Mirror stretch ceilings Ceilings

Stretch ceilings are currently moving from the category "Luxury" to the category "Necessary". Stretch ceiling is an excellent design element, with which it is possible to achieve flawlessness. Special popularity among Russian users occupy mirror stretch ceilings, which are a good alternative to the ordinary mirror. With the help of a tensioning mirror canvase, you can visually expand the room and enrich its emotional essence. In addition, the mirror stretch ceiling is a powerful tool on the way to creating bold design ideas, with which you can not only expand the space, but also to correct the architectural disadvantages of the room.
Mirror stretch ceilings will help competently control the light source and "push the visual frames. In addition, with the help of reflecting PVC, the canvas can be achieved a visual sensation of an increase in space (the effect of the second floor).
If your goal is to create bulk and complex ceiling structures, you want to completely change the size of the room and disrupt the rule of rectilinear lines, the use of a mirror stretched canvase will just help embody these dreams into reality.
Read more about stretch ceilings
Stretch ceiling is a thin durable film made of PVC fabric. It is mounted on the frame under the ceiling. The color of the canvas can be different, with a pattern, monotonous or mirror.
Using only one element in the interior of the room - a mirror stretch ceiling, it is possible to make a wide one from a narrow room, and the fading change to bright colors.
The main advantage of the tensioning mirror ceiling is safety. If we compare the installation of the tensioning ceiling with the time-consuming process of installing glass mirror elements, then in the first case - for installation it will be necessary only for a few hours, and we will experience that the ceiling can crack and crumble, you do not have to. As a result, it turns out perfectly smooth cloth.
The greatest effect of the visual increase in space can be achieved with a competent selection of the hue of the canvas. Designers are recommended to be used as a mirror reflection of the tensioning canvas of dark shades.
What is the advantage of mirror stretch ceilings
When deciding to install a mirror ceiling, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the material, its advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages of stretch mirror ceilings include:
- the ability to visually expand the space, make it wider, volume and higher;
- the variety of the color palette of the mirror canvase, as well as individual suspended elements, allows you to create as a single mirror canvas, and use the mirror canvas as a decor element;
- functionality - In the resulting interpostil space, all unnecessary communications (ventilation and climatic systems) can be hidden, as well as to correct the curvature of the ceilings;
- resistance to moisture - Even when there is an increased humidity in the room, the surface of the mirror stretch can not be spoiled, as it is processed by a protective coating, which cannot be said about ordinary mirrors. Therefore, stretching mirror ceilings can be installed in rooms with high humidity - pools, bathrooms and kitchens;
- it is possible to embed luminaires of any type in order to achieve uniform lighting of the room or allocate individual zones;
- no additional preparation for installation is required. The speed of work when installing the tensioning canvas will depend on the size of the room and the presence of complex decorative elements;
- it is easy to care for the ceiling - it is enough to wipe the surface with a dry clean cloth, you can process the film with a glass cleaning with a weak soapy;
- the ceiling is not deformed and does not settle, and the ability to withstand a lot of pressure (if you "flooded" from top to bottom, then all the water will "hold" your ceiling) talks about the strength of the material;
- stretch film is not subject to fungus and mold formation;
- the life of the tensioning mirror ceiling with gentle handling is more than thirty years.
The disadvantages include:
- PVC tile - a material that is used to create a reflection effect. He held a special treatment, which resulted in the acquires the ability to reflect the objects. But reflection is a bit vague and not as clear as a reflection of the mirror;
- price stretch ceiling mirrored when compared with the cost of installing the ceiling of individual mirror elements will be slightly higher;
- suspended ceiling is afraid of sharp corners, it is also easy to damage or sharp object to pierce the nail, so when a mirror operation of a stretch ceiling is necessary to consider this point;
- taken when installing ceiling height - about ten centimeters under normal installation and about fifteen centimeters or more to create a multilevel ceiling;
- fabric with a smooth surface are produced standard size (half a meter). When decorating a large area on the premises there is a need for bonding webs, in which case the seam will be visible;
- facing the mirror film can be performed not in each room. Bedroom it will not help you, you also need well thought out kitchen design before attempting to install a mirrored ceiling. But in the hallway and bathroom, a ceiling will look good.
