Combining wallpaper in the living room: Tips and recommendations Wallpaper,Walls

The living room is a business card of each family, because it is her walls become witnesses of important family events with the participation of guests, it is here that family traditions are stored and created, it is most often supporting friendly communication.
It is important to make every effort to make the living room acquire that character and appearance that will contribute to comfort and cause pleasant emotions. The design of the walls plays in this key role, because on their background, the design of the floor, the ceiling, details of furniture and decor elements can be very different.
Now it is very fashionable when creating the interior of the living room to use various ways to combine wallpaper to impart expressiveness of a certain room zone or decor. In this way, you can hide the flaws of the square, visually increasing the space and letting more light into the living room.
Where to start when combining wallpapers in the living room
- Before getting to choose and combining the wallpaper in the living room, it is important to consider a holistic image of the room and reconsider dozens of photos with various options.
- It is better, of course, take advantage of the designer's advice, which will help bring all the nuances to one harmonious solution, but you can trust our own intuition.
- To begin with, it is worthwhile to give the right room characteristic: how it plays height, the shape of the room, the natural light.
- Then you need to decide which advantages would be to emphasize, and what disadvantages on the contrary, hide.
- The location of the living room zones should be thought out: where the sofa will stand, hang a TV, a place for chairs, coffee table, decor elements and lighting devices.
- The upholstery of furniture can be one coloring with wallpaper, or on the contrary, create contrast. Pay attention to how curtains will look on the walls of the walls.
- The appearance of the floor and the ceiling should also be uncommon with the design of the walls of the room.
Types of wallpaper
Wallpapers in the interior of the living room play a very important role, and their competent combination helped solve many design tasks, which is shown on numerous eloquent photos.
In the modern market there is such a number of types of wallpaper that inexperienced buyer is difficult to figure them out. Each view has its own characteristics: durability, specifics of working with them, care features and price category.
Paper wallpaper
This is the easiest and cheapest version of the wallpaper, but quite capricious compared to other types of material. Such wallpapers are better glued on perfectly aligned walls, otherwise they will issue all the shortcomings of the surface of a picky eye. We'll have to tinker with joints, as well as to be careful in the process of sticking, otherwise the drawing can be spoiled with a strong pressing.
Fliselinova wallpaper
Wallpaper on Flizelin will serve for a long time, they do not fade under the action of sunlight, and also not afraid of moisture. They can be washed and reclaimed if necessary. This is a more modern and practical option for the living room.
Vinyl wallpapers
Vinyl is not such a tight material like Flizelin, because it has a paper base, but also perfectly tolerate cleaning. He goes well on the wall, making the place of the junctions with almost not noticeable eye. Due to this property, the vinyl wall looks in one whole.
Wallpaper of fabric
Wallpapers from the fabric will give the luxury and romance of the Middle Ages. Having a paper or flieslinic base, the facial coating can be made of silk, velor, flax, polyester and other materials. Wallpapers are capricious in care, as dust sits down on them, and they are categorically impossible to wash them, therefore there are more specific methods for cleaning them.
Glass equipment
These are very practical, reliable and durable wallpaper. They are not moat, do not light up and will serve up to 30 years. In addition, there are options for painting that can change color up to 20 times. Such wallpapers are made of natural materials: quartz sand, limestone, clay, starch. They are not afraid of pets of domestic animals, it is easy to clean. Due to natural breathable surfaces, glassy exclude the possibility of spreading fungus and mold.
Bamboo wallpaper
This material is good with its naturalness, natural beauty. Most often use such wallpapers for the emphasis finishes of different zones in the living room. Bamboo wallpapers sufficiently clean with a vacuum cleaner, and in case of more serious contaminants, they calmly move wet cleaning.
Methods of combining wallpaper
Different options for combining wallpaper wallpapers are built on a combination of different color gamut rates, drawings and textures. All these characteristics can serve as the possibility of giving the room of those qualities that she lacks.
Wallpaper Colors for Combination
- When the room is saved by wallpaper, then the requirements for the interior of the living room are very minimal, its filling can be any. But when a combination of colors is used on the walls, it already obliges to duplicate the same shades in the interior of the room. To the main room of the apartment was stylish, this rule should be followed.
- Different wallpapers of one shade will create a feeling of rest and peacekeeping. Contrast colors will give the interval situation, lush and emphasize the style. In narrow living rooms, it is successfully equipped with end walls in brighter colors, and long walls are in darker, then the room will look more square.
- The combination of the wallpaper of two colors in the living room looks elegant and effectively, which is displayed in the photo. The combinations of white and blue, brown and golden sections, juicy combinations of yellow and green shades, as well as a classic black and white version are well looking at well. To make the wallpaper perfectly approached each other in color, apply different options right in the store under different lighting.
Drawing wallpapers when combining
- It is important not to overdo it here and withstand the style. You should not use a combination of more than 3 options for different drawings in one room.
- The strips successfully interact with any other patterns, as well as with monophonic wallpaper. Also striped wall design is well masked joints.
- The combination of peas and stripes is suitable for the living room in retro style.
- A combination of large colors with monophonic stripes looks good, the main thing is that the shades of colors and the bands are combined with each other.
- You can use the reception at which the relative shades of the bands are smoothly moving from one to another.
- If the room is spacious enough, a large repeating pattern can become a spectacular decoration of the bands.
Wallpaper texture when combining
- Wallpapers can be completely smooth and have a embossed surface. A combination of different textures will help express your preferences and make the room design unique.
- You can combine paper and vinyl wallpapers, photo wallpapers and textiles.
- It is interesting to combine vinyl and tissue wallpaper. The coarsest surface of the fabric is appropriate at the bottom of the room, and the more tender texture is at the top. Such a combination creates a home heat atmosphere and is pleasant in a cold winter evening.
Methods of blending wallpaper
When creating a thought-out image and creative style of the interior, you can use different options for sticking wallpaper wallpapers using their combination, which is shown on the photo collections.
Vertical way of blending wallpaper
Wallpaper lines glue along the entire length of the wall. This method visually removes the ceiling from the floor and the room becomes higher. Wallpaper joints can be made by a wave, zigzag or in other ways, but in this case can not do without the help of experienced professionals. The wallpaper line does not have to end on the wall at all, it can go to the ceiling to emphasize the originality of the interior.
Horizontal way of blending wallpaper
- Wallpaper of different types are found at a certain height of the wall. At the same time, they can be crooked smoothly, but nothing prevents the imagination and make a diagonal joint or try even more complex options. If the joint is horizontal, then it is often decorated with a border. Borders can be paper, wooden, polyurethane and others. Wide wallpaper rolls are suitable for this option.
- In a low room, the transition from one to another type of wallpaper is better to carry out at the level of 1 meter. In the room with high ceilings, different wallpapers can meet above, at the level of 1.5 - 2 m. This method of sticking wallpaper visually "spreads" the walls. At the same time, the level of requirements for the smoothness of the walls increases, otherwise all irregularities in such a combination of wallpaper can become more noticeable.
- At first, the upper part of the wall is placed, and the bottom of the sheet is leaving free from glue. Sheets at the bottom of the wall are also glued to the end. Circumcision of surplus sheets and the formation of joints should be done only after complete drying of the main part of the wallpaper. Such a feature of sticking helps to avoid discrepancies of the junctions afterwards.
- Some creative parents of young artists who love to draw on the walls use the following admission to allow young talent to develop without restrictions. They provide the possibility of their children to draw in the lower part of the wall, limited to the curb, against the background of light monophonic wallpaper, and the upper part remains untouched. Children are delighted, and parents can only admire the frequent shifts of the room's interior. The child grows, and the memory of his colorful fantasies will remain on the walls as much as you want to see such arts.
- A more common and logical option is still darker bottom and bright top of the living room. At the same time, part of the wall can be issued by one-photon wallpaper, and the other part of it will be covered with a pesting patterns.
