Removing air conditioners: how to remove the split system with your own hands Climate,Useful advice

Situations in which the dismantling of the split system is required can be different. If this is caused by the need to repair, it is possible that only the outdoor or internal block will be removed. With this work it is quite possible to cope yourself. If you need to replace the entire system completely or rearrange it to another place, then you will need a complete dismantling of all blocks, including the extraction of the track (pipeline, drainage and electrocabels). Such dismantling requires certain knowledge and equipment for which it is better to invite specialists. However, if you properly approach the solution of this task, then remove the split system is absolutely real and independently. How to do this to consider in detail.
Preparation for dismantling split-system
First you need to decide on the purpose of dismantling. As mentioned above, there may be a need for a complete dismantling and it is enough to remove only part of the system. Such a goal largely simplifies work and is one of the steps of the full process of removal of air conditioning. Therefore, it is worth considering the actions when dismantling the entire split system with external and internal (internal, in the case of a multi split system) blocks, pipelines and other equipment.
The full dismantling of the split system must be performed at least together. The assistant is necessary, first of all, to comply with the safety regulations (insurance) and when performing outdoor work, when access to tools is limited, and the workspace does not allow individual operations on their own.
Dismantling conditioners. Required tool and equipment
The list of tools and equipment is not final. It can be complemented and vary depending on the conditions and nature of the work, as well as from the capabilities of the owner of the air conditioner for the acquisition of equipment and from the skills of ownership of various kinds tools. So, optimally needed:
- Ladder. The height of the stepladder depends on the location of the blocks outside and indoors with air conditioning. Better if there is not one stepladder.
- Manometer collector. In principle, you can perform work and without a pressure gauge (vacuuming system at approximate time, for example), but it will be incorrect and damage the ozone layer of the atmosphere if the freon in the system is not completely removed from the pipelines. In addition, there is a danger of equipment breakdown, and the refrigerant in the atmosphere will have to be charged additionally, which will certainly need to refer to specialists (with appropriate expenses).
- Rozhkov keys (mostly sizes at 13, 14, 17, 19, 22 and 24).
- Facial and adjustable keys.
- Hexagons of various sizes.
- Screwdriver with a set of bit and a set of screwdrivers.
- Construction knife.
- Truborez. May not be needed, and if necessary, it can be replaced by other metal-cutting tools.
- Sideboards or Passatia.
- Insulating tape or any other material to protect against damage, dirt and moisture of cavities removed pipelines.
- Rope or Fal for a more convenient and safe extraction of an external block from the outside of the wall of the room.
- Insurance equipment.
- Package for storing or transporting removed equipment.
Preparation of workplace
In order for the dismantling of the split system to be performed convenient and safely, it is necessary:
- Remove all furniture and other property from the working area in the area of \u200b\u200bthe indoor unit of the air conditioner.
- If the external unit is located on a wall overlooking the loggia or balcony, it is also necessary to provide free access to the external equipment of the air conditioner.
- When performing work during the cold season, it will take into account that in the room it will be cold when working and this should not harm residents or pets.
- Thunder the procedure for use and, if necessary, fix the safety equipment in the necessary places.
- Place the tool and equipment at a convenient and accessible place.
The order of dismantling split system
Wakuuming freon contour
- At the external air conditioner unit, unscrew all the plugs on the two-way and three-way valves.
- Connect a manometer collector to the filling station of the three-way valve (it is usually larger than the size of the two-way, and the pipeline is thicker). It must be remembered, in the fitting there is nipple, through which gas and compressor oil can exit when connecting the hose.
- Enable air conditioning in cooling mode.
- Set on the air conditioner control panel minimum temperature.
- Overlapping the suitable size of a two-way valve (smaller).
- Control the pressure gauge reduction in the freon contour.
- When the pressure drops in the gas circuit below zero (Freon is completely flowing into the external unit and in the vacuum pipelines) to overlap the three-way valve with a hexagon key.
- As soon as the three-way valve is completely closed, you must immediately turn off the air conditioner.
- Split all the plugs into place.
Dismantling of an external bloc
After the pipelines did not remain freon, you can proceed to the dismantling of the split system.
- Unscrew (if it does not provide for dismantling of pipelines) or eat pipelines with rake, disconnecting them in this way from the valves of the external block. When the split-system is re-installed, for high-quality sealing of the connections of pipelines with valves, the copper tubes will be reduced. Therefore, to protect copper pipelines and valves of the external unit from the fall of dirt and moisture, it is advisable to eat them and boil.
- If the nuts from the pipelines are simply unscrewed, then in their place it is necessary to install plugs or protect against trash and moisture in the valve cavity in another way (tape).
- Disconnect the wires from the external block and, if necessary, to march.
- Disconnect the outdoor unit from the bracket.
- Remove the outdoor unit Observing safety regulations (you can use a rope or file).
- Remove the brackets from the wall (if necessary).
- Pack out the outdoor unit.
Dismantling inner block
Dismantling the indoor unit must be taken carefully so as not to damage the body of the block, and do not deform the evaporator tubes solder to the heat exchanger in the block itself.
- Examine on the instructions for the location and design of fixtures and latches of the indoor unit.
- Decorate the bottom latches of the block body from the mounting plate.
- If there is no fixation of it in the open position in the design of the external block, it will fix it with appropriate means or contact the help of a comrade.
- Open the thermal insulator of the inner block pipelines.
- Unscrew or snack (retreating a distance of 5-7 cm from the nut from the side of the outer unit) by side of the copper tubes of the freonont. When unscrewed nuts, you need to use two keys and act carefully not to deform the tubes.
- Cutting the cropped ends of the tubes or close the cavities with protective plugs.
- Disconnect (or crop the construction knife) drainage nozzle. It must be borne in mind that the remaining water may be in the tube.
- Open the lid of the electrical line of the indoor unit and disconnect the electrical wires (if necessary, sign or mark them).
- Remove the inner block from the mounting plate. Usually the upper part of the inner block housing is hanging on fasteners located at the top of the mounting plate and remove it simply.
- Remove the mounting plate.
- Package inner block.
Dismantling pipelines, drainage and electrical communications
If the pipelines, the drainage hose and the electric line are tightly closed into the wall, then nothing else remains, how easy it is to crop all communications in the places of entry into the room and exit.
If there is the possibility of removing them without disturbing the integrity, it is necessary to stretch first the most responsive part of the track, and then the rest. Before removing the pipelines, you must remove the nuts by cutting the tube using pipe cuts or sideness. The ends of all communications to straighten and reliably slaughter with a tape so that nothing interfered with the extraction and did not get dirt and moisture in the cavity.
After retrieving the track, it is necessary to carefully, so as not to reverse and not deform the copper tubes, wind pipeline, cables, drainage hose and pack.
Now the disassembly of the split system can be considered completely fulfilled.