Scope mirror suspended ceilings:
- As a decorative element in the form of small insertions or whole leaf: in bathrooms, hallways, kitchens, living rooms, small and large area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises.
- High-grade ceiling ceiling set in offices, shops, restaurants and hypermarkets.
Stretch mirrored ceilings look at the photo:
Features ceiling mounting
When installing the mirror of a stretch ceiling should be highlighted:
- The ceiling will not be subject to stress, which is not true of false ceilings. If we compare the mirrored film mirror panels, the mirror is heavy and hang them on the entire ceiling would be dangerous. Especially, if the ceiling lining is carried out in the homes of old buildings, for example, in "Khrushchev" and in their own homes with wooden beams.
- Mirror stretched canvas can be installed with one blade without the use of separating structures. But to make the ceiling of a mirror the size of a half to one and a half meters - will be very difficult and even dangerous.
There are two methods of setting the tension of the film:
- Frameless - cloth clamp on the frame (metallic or wooden). The advantage of this method is simplicity and relatively low cost of frameworks. In addition, there is no need to perform preliminary measurements and make a canvas for an individual pattern. The method is quite simple and inexpensive, but over time the ceiling can be saved a little.
- Capoon - first it is necessary to make the ceiling measurements, then prepare according to the individual pattern of the canvas. Mirror film is mounted on the frame. With the help of a special apparatus under a stream of warm air, the web is heated and stretched to the room area. At the edges, the mirror film with a special tool is snapped on the frame. After a certain time, when the film will completely cool - the ceiling will be smooth and durable. This method of mounting the ceiling reduces its height of several centimeters.
Mirror ceiling with their own hands
For a classic mirror ceiling in the bathroom, you must prepare the following:
- mirror plates. Calculate the required amount of material in advance. Since the plates are a very fragile material, then a small supply will not hurt;
- to prepare the surface of the ceiling - the finish putty, the primer mixture, the spatula, the tank for the preparation of putty, the electric drill and a special nozzle, an fine-grained grinding sheet for surface alignment;
- glue for gluing a mirror tile to the ceiling;
- screws - if the installation of the ceiling is performed by another method. You will also need a screwdriver, electric drill, construction meter and pencil.
You can make a mirror ceiling in the bathroom in two ways: to glue a tile on special glue or perform installation with screws. Consider both options.
To make the perfect mirror ceiling, it is necessary to prepare the surface in advance - it is necessary to clean the ceiling from the old whitewash and putty, the surface is predicted and proceeding with putty work. For a mirror ceiling, it is enough to apply a thin layer of putty, wait for it to completely dry and clean the surface so that there are no dents and protrusions on the ceiling.
The gluing of the mirror stoves is carried out on the perfectly smooth and smooth surface.
How to glue the plates:
- Treat the surface of the ceiling by the primer mixture.
- Apply glue with a thin layer on the ceiling and wait for it to dry out a bit. This will improve the quality of the compound of two surfaces.
- Apply glue around the perimeter of the tile and gently attach the item to the ceiling. Hold a few minutes to make sure that the tile holds well.
- While working, make sure that the tiles are connected to each other without gaps, in which case can be achieved almost perfectly smooth mirror surface.
Fastening the mirror tile with screws:
- For work, prepare screws. Using the electric drills, make the holes at the corners of the hole. The ceiling markup must be performed with maximum accuracy, otherwise it will be impossible to correct the error. Stick to such a sequence: First, make holes in the tile, and then proceed to markup.
- Now "encircle" a mirror tile - if the holes coincide with the markup on the ceiling - you can proceed to the most responsible torque.
- With the help of self-screws and a screwdriver (you can use a screwdriver) Attach the tile to the ceiling.
- The mirror ceiling is ready - it remains to pay attention to the seams.
A more complex option is the installation of a mirror suspended ceiling. First, it is necessary to make a metal frame, and then put the mirrors in the suspended design. This design should be well fixed, because the weight of the mirror ceiling is considerable.
How to install a mirror ceiling, look at the video: