Foundation under the gate with your own hands Construction

Inbound gates are widely used in many areas of production and household. The market is regularly replenished with modern multifunctional components at reasonable prices. Sliding designs largely benefit in the aesthetic component and operational data, swing more economical, automatic - ergonomic. But what is curious, today is gaining popularity technology setting the gate with their own hands.
In order to drastically save during construction, you can install the gate with your own efforts. The set of installation work starts with the design and fill of the foundation. Let us ask yourself how to pour the foundation for the gate and try to solve it.
Why do you need a foundation?
The main purpose of the design is to fix all the nodes of the gate. In fact, the foundation is a reinforced block of concrete, often a rectangular shape plastered into the ground. The design is installed on the side of the pass line and on the inside of the fence. In case the metal gate is designed taking into account the opening to the left side, the foundation is placed on the left side of the travel line.
The massive concrete design is designed for uniform holding metal gates. It balanced transfers the pressure of the metal to the ground, preventing the shrinkage or deformation processes.
You should clearly realize what is the quality of the foundation, such will be the gate. For massive structures, solid foundations are used, for the lungs - respectively, lightweight options.
Remember that before digging, it is necessary to obtain a soil analysis to determine the stability of the design. For different types of soil, appropriate filling technologies under the gate are used.
Retractable gate: what to choose the foundation?
When planning the installation of the strengthening basis, it is recommended to strictly observe certain dimensions:
- Depth - below the level of primerization of the soil, not more than 1800 mm.
- Width - about 600 mm.
- Length - more than half of the width of the opening.
Values \u200b\u200bare defined in accordance with the maximum load and natural conditions. Compliance with digits will protect the skew and deformation of the foundation. The gate of the tight type has a lot of weight, so they must be securely fixed on the basis.
Materials for foundation
1. Concrete mixture.
The life cycle and reliability of the structure directly depend on the qualitative characteristics of the solution. To obtain the optimal mixture, cement brand 500 is required, as well as rubble fraction 40. The proportions for the manufacture of the solution are as follows:
- cement - 1;
- sand - 3;
- crushed stone - 5;
- water (depends on the humidity of the sand and time of the year).
There is a technology for testing the quality control of concrete. The block is checked by a strong impact of the hammer - the crumb should not be separated from the surface.
2. Reinforcement.
Metal fittings distributes the voltage, enhances the structure of the block and significantly extends the service life of the foundation under the sliding gate. In practice, it was not repeatedly confirmed that the diameter of the reinforcement is 16-20 mm optimal. Metal bars are associated with the help of a knitting technology or welding.
3. Support chaserler.
This element is required to fix the console blocks and the electric drive of the gate. It is attached by welding for chalkers, located crosswise in the reinforcing frame. The structural element is fixed on a separate chaserler with a relatively smaller size, which is welded to the main unit. The reference channel provides size No. 20, for a small gate No. 18.
Foundation Fill Technology
Strictly calculating the design dimensions in advance, the process of preparation for the fill begins, namely:
- Rolled the necessary dimensions.
- Mounted reinforcement frame. It should be located in length as close as possible to the line of movement of the flaps. The front of the frame must be shifted from the border of the opening in width. The upper protruding elements will bu in 100 mm below the level of water freezing level. Directly the framework itself to arrange strictly by horizon.
- Flipped with concrete pitued for two thirds of the frame. The technology will have to wait a couple of days. It is necessary to increase concrete strength.
- Three transverse chapellers are inserted between the protruding elements of the frame of the reinforcement. At the same time it is necessary to align the chawliers relative to the vertical and horizontal plane and weld to the frame.
- Concrete poured. According to technology, excerpt is at least 5 days in hot weather. What should be an intermediate result? - Stone concrete coating with three installed transverse chambers. They should be located below the base for 5 cm. Practical experience shows that they pour the structure with the carrier channel, since if it is from the inside it will not be filled with a solution, the gate will necessarily rumble in the process of moving via an empty element. Schweller exhibit in Zero.
- The drive channel is welded and the main unit. The main element is placed on the basis of three transversely located channels. That is, the structural part is located on the imaginary line of movement of the gate. Be sure to consider the score thickness indicators with a shelter when installing a chapellery. It often happens that the poles hide the poles when opening.
- A sweller is welded under the drive in addition to the main one.
- At the top of the pillar from the side of the strengthening base, a metal mortgage is installed. If you neglect by this, the deformation of the upper zone of the support is inevitable when installing the bracket or operating the gate. The mortgage is welded to the internal filling of the armature column.
- The open part of the foundation is overlapped with ceramic tiles or other finishing materials. This simple procedure will significantly increase the service life of the foundation.
