Putclone PUFAS: characteristics, properties, use Building materials

If you decide to build a beautiful, reliable home or make a good repair, at the finishing work stage, the question arose: what kind of putty is better? The current building market is overflowing with the products of this type of domestic and imported production. But at first glance, the packaging understand what the differences, without professional advice, is quite difficult. This is just one of the reasons why it is problematic to raise the right decision. Pufas spacure becomes a frequent choice of consumers. Why give her preference, you will learn from this article.
PUFAS - About company
PUFAS (PUFAS) is a German brand. The company supplies its products for almost 100 years. In the world market is an undoubted sales leader for a long time without paying its position. The reasons for such a persistent popularity lies in the following:
- The widest range of building materials is over 200 items.
- Stably flawless quality of all products.
- The company's technology is constantly followed by new trends, you are improving the existing lines of goods so that they perfectly meet the modern requirements of construction and allowed to perform the designated spectrum of work conveniently and quickly.
- Quality control is carried out at all stages, up to constant monitoring of consumer reviews about Brenda Pufas and specific goods.
- All company departments work coordinated and purposefully on expanding and improving trade. Therefore, it will not be a problem to buy any building materials of PUFAS, regardless of what place you are in.
Important! It is pleasant to surprise, with this approach of the manufacturer and quality of goods, the price of putty PUFAS. They are available not only for professional large-scale construction, but also for private small projects.
Types of Pufas putty
The range of this product brand Pofas is very wide. The goods differ in several criteria:
- Found Type:
- gypsum;
- cement;
- resin.
- Recommended appointment:
- decoration of walls and ceilings inside the house;
- universal compositions;
- to prepare for decorating facade surfaces.
- The volume of the building process:
- for large-scale work;
- for minor repairs.
- Type of material in finished form for sale:
- dry mix;
- ready solution.
- Color palette:
- neutral;
- white;
- color - under the wood.
- Release form:
- packs of 0.5, 1, 2 kg;
- paper bags weighing 5, 10, 25 kg;
- buckets weighing 15, 14, 8 and 4 kg;
- 1 kg banks;
- tubes in 400 g.
Important! Considering such a variety of production line, it is enough to just buy a spacure of PUFAS, ideally suitable for a specific goal at an affordable price. What exactly to give preference, determine, based on the complex characteristics designated by the manufacturer.
Puff Pufas MT 75
The main component of this material is gypsum. Its gain is achieved by adding a resin of artificial origin. These features provide:
- excellent adhesion;
- no swelling, cracks, shrinkage;
- the perfect smoothness of the surface;
- the quality of the degree Q1-Q4 during dry construction;
- resistance to adverse conditions;
- no restrictions on the thickness of the layers.
Important! Suitable for dry construction and multi-format painting works. The use of sickle is not necessary.
The appointment recommended by the manufacturer is a wide range of internal works:
- stages of construction aimed at leveling surfaces;
- repair work by filling cracks, holes, seams when working with plaster and cement plates, including the addition of fibers;
- to prepare concrete, aerated concrete, brick and stone laying for plastering;
- when decorating walls by wallpaper by salaling, even if the base is a very smooth concrete.
Important! It is unwanted to use this brand of putty for finishing:
- glass;
- wood;
- plastics;
- dispersion materiials.
In the course of work it is recommended to comply with such conditions:
- the proportion when kneading the solution is 25 kg / 17.5 liters of water;
- working time - 75 minutes;
- consumption with a layer thickness of 1 mm - 1 kg / 1 m2.
This type of putty is made on the basis of cellulose fibers and gypsum. Ideally chosen proportions give many advantages when finishing with PUFAS GLÄTT + FÜLL. They are as follows:
- getting the perfectly smooth and smooth surface;
- maximum high-quality initial grasp;
- frozening occurs gradually, evenly, without shrinkage and rolling;
- the ability to remove the thickness of the layer to 0, the maximum thickness is also not limited;
- excellent vapor permeability completely eliminates the accumulation of moisture on the walls.
Important! The recommended area of \u200b\u200bapplication is the decoration of the premises inside with painter, occasional work, the restoration of the base and repair by seelings of cracks, seams, large irregularities.
To get the highest quality result, follow the following working conditions:
- consumption - 1 kg / 1 m2, if the selected layer thickness is 1 mm;
- working hours - 60 minutes.
The basis of the material - plaster, reinforced by cellulose. Such components contribute to lightweight solution - the mass quickly thickens, even with not very intense stirring, to the desired consistency without the formation of lumps.
The recommended appointment is limited to wide possibilities:
- gluing hiking tiles;
- sealing seams and cracks;
- level alignment;
- molding and modeling of the surface;
- wall pastry wallpaper.
Important! Ideal fit finish putty with filling effect when working with brickwork.
The advantages of Pufas füll + finish putty are in:
- the absence of the effect of swelling, cracks, shrinkage;
- increased resistance to adverse conditions, in particular, temperature differences, humidity;
- high adhesion indicator.
In the process of working with PUFAS FÜLL + FINISH, follow these rules:
- consumption - 1 kg / 1m2 under the condition of the layer thickness of 1 mm;
- working hours of the finished solution - 60 minutes;
- layer thickness - without restrictions.
Putclone Pufaplast V30.
This type of putty is manufactured using cement, artificial fibers and dispersion resin components. The features of the recipe of this brand allowed to expand the scope. Pufaplast V30 refers to the category of universal compositions.
The manufacturer's recommendations consist in the possibilities:
- burning facades;
- filling holes and cracks when repairing walls and ceilings inside buildings;
- alignment of external and internal surfaces from any material;
- finishing surfaces with tiles of any sample.
The advantages of Pufaplast V30 consist in:
- high plasticity;
- optimal assemblization, including when processing the base by dispersion compositions;
- lack of shrinkage, cracking;
- accelerated frozen;
- possibilities if necessary to remove the layer to zero;
- gradual drying without rolling.
Important! Note that this putty has a white color, which greatly facilitates the decorating procedure.
To properly sharpen the walls or ceilings with this solution, consider such rules of application:
- layer thickness - any;
- working time - 30 minutes;
- storage time - from 48 months. from the date of manufacture.
Puff Pufamur SH 45
This material is considered to be a rational choice in the case when the overestimated requirements for the quality of the interior decoration are delivered. The basis of this putty makes gypsum and synthetic resins, the proportions of which provide the most strong stickiness.
Such features are expanding the range of possible finishing works in the directions:
- small and large repair of walls, ceilings with sealing cracks, chips, holes, seams;
- leveling and increasing the adhesive properties of very smooth base materials, including reinforced concrete;
- preparation of the surface to bulk-occupy work;
- processing walls and ceilings when installing gypsum plates, including with the addition of fibrous components;
- accelerating the preparation of mineral bases of a large area.
Supercount Pufamur SH 45 putty has excellent characteristics that are in:
- increased stickiness;
- excellent strength;
- the possibilities of processing from any layer thickness, including a decrease in zero;
- uniform frozen without influx, cracking, crumbling, rolling, shrinkage;
- good vapor permeability and strength.
Features of use:
- the standard flow rate of 1 mm layer is 1 kg / 1 m2;
- working time - 45 minutes;
- the minimum storage period is 48 months., Maximum is unlimited.
Pufamur (universal facade putty)
This brand of spacious puffas is made on the basis of white cement. The filling substance that gives the effect of the amplification is an artificial resin of several species. It is characterized by the universality of use, which includes:
- internal preliminary trim of walls and ceilings;
- finishing facades.
The recipe is designed to ensure:
- high resistance to destruction under all weather conditions;
- resistance when finishing surfaces in rawrooms;
- excellent adhesion on any mineral bases;
- the ease of processing process is simple smoothing, including it is possible to felt felt.
Important! You can not use when working with wood, metal, plastic, as well as when staining with dispersion solutions and alignment of floors.
Features of application:
- working time solution - 30 minutes;
- consumption at a 1 mm layer is 1.2 kg / 1 m2.
Puff Pufas Außen-und Klebespachtel
This material refers to the category of adhesive putty. Its base is cement with synthetic resins.
Recommended appointment:
- internal and facade work;
- alignment of concrete and plastered surfaces;
- as an adhesive solution when attaching clinker and ceramic tiles of various types and sizes, aerated concrete;
- use in rooms with elevated moisture levels.
Advantages of Pufas Außen-und Klebespachtel:
- does not give shrinkage;
- not cracking;
- evenly and gradually freezes;
- resistant to any atmospheric effect;
- vapor permeable;
- durable.
Features of use:
- when applying layers in 1 mm, consumption is 1.2 kg of dry mixture per 1 m2;
- working time solution - 4-5 hours;
- storage period - 24 months from the date of manufacture.
Dispersion putty, the basis of which is artificial resins. Has a wide range of applications:
- repair and construction work;
- alignment and decoration of coatings on rough bases;
- pre-treatment with methods for decorating surfaces using dispersion paints, mineral plasters;
- suitable for decoration of concrete, rough and smooth block modifications from artificial stone, fiberglass coatings.
Important! Not suitable for metal processing and plastics.
Distinctive characteristics:
- air permeability;
- easy grinding;
- increased coating strength in the frozen form.
Features of use:
- on sale is present in the finished solution;
- recommended layer thickness not more than 5 mm;
- consumption with a layer thickness of 1 mm - 1.7 kg / 1 m2;
- the decay time of the solution is 4-7 hours (determined by the absorbent properties of the base and air temperature);
- the minimum storage period is 48 months. from the date of manufacture.
Putty instant
Ready spacure solution of the PUFAS Instant brand of universal application. According to the instructions from the manufacturer suitable for:
- finishes of uneven surfaces from reinforced concrete, gypsum plates, plastered with cement mortar;
- alignment of facade and interior walls.
Important! You can not use on the bases of synthetic materials, as well as on metal structures.
Distinctive characteristics:
- a superhighted surface is created;
- ready coating is easily polished;
- the spacure is evenly absorbed into the surface;
- has a water-repellent property;
- it has white color, convenient for further finishing with any decorative material.
Terms of application:
- the recommended layer thickness is not more than 5 mm;
- consumption with a standard layer thickness of 1 mm - 1.7 kg / 1 m2;
- the minimum storage period is 48 months. from the date of manufacture;
- the release form is a comfortable tube of 400 g, which is ideal for small repair work.
Spacure Fein Spachtel.
Universal finish putty, delivered for sale in comfortable tubes in volume 400. The composition does not contain any solvents, therefore is absolutely harmless while maintaining high technical characteristics.
The scope has a very wide range of internal works:
- finishing of anything without exception of the base materials - concrete, natural and artificial stone, drywall, modifications of concrete blocks, wood, including unprocessed and lacquered;
- suitable as a preparatory leveling solution for further staining of the surface by alkyd varnishes and acrylic dyes.
Distinctive characteristics:
- spoken by grinding;
- when frozen, it does not roll, it does not rock;
- high strength to mechanical loads.
Features of use:
- the standard consumption of the finished mass is 1.8 kg / 1 m2 when withstanding the layer thickness of 1 mm;
- recommended putty coating thickness - no more than 3 mm;
- shelf life is not limited.
Holz-Kitt Spike
Ready putty solution, the basis of which is the dispersion. Designed specifically for the restoration of wooden surfaces.
- natural brown shade;
- excellent filling ability;
- uniform grasp without cracks and rolling;
- after a complete folding, it remains elastic;
- it is easy to paint and grind.
Important! It is used mainly for the interior decoration of walls, ceilings, furniture. If combined with weather-proof solutions, it is possible to apply to the facade parts of the building.
Rules for using Pufas putty
The rules for using Puffas putty are simple enough and even accessible to those who have no professional experience in construction or repair. The course of action lies in the following paragraphs:
- Remove the old coating if you carry out repair work.
- Clean the base from the separation substances - fats, dust, dirt.
- Stir the finished solution before applying.
- Prepare putty if you use a dry building mixture, adhering to one of the proposed proportions:
- powder dilute with clean cold water in proportion 2: 1;
- mix the components in the proportion of 0.6 liters of water per 1 kg of dry mixture.
- Mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous pasta-like consistency.
- Drink the surface with solutions of deep penetration, if the base is created from sand or chalk material.
- Cracks and holes fill in a solution of more dense concentration.
- Apply a putty to the trunk or spatula along the entire surface, sticking to the thickness of the layer recommended to the specific type of solution.
- Cross.
- Purit small irregularities with a wet plate, porous side of it.
- Make a technical break until the coating is complete.
- Put the felt or special construction grater.
- Rinse all used tools.
Visively see how to properly make the walls, you can in the proposed master class.
Now you know all the advantages of using Pufas putty, made sure their convenience and diversity. Choose, adhering to the specified recommendations that suits you solution and proceed according to an easy application rules. Smooth, durable and even coverage of excellent quality you are guaranteed, and, accordingly, do not have to worry about what will deteriorate with time and the main decorative material. The success of your project is guaranteed!