How to plant a parsley: Step-by-step instructions Plot

Rarely, who prepares dishes without greens, and most often use parsley. Its leaves and crushed roots are great for adding in sauce, conservation, salads, soups, second meat dishes, fish, vegetables. Grow it on its own site or even on the windowsill will not be difficult. But adhere to some rules still worth getting the most abundant and high-quality harvest. About these recommendations you will learn from this article.
What happens parsley?
All parsley varieties are divided into 2 types depending on which part of it is suitable for food:
- root;
- sheet.
Important! The agronomists of the root variety are in great demand, as it is fully used - and the leaves and roots. And accordingly, the output of the finished product will be more. To understand the difference, browse the photo of the adult parsley.
Where to plant parsley?
If you decide to plant a parsley in the open soil, consider the following recommendations:
- Choose a solar space or halftime.
- The soil must be loose, moderately fertile and neutral by acidity.
- Give preference to those sites on which last year you grown cucumbers, tomatoes, onions.
- After planting carrots, kinse, cumin, carrots, celery, dill wait 3-4 years.
Important! By organizing beds, take into account that parsley grows well next to tomatoes, asparagus, roses, onions. The smell of this greenery will attract useful insects and scare the pests.
When to plant a parsley?
On the open ground, the beds under the parsley are prepared in the fall, but the seeds are sulking early in spring - in April. Sheet - can be hurried and in the summer, until the end of July.
Important! This culture is not afraid of frosts, so even at a temperature of 1-5 ° C and with short decals, up to -9c, shoots will still appear on time.
How to prepare beds for landing parsley?
If you wonder how to put the parsley, start with the preparation of the soil. Make it as follows:
- Redo the beds in the fall.
- Make 6-7 kg per 1 m2 of organics at 6-7 kg - the overwhelming manure is perfect.
- Add potassium salt or double superphosphate in the proportion of 20-30g per 1 m2.
- In the spring, repeat the procedure for making potash and phosphate fertilizers + add 50g / m2 ammonium nitrate or urea.
What kind of parsley varieties are better?
To get a really high-quality harvest, prefer the varieties that have won popularity from professional agronomists - this is:
- Aster;
- Alba;
- Burgundy;
- Berlin;
- Carnival;
- Cadrava;
- Yield;
- Sugar;
- Hanacha.
Important! For growing houses on the windowsill, drink the seeds of burgundy, sugar or yield parsley.
How to plant parsley seeds?
Depending on how much time you are ready to spend on the preparation of seeds, select the best option:
- Soak. Such a procedure is carried out 3-4 days before the immediate landing in the soil. The time she does not take a lot: wet gauze or x / b fabric, pour seeds into it and leave them for a few days. Seed crumpled seeds.
- Landing "dry". In this case, there is no need to make additional manipulations. Seeds are simply evinted in the form in which they lie in you in the workpiece.
Important! It is for this culture that the soaking does not particularly affect the intensity of germs. Therefore, in principle, there is no bright need. But if they still soaked seeds, note that after their plug in the soil, regular watering is required - otherwise they will disappear. But dry seeds will be perfectly preserved even in the absence of irrigation or rains, but in this case a little later, when the desired amount of moisture is obtained.
Further act in this way:
- Prepare a garden, jumped them.
- Make the furrows at a distance one from another at 10-12 cm.
- Bloat the seeds of 1 cm into the soil, adhering to the standard flow rate in 1G / 1 m2.
- If we decided to secure yourself with greens for all summer, see not all rows at the same time, but with an interval of 1 week.
Important! You can see the first searches already on 8 or 15 days - depends on weather conditions.
How to plant parsley at home?
You can provide yourself with fresh greens not only in the summer season, but also in winter. To do this, it is enough to grow parsley at home, for example, on the windowsill. To do this, you will need:
Further act like this:
- Provide comfortable conditions in the room - good light access and stable temperatures of 20-22 degrees.
- Put a fertile soil in boxes or pots, mixing with potash and phosphoric fertilizers. You can use and purchased shop soil intended for growing vegetables.
- Plant root.
- Water 1 time per week - it is not necessary, since the greens will start rotting.
Important! Landing update every 2 weeks, then you will have a fresh greens on the table all winter.
If you decide to plant parsley at home from seeds, consider the following features:
- Before releasing in the soil, beware of the seeds for 3-5 days.
- Do not make a deeply deep seed - otherwise they will hardly germinate.
- Water abundantly, but not very often.
- After 2 weeks, make a fertilizer type "Radong".
Important! When driving seeds at home, the first harvest will be able to receive no earlier than 6 weeks.
Browse another interesting option as you can grow parsley at home in the video attached below.
How to care for parsley?
Petrushka care is quite simple. To get a high-quality harvest with abundant greens and large rootes, it is enough to adhere to the following recommendations:
- 1-2 times for the whole season adopt the leafy greens of nitrogen fertilizers. Society is suitable for this purpose in proportion 50g / 10 m2.
- During the growing season, admonish the root parsley complex fertilizers. It is permissible to introduce a potash-phosphorus mixture in August in the proportion of 50 + 70g / 10 m2, but nitrogen in this period is categorically unacceptable - this leads to the cluster of nitrates in the tubers.
- Regularly break the shootings: the first time leave the gap between the plants in 3 cm, the following times - 5-10 cm.
- Timely spend the weeds of weeds and looser the soil.
- Water the parsley in the evening - more abundantly in August.
- Dock root in September and put on storage in the cellar or refrigerator. Do not forget to pre-remove the leaves!
Important! Part of the rooteplood can be left in the ground for the winter to get fresh greens in the spring very early. But in this case it is better to make mulching from peat, sawdust, fallen foliage, spruce noodle. The thickness of the layer is 3-5 cm. Such a procedure will protect the roots from the pests-rodents and will not let them be frozen if the winter is given harsh.
Now you know that growing parsley on your own area and at home is very easy. Adhere to the simple rules described above, and the excellent result is guaranteed! You will not feel a shortage of so useful for the health of the greenery at your desk.