How to make a roof shabby Construction

Properly performed roof lamp is the main line-based roofing design for roofing. There are several options for performing the roof crate depending on the choice of roofing material and wood for the rafted. The question of how to make a roof crate - Consider in this article.
To improve the roof shawlings with their own hands, it is necessary to take into account some standards and features of roofing works. In the area of \u200b\u200bfastening the skate, the boards are nourished close to each other, which allows you to subsequently install a hat with any shoulder size. Nails for fastening, must exceed the thickness of the bar at a minimum three times. At the end of roofing, check the integrity of the roof on the lumen or with water - watering the roof from the garden hose. Revealed flaws can be eliminated by mounting foam.
Roof dryer under metal tile
Metal tile is one of the popular and high-quality materials for the roof. For the roof of polymer or heavier stamped tiles, the edged beam is used by a cross section of up to 6 mm, and the shaft step is in short. The wood of a bar is chosen by good quality, homogeneous texture, without defective flaws and with a small number of bitch.
- Works on the packing of the roof shabby, begin from the skate of the pitched roof. On the logs of rafters, the laminating lamps of nails are harvested horizontally. It is very important that the timber has been the same thickness and securely fixed.
- The shaft step is calculated depending on the size and profile of the roofing sheet. In one step, the distance between the near and distant edges of the boards is taken.
- The detailed calculation of the roof shaft and the size of the step is made depending on the size of the metal tile sheet. Standard steps parameters range from 0.5 to 1 meter. Also affects the width of the step and the thickness of the roofing material.
- Between the first and second timber, the distance should be slightly less than the next. The size of the step is affected by the gabarites of the drain.
- The carnome bar for the crate under the metal tile should be as wide as possible. Since he should perform above 25 - 30 cm. Sometimes, a wide board is stuffed, on which the equalization rail is attached.
Installing brawlings
The lamp under the professional flooring can be both from a wooden bar and from a metal profile. The main requirement is - it should be durable and perfectly smooth. Run the roof shabby with your own hands is not difficult.
- The main board of the crate is installed along the cornice. It should be wider than ordinary design boards. In the locations of the chimney, hatch or other auxiliary openings - additional vertical mounting plates are installed.
- The shell bar is stuffed after installing vapor barrier and insulation. Pre-calculates the roof crate.
- The standard step of the crate under the professional flooring is approximately half the meter. The width of the step varies depending on the thickness of the steel and the size of the roofing shoulder. A timing is used with a cross section of 50x50 mm and a 50x120 mm board, the lamp should have a smooth plane - without rewards or protrusions. There should be no deflection that can weaken the density of the folds.
- The professional flooring is attached to the crate in the lower plane of the wave, self-timing screws with a plastic or rubber washer. In places docking the roofing sheets of the mustache, the roof is fixed by self-drawing.
Roof dryer under slate
Before the start of work, read the instructions on how to make the roof crate to slate. Asbestos-cement composition of slate has a significant weight. For the installation of the crate structure under slate roof, two types are used: single-layer or two-layer.
- In the first case, the bar is attached from the width of the step from the half-meter to the meter. But more often use a solid or rarefied milking surface impregnated with antiseptic. So you can insulate critical loads on a rather fragile structure of roofing slate.
- The laying of slate sheets begins from the edge of the roof so that the upper row overlapped the bottom to 20 cm and ends with the installation of the skate. Special slate nails are applied for fastening sheets. Each sheet should be relying at least three bar and an abuse bar.
- For larger installation, over the edge of the roof is made of roofing iron. Slate on the skes is attached by anti-tailed brackets.
Flat roof dryer under soft roof
The soft roof is designed to cover flat roofs. This is one of the popular roofing materials, since the price is relatively low, and the installation is not very complex. Soft roofing on a flat roof requires a solid crate. It is done in two stages.
- The main mounting bar is selected on the rafter. A cutting board with a solid carpet is nailed. The flooring should be smooth, without drops, steps or gaps.
- The optimal option is the use of an OSB waterproof plate. His sheets have a large area and an ideal flat plane. Not susceptible to rotting and exposure to moisture.
- The main requirement for the crate for a flat roof covered with a soft roof is the lack of angles and drops that promote wiping and damage to the roofing coating.
To all of the above, it is possible to add that the plant "Metalocroof", located in Voronezh, produces European quality metal tile, as well as professional flooring, siding, roof drains and other metal products for finishing the roof and facades of buildings. All products of this plant, including metal tile and a roof corrugated flooring, can be bought in many cities and settlements of Russia, where there are representative offices of Metallocroofili - in Voronezh and Tambov, Lipetsk and Tula, Bryansk and Volgograd, Saratov, Kursk, Tula, etc. Full list of cities, as well as addresses, phone numbers and location schemes, can be found on the manufacturer's website. Characteristics, photos and advantages of all types of metal tile view here. In the shops of Metallopilla, you can also purchase a soft roof for the roof of your home.