We choose chandeliers for stretch ceilings Lighting,Ceilings

Finally, you followed fashion trends and installed the stretch ceiling houses. Thanks to this embodiment, the finishes can be hidden all the disadvantages of the "native" ceiling, which make its surface unsightly. The point is left for small - to decide what will be the source of artificial light in the room. In this regard, stretch ceilings are universal, because the chandeliers usually familiar to them, and single lamps, and new-fashioned LED ribbons are suitable. The specificity of the tension material puts forward some requirements for the chandelier installation. In this case, the lighting force, the configuration of the lighting device, as well as the installation method. If you prefer to classic, then the most relevant for you will, perhaps, will be the question of what chandeliers are for stretch ceilings, how to choose one single and correctly hang it, so as not to spoil the perfectly smooth cloth. We offer all the answers to find with us!
Requirements for chandeling for stretch ceiling
A lot of tight ceiling is said and written, and we will simply remind our readers the main feature of this design: it is the basis of the canvas - PVC or polyester - which is stretched under the base ceiling by several centimeters below it. PVC material sensitively reacts to temperature change and begins to deform (stretch) when increasing the thermometer to 80 0WITH.
Polyester tissue perfectly preserves the form, but responds with a change in color, the appearance of yellowness or black spots to a strong increase in the thermometer's column, as well as a poor-quality chandelier. To understand which chandeliers are suitable for stretch ceilings, take note of important information:
- It is unacceptable that the stretch canvas is under the influence of temperature more than 60 0C, in connection with which the lighting devices are located at a certain distance from too susceptible canvas. Therefore, there is a special requirement and to power light bulbs in the lamp - they should not overheat the stretch ceiling. Best of all, energy-saving lamps are coping with this task. They differ in high efficiency, but at the same time heated very weakly, so their close neighborhood with the ceiling of fears does not cause. However, consider that the large moisture coefficient indoors becomes an obstacle to the operation of energy-saving lamps.
- The installation of halogen and LED lamps occurs through power converters. Such devices are not intended to accommodate between the fairy ceiling and the ceiling of the room, since this space is deprived of ventilation, and overheating will shorten the service life of the power converters. Instead, they make a spacious niche with good ventilation, and the wires to them are fixed above the stretched ceiling. However, this option will not suit, except the installation of a new ceiling, all repair work in the room has already been completed. Then it will have to stop on the devices running from network power supply.
- Chandeliers and other lighting devices have different attachment methods to the "native" ceiling. In this regard, it is necessary to purchase them before installing the tensioning canvas in order to calculate in advance, in which place it is more convenient to cut through the canvas for the lamp, as well as secure the basis for the fixing device.
- The gloss of the tensioning canvas is able to "repel" up to 80% of the light, so the chandeliers under the stretch ceiling is better to pick up with ceiling. Otherwise, the light of open lamps, beating up, will be reflected in the ceiling, creating too bright and irritating eye lighting. Plafones will provide cozy and dispersed light in the room.
- The chandelier or lamp, the complex fastening of which will obviously cause difficulties, are not suitable for the stretch ceiling, since it is not a meal of excess deformation. Specialists do not recommend choosing chandeliers as a lighting device for premises with a stretch band, since the base they have very thin and fragile, and can also overheat the tensioning canvas.
Flashing chandelier: what to pay attention to
The chandelier for the stretch ceiling in the form of a ceiling is very popular today. When choosing such a lighting device, it is necessary to consider:
- The presence of reflectors. Well, if each light bulb is equipped with a reflector from above. These thin plates, the material for which served chrome or stainless steel, the design chandelier is not always. However, if you want to put LED lamps in the ceiling with a power supply unit outside the lighting instrument, reflectors lose their relevance, since the ceiling in this case is unlikely to suffer from overheating.
- Suspension size. If the plander covers the lamps below, the chandelier fixed on the stretch ceiling must be equipped with a long suspension. The reason is obvious: this precaution will prevent excessive overheating of the ceiling surface.
We offer you a selection of photo chandeliers for the tensioning ceiling for the hall:
Ceiling chandeliers for stretch ceilings: shape and size
All lighting devices of this type are horizontal and vertical. Horizontal chandeliers whose diameter does not exceed 1 m, are best suitable for the room with low ceilings (2.3 - 3 m). Most often they have several horns on the "branches". Luminaires in such chandeliers are evenly framing the chandelier and are equidistant from its center, so the room is highly illuminated.
Vertical chandeliers - find for rooms with high ceilings (more than 3 m). It is best to use the lighting structures of approximately 30 - 50 cm in diameter and a height of 1 m. Attached to the long "leg" chandelier evenly fills the space with light.
If the ceilings indoors are too low, then the owner may consider the option of stretch ceilings without a chandelier, otherwise households will simply hurt the lighting head. In this case, it is better to give preference to point luminaires.
The optimal option for the stretch ceiling is the chandeliers, on which the lamps are placed in plants or horns, "looking" down, so as not to overheat the supple canvas. In addition, we can safely choose a chandelier for your room, decorated with some decorative element - "tears" from faceted transparent and stained glass or a spectacular lampshade, for example.
Everything is as popular as before, the classic uses crystal chandeliers. The light, leaking through the transparent faceted parts of the lighting device, is evenly dissipated throughout the room. Modern crystal chandeliers are constructed with all the requirements for room lighting, where stretch ceilings are installed. Evaluate chandeliers for stretch ceilings in the photo:
In general, the shape and size of the chandelier for the stretch ceiling are determined by the desire of the room owner to create one or another effect. For example, under the matte web of the stretcher and the chandelier with lamps made in the form of candles, while the glossy stretch ceiling is unlikely to emphasize the beauty of the lighting device. Against the background of the gloss, the chandelier will look great, which in the reflection of the glossy canvase will turn into a full sphere, and besides, it will make the ceiling visually above, and the room is more. Horizontal lighting devices equipped with several horns are suitable for matte, and for glossy canvases.
Installation chandelier on stretch ceiling: installation options
The universal method of attaching different types of lamps under the stretch ceiling does not exist, since the installation method depends on the design of a particular chandelier: to fix the suspension lighting, you will need an anchor hook, and the overhead luminaires are more convenient to "plant" to a special overhead panel.
Let's look at how to hang a chandelier on the stretch ceiling depending on its type of installation.
How to mount a suspended chandelier
Fixation on the hook - today it is the most practical and popular type of installation. For the installation of a new suspension chandelier, a hook from the previous lamp is suitable: it is already securely fixed in the concrete ceiling overlap. In other cases, the hook is either connected to the fastening, which holds it in the stove, or welded to a solid metal strip, screwed to the surface of the ceiling. If there was no hook in the room before, the mounting chandelier to the stretch ceiling is best to produce an anchor hook - it is the most reliable.
Option number 1.
Using the perforator in the concrete, the ceiling cut the hole with a diameter suitable for the size of the anchor. Anchor clogged there with a big hammer, then the hook rotates until the sleeve accepts the working position. Anchor size in diameter is chosen, given the type of chandelier. Most often enjoy such hooks, the dimensions of which fall in the range of 0.6 - 1.4.
Option 2.
This way uses when you need to hang a chandelier under the stretch ceiling in a private house. Hole make in inter-storey overlap. Then cut the metal blank into two identical rectangular plates of 3 mm in thickness. In the center of each metal rectangle, a hole is done in size, not much greater than the crossing of the hook from the opposite end. Metallic blanks are applied to the surface of the slab overlap from different sides, following their holes to shift. Then on the hook equipped with a solid thread on a straight piece, twist the nut. The hook stretches through the holes of the planks, and the nut at the same time rests on the bar located under the ceiling. Finally, the hook shank wind another nut, after which both blanks are pressed against the surface of the overlap.
How to mount a chandelier on the plate
The chandelier is fixed on the mounting bar, which the manufacturer sells with it (if the chandelier is not very heavy). The device of all slats is identical. To secure the plank, you will need clamps that are on the sides of the device. When attaching a plank, special side openings are used equipped with a side clip and carvings. On the surface of the "native" ceiling of the room, it is fixed with the help of a wooden bar, following the lower part to be above the tensioning canvas for about 1 cm.
How to mount the lamp on the "Cross"
The "Cross" mounting plate is assembled quite intense chandeliers with a bulk design. Before fixing the "Cross" to the surface of the ceiling, you need to attach a carrier platform, which is cut from plywood with a thickness of at least 1 cm. Its length and width must exceed the dimensions of the chandelier. In the center of the plywood platform, a hole is cut out about 5 cm in the diameter - to remove the wires. Then, on the main ceiling with the help of anchor dowels, 4 plates are mounted to which the carrier platform is screwed by self-draws.
How to mount chandelier on "ITAVR"
Such a device comes complete to large and heavy lighting instruments. To the basic ceiling of the room "ITAVR" fasten the same way "Cross".
It is important! When installing the lighting device, the "Cross" and the "Crest" installation devices in the canvas will need to cut out the ratherone holes, which in some cases can spoil the stretch ceiling, poorly reflected in the strength of the tension of its web. In addition, it is impossible to use drywall as a basic surface - it will not cope with the load.
Under the canvas, the chandelier suspended when it completely cools after the stretch. If the attachment point for the lamp served an anchor hook, a plastic ring is glued to the ceiling under it, it cut the hole in its inner edge in the material of the ceiling and remove the wires.
If the lamp for the lamp has become a mounting bar, a larger ring will need, which will provide reliable fixation based on it. For the "Cross" and "hediar", fixing devices are glued in the middle and at the clutch points of the planks with the base platform. At the final stage of work, the wiring is connected to the network, the chandelier is watering to its rightful place, then the plugs are screwed down and check whether the lamp works.