Sports corner do it yourself Useful advice

As for adults, and for children, the current issue is sports. But it is not always possible to go to the gym. Then the installation can come to the aid in the house or apartment of a special sports corner with the necessary shells. On how to equip a similar area for sports for adults and for children - more.
Sports corner for a child
Options for sports complexes
If you decide to choose a children's sports corner, you need to learn more about existing options. Having this information in the head, you can be easier to navigate among the variety. So, for example, there are M-shaped corners, which are considered the most suitable for small apartments. Due to the fact that such structures are easily able to attach to the walls of the room, they occupy much less space. There are also P-shaped structures. They are not so compact, but at the same time more functional. At the same time, there are quite a few different shells and sports accessories. For example, a set can be bars, children's swings and a basketball mesh.
The most popular materials for the arrangement of sports children's corners in the room are:
- wood,
- metal.
Consider these varieties of corners Read more:
- Obviously, wooden structures are considered more environmentally friendly. At the same time, wooden crossbars are pleasant to the touch and do not slide. The wood itself is a material with a natural tint, which can well complement any interior. When choosing a wooden gaming complex, it is important to examine it for roughness so that the child does not have the head of the hands.
- As for metal corners, they will play not only a functional, but decorative role. This is facilitated by the variety of colors. In addition, these complexes can withstand load up to 180 kg. Due to this, adults can take part in the process of training. The Moored Children's room is well suited for accommodation here sports shells made of metal.
Corner arrangement and design
When organizing a sports corner, first of all, you need to consider the size of the room. For example, a room for a child is usually not more than 11 square meters. m. Therefore, you have to place sports shells more compact, so that there is more free space. In this case, the sports corner of the house can be organized by installing a Swedish wall, bars, ropes and crossbars. For these shells, one of the walls in the room or the doorway to secure the plank is suitable. You can also place a pear, basketball net and sports rings.
It needs to take into account the age of the child. So, for school years of school years, you can already put full-fledged sports simulators, and a simple rocking horse is suitable for younger children. You can build a more compact version of the sports complex. To do this, combined furniture is established, which includes several necessary elements, including sports. If such furniture is installed in the room, the child will be able to easily independently maintain the desired order. At the same time, he will have a lot of free space for the game.
If the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment or house does not allow to arrange a full-fledged sports corner, then you can at least mount on special fasteners in one of the doorways of the crossbar. Locks allow you to adjust the height of this sports projectile. The crossbar can be used as a horizontal bar. You can still hang on it with a karaborn swing, rope or a miniature rope staircase. But this, again, if the size of the room is allowed.
With sufficient area of \u200b\u200bthe room, you can make a sports corner yourself, you just need to turn on the fantasy. Your work will definitely have to taste a child. For example, you can visually give the corner a stylist of a pirated hut or ship. In this case, you will have to place more crossbars, ropes and rope stairs, as it is assumed to the truck. In addition to the design of the corner, you can go and design the rest of the room. For example, paint the walls in green or sea color and add drawings of exotic plants and animals. Then the child will be able to spend actively on the uninhabited tropical island without leaving the house.
When making an interior room with a sports corner, designers recommend choosing blue and gray as the main color, as well as shades of blue. In addition, the composition can be supplemented with other elements. It is possible to do this with the help of suitable wallpapers with pictures in the form of cartoon characters. In this case, textiles should not be too bright. When choosing a penalty, it is recommended to pay attention to the oak or maple parquet board. A high-quality carpet is recommended in the installation area of \u200b\u200bthe sports corner. This will provide not only comfort in sports, but also safety.
In general, to arrange and install a children's sports corner, you do not need to apply some special skills and use during the work of expensive tools. Therefore, to build this design is quite forces by yourself. But you still have to read the instructions before starting work. Different walls can have different installation requirements. Thoughtful parents will not forget to acquire gymnastic mats for a sports corner that can protect children from various injuries that can be obtained during active games. Mates today are produced from high-quality materials with various fillers. After laying behind them, a simple care is required. In particular, dust accumulates on them, from which it is necessary to periodically get rid of. So, for cleaning and washing, you can use any cleaning agent. Next to the corner, you can put a treadmill, bars and exercise bike. Now you know how to issue a sports corner.
How to make a sports corner do it yourself
Buy children's sports corners are best only those that have the necessary quality certificate. This can be considered a security warranty. After all, such products are made exclusively from eco-friendly materials. At the same time, each model of the corner has its own characteristics. It is recommended to make uncomplicated sports shells with your own hands, and supplement the sports corner of the baby. The main thing is to have the necessary materials. Below will consider this process a little more.
Perhaps the easiest way to make my own gymnastic trapeze, horizontal bar (bar) and rope staircase. Usually the staircase consists of a pair of reliably fixed ropes, a diameter of at least 11 mm. On them with a step of 210 mm, wooden steps in the form of a semicircular, a diameter of about 350 mm are fixed. The length of the steps is usually no more than 380 mm.
Steps are prepared as follows. In each of them, holes are made that should be more than the thickness of the ropes. After that, each step is bandaged to the ropes. At the same time it is fixed by nodes. It is important that freedom of movement of steps is preserved. This is necessary so that the distance between the steps can be adjusted. The height of the frame of such a staircase usually does not exceed 2.4 m. In the upper part, the ropes should be fixed on the crossbar. So that the steps do not crack when used, on the ends it is recommended to wear metal rings. They are easy to get by cutting circles from the steel pipe. When the corner is fully equipped, you can take a little reliability of installed sports simulators.
Arrangement of the complex for adults
Montage of the Swedish wall
In order to equip a sports corner in the room, a rowing simulator is useful, stepper, exercise bike, barbell or dumbbells, a treadmill and various massagers. In a word - everything that can benefit health. It makes no sense to acquire all of what was listed. After all, much of the most necessary can be done with your own hands. But the sports shells should be equipped so that they organically fit into the overall interior of the apartment.
On the gymnastic Swedish wall, various sports exercises are usually performed for the development of many muscles of the body. In particular, with the help of such classes, you can improve the posture and make the body more flexible. If you make a Swedish wall yourself, you can pick up its size and configuration in accordance with the available area and the overall design of the sports corner. To make this sports complex you do not need sketches and drawings. It will be enough to take the puzzle boob or pine boards with a cross section of 30 by 150 mm. Their length should be equal to about height of the room. Anyway, the length should be greater than the level of raised hands.
As a steps, you can use round cuttings with a diameter of 25 to 35 mm. Cuttings can also be made personally or purchased ready. They are sold in almost every store of household goods. It is important to correctly calculate the number of steps. First of all, it is necessary to repel the fact that between the steps there should be a distance of about 200-220 mm. The length of each step depends on the age of a person who will be engaged in this simulator. So, for adults, the length of the step is 580 mm, and for children at least 500 mm.
Order order:
- To make a staircase, first required in the prepared boards to do holes, the distance between which corresponds to the step between adjacent steps. Holes can be done using a drill or jigsaw.
- Before inserting the stalks-steps into the holes, they must be lubricated with glue. When the staircase is ready, it needs to be treated with sandpaper, after which it is covered with olive, and then lacquer. By the way, the lacquer is possible to pick up the color of the furniture in the room.
- In addition, the surface after processing with emery paper can be coated with a veneer, then dried, and then apply 2-3 layers of varnish as a coating.
- Well, if the wall type will not be knocked out of the overall style of the room. This simulator will look good, if you paint with oil paint in one tone with the color of the walls. To the wall, the staircase is attached to six metal corners. As an attachment, you can use screws with dowels.
- If desired, the horizontal bar is allowed at the top of the design. The wall can still be equipped with equipment such as sports rings, a rope staircase, a durable rope of cotton materials, suspended swings, as well as a plank, where you can exercise for the press and back.
Boxing pear do it yourself
The installation of such a projectile is often considered when solving the question, how to make a sports corner. Boxing pear can be easily made personally, without any help. However, in order for the product to be high-quality, it is worth attaching some efforts.
There are several types of boxing pears and one of the easiest considered a boxing bag. In addition, this option is quite versatile. Therefore, consider the process of its installation in more detail.
Procedure for work:
- For the manufacture you will need at least three ordinary shopping bags. It is better to take polyethylene or fabric packages. So, at first one bag is shred in another, after which they are stuffed with filler.
- When the packing is ready, the end of the projectile should be wrapped several times with a tape or scotch. It will give a pear the necessary form and besides it will make it stronger.
- If you want to make a better version of the projectile, then lie to sew a boxing bag yourself. As its basis, you should take a good thick tissue (for example, tarpaulin). The most important thing is that the fabric is tight enough. Otherwise, it should be folded at least twice.
- After that, the cloth needs to be properly sewn. If you have little experience in this business, it is better to give to sew a bag of professional seam. Otherwise, you can spoil everything. The pear of this type has a form similar to "sausage".
- The bag itself should be at least a meter, and better 1.4 m. It is best to proceed from factors such as the possibilities of the material itself, the presence of a chain, the reliability of fasteners. In addition, you should consider your weight and strength to strike. Nevertheless, the pear should not be too massive and severe. It will be optimally if its weight is from 65 to 75 kilograms.
- Now consider a little filling of the pear. In order to give the weight projecture, it is best to fill with sand or small sawdust. Do not buy material to make a pear softer. It will be expensive. It is enough to take unnecessary rags or foam rubber, which are stacked at the edges from the inside. But do not overdo it, because Boxing pear should not be too flexible.
- When the pear is naked, it will only stay it to pour into place. The easiest option is the attachment with the help of a special bracket that can be found on sale. It is allowed to buy a wall horizontal bar or a Swedish wall, in the design of which is possible to attach a pear. By the way, the bracket can be made independently, but then you will need the skills of the welder.
Perhaps you would like to pick up a sports pear to the ceiling. But in a simple apartment it is almost impossible. Note that this should be able to suspend the projectile directly to the beam at the ceiling. Otherwise, the design will be unreliable. Still consider that there should be enough space around the pear. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient to boux.
Dumbbells and rod do it yourself
Few people have no bar and dumbbells. However, you can make such sports shells to make themselves. In addition, it is advisable to equip racks under the bar. The main problem of manufacturing such things is the absence of the required material. The most affordable option for this purpose is cast iron and steel. Concrete structures do not even consider. As for steel, this material cannot be called cheap today.
Consider how it can be saved when searching for a suitable material. For example, it is recommended to place an ad about what you want to purchase collapsible dumbbells, weights, their parts of the cast iron. Some people serve these things not for their intended purpose. Therefore, they can sell them enough. As an option, you can visit the local service for receiving scrap metal. Some people give such things there. There you can also at low prices to purchase material for pancakes, glyphs, as well as frameworks and racks. Be sure to find out how it is most profitable to get the desired detail at the reception point. In addition, the material can be purchased in any construction organization, where there are unnecessary spare parts.
From the metal sheet independently you can make pancake for the rod. A good neck will come out of the pipe. Only for this we need some tools and, of course, skills. Therefore, if you do not have the necessary tools or skills to collect similar designs, you can try to find a workshop with the necessary machines, where you will make all the necessary parts for a reasonable fee. To do this, you will need only report to the master all the necessary sizes.
Sports Corner: Photo