How to make the gate from the professional flooring with your own hands Construction

To secure a comfortable pastime at the local area and a convenient check in, as soon as the construction of the house is completed, it is time to start making a fence and gate. It is most profitable to make the gate of the professional flooring, which will reliably protect you from prying views and attackers who think to encroach on your property. How to make a simple gate from the professional flooring, you will learn from this article.
- Why is it profitable to make the gate from the professional flooring?
- How to make the gate from the professional flooring?
- What kind of choose the gate design?
- Device of the gate from the professional flooring
- Drawing of swing gates from corrugated
- Materials for work
- Production of the gate from the professional flooring
- Gate of professional flooring - video
- Conclusion
Why is it profitable to make the gate from the professional flooring?
Designs from this material most often preferred owners of private houses.
This happens for the reason that the manufacture of the gate from the professional flooring gives the following advantages:
- Maximum possible durability, provided that the design is competent. The minimum period is 20 years.
- The small weight of the structure, which means that the load on the ground will be acceptable, the gate will not live and roll along the operation.
- The ease of care of the gate from the professional flooring is the durability of the color coating of the corrugated in the influence of ultraviolet eliminates the need to regularly update the material by staining. And this is an additional economy.
- The low cost of the material and all components of the element design - many of them can be taken from the balances after the main construction.
- Excellent strength and resistance to any atmospheric, mechanical, chemical impact.
Important! It is impossible to lose sight of the aesthetics - the external attractiveness of such structures. In this regard, it is necessary to note a wide range of species, shades, sizes. All this allows you to choose the material that is harmonious with the entire finish of the house and landscape territory and make a design suitable for style.
If desired, you can even more increase the beauty of the gate and equip them with their wrought elements of our own manufacture. To make sure how much can be a variety of and attractive gates from the professional flooring, it is enough to view the photo of already ready-made designs.
How to make the gate from the professional flooring?
All installation of the gate from the professional flooring consists of several consecutive stages:
- Choosing a suitable type of construction.
- Drawing the drawing of the gate from the corrugated floor.
- Determine the desired size of the gate from the professional flooring.
- Selection and preparation of materials and tools.
- Directly assembly design.
Important! If you adhere to this sequence, you will be able to quickly make a reliable gate from the professional flooring with your own hands. The main thing - carefully and responsibly approach this task and take into account the recommendations of specialists and home masters, who have already tried their strength in this direction.
What kind of choose the gate design?
There are 2 main varieties of the gate of the professional flooring:
- Swing.
- Skump.
Important! Installation of a rollback gate is a very time-consuming process that requires certain skills and experience. In the absence of such, it is better to prefer the swap design - it will be no less comfortable, practical and beautiful if you attach a little effort and show your fantasy. In addition, they will cost an order of magnitude cheaper, and it will be double pleasure.
Device of the gate from the professional flooring
Accessibility to the manufacture of the gate of the corrugated hand is determined by the simplicity of the structure of the structure. It includes:
- Supports that have the main load.
- The frame of the gate under the corrugated floor, which is the basis of the sash.
- Decorative flooring, that is, directly finishing a profiled sheet.
- The loops and the imposition are first needed to connect and the possibility of unhindered opening / closing the gate. The second is for the maximum dense closing of the sash.
- Locking mechanisms - for reliable protection of your territory.
Important! As you can see, the entire set of elements does not require significant costs. Even cheaper you will cost the assembly of the gate of the corrugated, if the same material you blocked the roof or have already built a fence, and you have left an extra professionalist, which is enough for the sash.
Drawing of swing gates from corrugated
To quickly deal with how to make a drawing of the gate from the professional flooring, browse the schemes proposed below. It is more convenient and more correctly to choose one of them for your own project.
Important! With this approach, you will further save time and you are sure that the drawing is compiled correctly.
Materials for work
Only completely by collecting the entire set of consumables and the necessary tools, proceed to work. So you do not have to spend extra time and distracted from work. So, the likely the likelihood that you will be extremely attentive and do not miss anything important.