See the category of foundation under the skate gate to clearly understand the principle of installation.
Foundation on screw piles
To install the gate use other fill fill technologies. One of them is the screw support system. The advantages of this option of installing the base for the gate is the efficiency of installation, high-tech and accessibility.
Advantages of screw supports:
- The support penetrates a depth of about 2 m, compacted in the ground and additionally fixed the screw. Due to this, the strength characteristics of the foundation are not inferior to concrete counterparts.
- Installation requires one day, taking into account the preparatory period. In practice, work is completed in a few hours. What is curious, the quality of the design almost can not affect the notorious "human factor".
- Low cost allows you to save on the installation of the foundation. Often, expenses do not exceed the cost of the cheapest version of the masting of the concrete base for fences and entrance gates.
- In the process of installation, the work area looks quite clean than with traditional concreting.
Screw supports allow you to install even in winter. Multiple screw piles have a feature of the soil seal, which positively affects the reliability of the design. Inflicting, piles are putting pressure on the soil. Thanks to this, such a foundation will never seek, because the soil will withstand high loads.
How to establish a foundation on screw piles?
The foundation for the disintegration gate of the screw pile is a reliable base for consoles on carrier carriages. In turn, swing gates are mounted on carriages. Cartoon rollers are located in the inside of the beams, so that the size of the opening becomes almost unlimited in height. Meanwhile, the roller in the opening is not available.
The constructive feature of the console blocks of the foundation on the piles eliminates the likelihood of the contact of the door of the gate with the surface of the access road. The opening of the gate at the same time does not block at the edges of the opening due to the installation of console blocks in the base of the foundation under the sliding gate.
It is important to realize only the need for an additional platform before designing and installing the design. Space is needed to roll back the gate canvas.
Let's find out how to make a foundation for the goal:
- Square is marked.
- If necessary, with the help of jackhammers, a simply soil is removed.
- Screw piles twist in the ground. Based on the destination, the depth may vary from 200 to 150 cm. From this depth of the soil, it will not be able to squeeze the poles, the collar will not be deformed. The distance between the elements should be 200-300 m. The sections are filled with a professional chief or chain net. The minimum pile diameter is 76 mm. With a massive design, you need to choose larger supports.
- The inner part of the pile fortification is filled with concrete. Concretion is carried out to increase the bearing pile's ability. Due to this, the support receives additional deformation protection to horizontal loads. In addition, concreting protects the metal from oxidation in a wet soil.
- On top of the piles, a chawler is attached, which binds piles into one design.
How to pour a ribbon foundation?
To obtain a reliable support, a traditional belt foundation is often used for fences and gates. Consider the steps of the structure of this type of strengthening.
1. The trench is pulled out with a depth of 80 cm, 40 cm wide on the length of the gate, taking into account the wicket and with a 30-centimeter margin on both sides. Take for example the length of each sash 2 m, the wicket is 1 m. As a result, the length of the trench should be approximately 6 m.
2. The bottom of the trench is covered with a sand layer, it is thoroughly poured by liquid.
3. Publishes are installed, reliably taking into account the strict vertical.
4. Additionally, the pillars are strengthened by fragments of boards, bricks and stones.
5. A strand is carried out using fittings No. 12.
- elements are fastened by welding;
- the frame must exceed the length of the gate, taking into account the wicket, so that the reinforcing design is securely secured;
- the top thread of the rod must be set by 10 cm below the level of soil freezing;
- any reinforcement frame is taken off in a solution of concrete on each side by 10 cm.
6. A formwork is created if a concrete basement is planned. Of course, the base of the laid out brick looks much more spectacular, but much solves the construction budget.
7. Trench with reinforcement is poured by concrete mortar in two ways, stretchingly different from each other:
- the first provides for laying a solution without a break. That is, the foundation is poured by one reception;
- the second provides for the phased fill of the foundation. Breaks are required to reliably set the previous layer.
If you have a rather small volume of trenches, experts recommend exclusively to the fill with one reception, without interruptions to dry out the layers. However, subject to the presence of a trench of significant sizes, the situation is somewhat more complicated. In order for the foundation for a sliding gate to reach the most reliable and durable, it is necessary to observe the fill technology of a concrete solution with interruptions.
Most often, in the capital construction, the manual seeks to build a durable and attractive house with a fence, economic buildings. And when it comes to the building of the gate - the face of the house, it is desirable as responsibly and rationally approach the preparation of the foundation.
If you plan to install a light fence and an entry gate, it is advisable to build a lightweight foundation. For example, a lightweight pile design is perfect for automatic gates. For massive "tiled" gates, a concrete foundation is required. One way or another, on their own, really build the basis for installing the entrance gates and wickets. All in your hands.