Laying of facade tile Walls,Construction

The facade tile gives the building an attraction and individuality and at the same time protects the facade from atmospheric phenomena and contributes to the thermal insulation of the building. Separate the facade with natural stone - beautifully and practical, but the question rests on the value of the material. Artificial facade tile serves as a good substitute for natural stone. Possessing the qualities of natural materials, the tile has a lower cost.
What is the facade tile
The cost of the facade tile affects
- raw materials from which the tile is made
- production technology
- color and decorativeness
- form and size
- manufacturer
Ceramic granite
The facade porcelain tile is made of mixtures of several grades of clay, quartz sand, dyes, field spat and mineral additives. The firing is underway at a temperature of 1200-1300 degrees.
Over color, porcelain is one-photon - white, gray, black, and with splashes - the so-called salt-pepper. Also produced with a colors, imitating natural stone - marble and granite.
\u003e The dimensions of the porcelain tile from 10x10 cm to 60x60 cm.
- full absence of water absorption
- high frosting
- environmentally friendly material
- wear resistance
- variety of sizes
- plates have a big weight
Concrete facade tile
A tile made of a mixture of portland cement grade 400 or 500, quartz sand, light filler to reduce weight and special additives affecting tile quality - frost resistance and durability. Performed by the vibropressing concrete. In the production of the tile is dried in the furnaces. After drying is covered with special sealants to increase water resistance and wear resistance. \u003e The price of concrete facade tiles from 450 to 600 rubles per sq m.
Concrete facade tile has good reviews due to its availability and ease of work.
- has a variety of surface texture
- large selection of color
- it has a small weight compared to other types of facade tiles.
- affordable price
- frost resistance is inferior to clinker and porcelain tiles
- tile of large sizes is not suitable for mounting with a raw way
- requires care - sealant coating after installation and periodic update Germet
Terracotta tile
It is made from kaolin clay at a temperature of about 1000 degrees. It has a porous structure. In the texture is diverse - coarse, polished, smooth. Does not have in the composition of dyes. Color - black, red-brown, light brown.
- imitates the texture of natural stone
- due to porosity has a small weight
- well tolerate temperature differences
- does not fade in the sun
- does not care
- it has the properties of pary and breather, which creates the possibility of climate control in the room
- in resistance to mechanical influences is inferior to other types of tiles
Clinker tile
It is produced from shale clay not containing salts and impurities of calcium carbonate. The tile is burned at a temperature of 1300 degrees. Adding dyes to the tile allows you to produce a tile of various colors and shades. Without adding dyes, the clinker tile has the colors of yellow-brown gamma.
In the photo - clinker facade tile.
Production of the facade tile is performed by an extrusion method. Water is added to the mixture, from the resulting paste using a special device, a tape of a given thickness and width is squeezed.
The tape is cut into the wire and the prepared billets go to the furnace on the firing.
With manual molding of the tile surface, a relief surface is attached, it allows you to artificially be a tile.
In appearance, clinker tiles resembles a brick.
- it has small water absorption
- frost resistance and durability
- does not require constant care
- diverse in color and texture
- saves color, does not fade
- resistant to fungus and mold
- high price
Methods for laying facade tiles
There are two ways to fasten the front tiles: a dry method and wet.
Dry fashion
Dry method of fastening the front tile is a ventilated facade. When installing the tile in this way there is an opportunity to create additional thermal insulation at home. The design of the ventilated facade consists of a supporting structure from an aluminum profile, insulation, membranes and facade tiles.
There is airspace between the insulation membrane,
- surface cleaning brush
- drill or puncher
- roulette
- marker
- sculpovyurt
- level
- bulgarian or slabcores
Operating procedure
• By level, make the wall markup. Mark the horizontal line and two extreme vertical. If there are door or window processes - additional brackets will be required.
• Install the profile brackets. To do this, make a hole in the wall and use the anchor dowels to secure the bracket to the wall.
• With the help of special fungi, fasten the insulation on the wall. Solar plates Place in a chess order.
• At the insulation, attach a special membrane for ventilated facades from nonwoven material.
• Install the frame cut from the galvanized aluminum profile. The profile is inserted into the grooves of the brackets and is fixed with ripples.
• Using a drill, drill in the opening profile for fastening the beams under the tile.
• Attach closames of curvatures to the profile.
• Install the facade tile. Tile begin to mock from the bottom row.
The facade tile is also available with attached metal mounting plates. With such a tile work easier. The plates are screwed to the profile by self-draws.
The order of work is well presented on video.
Wet Mounting Tile
- level
- capacity for kneading glue
- drill with a mixer
- toothed spatula
- brush
Operating procedure
• Prepare the wall to the beginning of work. If the wall is uneven - it is necessary to align it with a plastering mixture.
• Emboss the glue. To work with the facade tile, do not use adhesive glue.
• The surface of the wall and tile moisten with water.
• Stay tiles start with angular elements.
• Apply glue on the wall or on the tile. Press the wall. For alignment of rows of tiles, cross and clins are used.
Stacking tile relief tiles is recommended from top to bottom. It's complicated. Therefore, there will be no big mistake if you start laying a tile from Niza.
• Get tile seams with glue, which you put the tile.
• Concrete tile trees with water-repellent sealant.