Walking inserts
- Even long-known ideas of combining wallpaper in the living room can have a completely unexpected solution with the help of a light way to give expressiveness to the interior - applying wallpaper inserts.
- Elements of other, more dense wallpapers are glued on the main background that can be decorate. This technique is often used to maintain a classic style or baroque. Inserts can be figured, for which the wallpaper is used with a large pattern.
- That lucky people who have the opportunity to steal the evening in the living room near the fireplace, you should take care of this zone. Wallpaper warm solar shades profitably emphasize the game of fiery languages. It is appropriate in this zone using brown shades hinting on wooden bars crackling in the fireplace.
- Having saves part of the free wall with wallpaper of contrasting color, you will create a cozy place to accommodate family photos and decor elements.
Creating an accent wall
- Selection of one wall is very popular and appropriate for any rooms, including the living room. Here most often focus on the wall, where there will be a TV, because it is more likely to come across the eyes of a person sitting on a sofa or a comfortable chair. But the recreation area is also worthy of attention. For example, two vertical bright stripes on sofa sofas beneficially emphasize the relax and comfort zone.
- If you wish to highlight some one wall to distinguish between functional zones in the room, be careful when the furniture is arranged, which should not be too close with your efforts.
- Using different color, magnitude or texture of flaps pasted on the wall, you can emphasize your creativity and create a truly unique design of the room.
- It is important that all the pillars have any common topic. It can be similar ornament, an interesting color palette, game forms of patchwork. The room with this solution will immediately be filled with mischievous fun in the case of bright solar colors, cold importance when using restrained shades, or creative in case of bold combinations of various inserts.
- The ideas of combining wallpaper in the living room there is a unquietial amount, and conducting experiments, you make your original vision of creating a unique interior.
Selection of relief living room zones
Rooms, protrusions and columns may be present in the room. These details can be perfectly refined with wallpaper. Niche can be highlighted in a darker compared to the main background color, and the protrusions, on the contrary, with lighter wallpaper. The columns can also be placed with wallpaper with a large pattern highlighting on the background of walls.
Registration of the walls of Khrushchev wallpaper
- The planning of apartments in the old Soviet houses, unfortunately, can not boast a large square. The same drawback also has a hall in such an apartment, but everything is fixable by combining wallpaper in Living Room Khrushchev.
- Room walls with a small area should be accomplished in light and natural shades. It will fit very well minimalism as the main interior style of the living room. There should be no extra furniture, small details, but let's impart more light. In the same spirit it is worth picking up a wallpaper.
- Visually to expand the room will help sticking the photo wallpaper with the image of spacious natural landscapes, who led to the unknown gave, on the wall, opposite recreation area. The same effect can be achieved by photographic photos with 3D effect.
- If you choose a wallpaper with a pattern, then in a small living room it is worth avoiding large ornaments, a small pattern is more appropriate here in combination with monophonic inserts. Vertical or horizontal combination of wallpaper in a small living room when choosing calm pastel tones will help visually increase the space.
- You can apply a patchwork method, combining inserts of light shades, alternating bright colors and more restrained.
Tips for choosing wallpaper
If you do not have enough experience to deal with such a task yourself, use the advice of specialists.
- It is better to choose different rolls of one width.
- Consider the options for combining wallpapers that offer manufacturers themselves. Experts have already thought out the combination of colors and wallpaper textures.
- Try to buy different wallpapers in one place. It is easier to return too much if necessary and count on a discount.
- Choose wallpaper from one price category. It is better not to combine cheap and expensive options, as it will look ridiculous.
- Try to choose different wallpapers of one manufacturer.
Wallpaper combination is a very interesting and creative occupation, which allows you to create a unique design of the living room at a minimum cost level. Successful combinations of colors, ornaments and wallpaper textures will transform the main room of your apartment beyond recognition, give the interior of sophistication and hobs the shortcomings of the apartment planning.