slightly higher from previously given options.
Assortment of aggregatesJunkers.includes universal models at optimal prices, you can find a high-quality column with the necessary indicators at average cost. It is worth paying attention to the adhesive device guarantee, which will give eloquent information.
Additional features of new aggregates
Choose gas columns automatic helps The presence of various sensors on the instrument panel. They help to avoid unforeseen situations through visual definition of faults, simplify operation. These include indicators:
- presence of thrust;
- overheating of water;
- gas supply;
- the presence of a flame;
- determination of water pressure.
The provided functions of the functions simplify the operation process significantly, for its safety, the devices are equipped with three degrees of protection. The first implies the elimination of gas leakage during a flame extinction or in the absence of thrust in the chimney. The second level is aimed at protecting the body of the instrument from strong heating, respectively, damage internal parts of the system. The third stage of protection is included in the absence of water or pressure. Technologies allow you to produce columns that have automatic malfunction diagnostics. These expensive models apply the result of the display on the display, the location is immediately indicated and the reason for the breakdown in text mode. The most advanced models provide information that warns the appearance of damage.
Recommendations of specialists to install column
An interesting column design plays the last role when choosing a device, but the original models are represented mainly by foreign firms. To contact the purchase and installation of gas columns is better in professional companies, experienced specialists will tell me what to choose a gas column according to the available reviews. Their advantage is qualified installation of instruments, because independent work is fraught with the occurrence of problems even when starting. And after purchasing a gas water heater, the store will have to look for a good installer. Subsequently, regular technical support will be required, because the columns for normal operation requires cleaning of individual elements of the unit.
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