Materials for support
To ensure the reliability of your gate from the professional flooring, it is very important to choose the right material for the supports. For this purpose, it is perfect:
- Wooden bars with a cross section 150 * 150 mm.
- Round whole log, with a diameter of at least 20 cm.
- Steel beams thick from 20 cm.
- Profile metal pipe 80 * 100 mm with a wall thickness from 7 mm.
Important! To fix the supports, it will take the fill with concrete, so additionally prepare sand with a rubble or a dry concrete mix. Also do not forget about the primer and paint for corrosion protection of pipes.
Materials for the carcass
To make the frame of the gate from the corrugation, prepare such a set of materials:
- Profile pipe 60 * 40 * 2 mm - for sash.
- Profile pipe 40 * 20 * 2 mm - for ribs of stiffness and trenches.
- Metal sheets with a thickness of 4-6 mm, with which you ensure the stability of the gate to the wind. They reinforce the frame from the leeward side.
- Corners to enhance the design.
Important! These are the recommended standard parameters of the materials. If you think about making your gate wider, respectively, in effectively increase the size of the pipes to implement your idea.
Professional flooring for the gate
Suitable for the manufacture of corrugated board gate 2 brands:
- C - it is quite easy with a small sheet corrugation height, it is often used for walls of buildings. The optimal solution for the decoration of the gate material will be marked with a C8 or C10.
- NA - not only the corrugated board has a deep wave, but the increased thickness of the sheet. But, respectively, and the weight will be more significant, and it is - an additional load on the ground. Be sure to consider this factor when creating poles and burial.
Tools for work
- Bulgarian, and even better - cutting tools for metal.
- Welding machine.
- Roulette.
- Corolnic
- Shovel.
- Screwdriver.
- Screwdriwer set.
Important! For the preparation of the concrete mix further require a mixing with the solution and the drill nozzle.
Making the gate of corrugated board
Before proceeding to the manufacture of corrugated gate with their hands, make indicative markings on the ground.
Then proceed on such algorithm:
- Dig a pit depth of from 0.6 to 1.7 meters and a diameter of 20-50 cm. The optimum depth is one third the height of the aerial parts of the gate.
Important! If you want a large depth, is used to relieve labor and accelerate a manual drill. Its not necessarily acquire, if you can not borrow from the neighbors, take on lease.
- Strip the lower part of the pipe - this can be done grinder or sander.
- Prime with all products and paint.
- Wait until the paint is completely dry.
Important! These actions are necessary in order to remove existing rust patina or prevent its occurrence during the operation.
- Arrange at the bottom of a sand cushion height of 10-15 cm well compacted granular material -. It is convenient to do so, if in the process of tamping lightly moistened with water sand.
- Install the support vertically, mix concrete and fill them props.
- Wait for setting the mixture.
Important! Take care that during the concrete pour is not skewed support.
- Measure the desired length of the tube for the frame assembly.
- At each end of the pipe sections make an angle grinder 45 degrees.
- Cook all the elements of woodwork made of corrugated board.
Important! Be sure to check the clarity of right angles on a square.
- Corners additionally reinforce the corners.
- Relieve additionally ribs rigidity.
- Temporarily attach the framework of finished sash to the supports - it is convenient to connect them with ropes, under the bottom laying bricks or bars for leveling horizontal.
- Make the placement of the location of the loop - usually height is 2/3 from the height of the sash from the ground.
- Welcome in the marked hinge places.
- Reduce the frame of the straw. To fix sheets, use welding or galvanized bolts.
- Take the loop ready made.
- Install the bearing, welcome, if necessary, decorative elements along the gate contour.
- Install the lock.
Gate of professional flooring - video
As you can see, make the gate from the professional flooring with their own hands does not seem complex. When choosing the right drawing and compliance with all of the above rules, the result of our own work will probably like it!