Stone fence do it yourself Plot.

When there is a need or desire to build a fence, first of all, it is necessary to determine which material it will be made. In cases where the main measure is strength, reliability and durability, it makes sense to build it out of stone. Construction of stone fences are known since ancient times. They looked like powerful walls withsting not only the effect of bad weather, but also an attack of enemy forces. The construction of a stone fence is quite realistic to perform their own. The owners of the site with such a fence will receive not only a barrier to penetrate the uninvited guests, but also an interesting fragment of landscape design.
Stone fence, varieties and advantages
Stone fence, as a design, deserves special attention, it is distinguished by many positive qualities:
- underennial service life - the better the solution will be used during the construction, the longer the service life will be;
- stone - natural material, which means environmentally friendly and harmless to the environment and living beings;
- the ability to build with minor financial costs, the price of a stone fence directly depends on the type of stone;
- this material is endowed with high fire safety properties;
- the process of building a stone fence is subject to one person;
- the aesthetic species of the stone fence will perfectly fit into any design of the household plot, as well as in the surrounding landscape, it can be seen by examining stone fences in the photo.
Stone booms are subject to a certain classification. They are mainly separated by the types of natural stone, which is used to build the fence. Most often for this kind of construction, the following materials are used:
- boulder or cobblestone - a relatively inexpensive material, characterized by high strength, the fence from such a stone will be in brown-red tones, its form will add the construction of some roughness (if desired, to have a smooth surface of the design, you can use a sledgehammer, the chunk of a broken stone will be smooth and flat) ;
- dolomite - it happens different in size, form and thickness, mainly flat, is mined in quarries in the explosions of rocks;
- limestone - divided into several different species (Msanka, Cracker, Marble), this breed is easy to work, has one minus (scattered in the raw and cold climatic conditions from the easily absorbed moisture, it will avoid it to help the heating treatment with a hydrophobizer);
- sandstone - used quite a long time and is distinguished by high popularity in this type of work, reliable and durable, easily tolerates low temperatures, not susceptible to moisture, can be with a smooth or dyed surface, as well as the cheat;
- booth - almost all the irregular shape with a length of the edge to 50 centimeters, is used in facing works, and in construction;
- gravel and pebbles are used infrequently, because the material is small in size, when erecting such a fence, the corners and the base are made of bricks (a correctly selected combination of such materials may look quite extraordinary).
More natural stones are divided into treated and wild. To date, the stone of artificial origin is very popular. It happens because its price is significantly lower than the price of natural. They produce it from ordinary concrete, then give natural look. The duration of operation of such a stone is much smaller than that of natural, especially in cases where the fence is located in a lowland or near the road. To distinguish such a stone from natural in appearance and to the touch can only specialist.
Stages of the construction of the fence are reduced to the following:
- the markup of the planned fence is made;
- the foundation is drawn up;
- the fence itself is laid out directly.
The first stage (markup) is equally produced in the construction of any kind of fence. At the previously made drawing, you need to specify the length of the future fence, to calculate the desired amount of the source material (this calculation will be directly related to the planned structure height). At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the level of the structure of the structure from all sides of the enclosed area.
The construction of such a structure will require more time and costs than could seem at first glance. The stone fence needs a durable foundation, using the rod of reinforcement for the design of the frame, the layer of waterproofing must be laid in obligatory. There will still be a formwork from boards for the construction of support pillars.
As far as possible, masonry stones need to be selected about the same size. In the process of operation, each unit of material can be adjusted with a hammer or sledgehammer.
Stone fence with your own hands - Build the foundation and poles-supports
The construction of this design begins with the exact definition and installation of a suitable type of foundation. The fence from the stone weighs quite a lot, therefore the foundation for a stone fence should be powerful, able to resist the uneven dialing of the soil and its vertical or horizontal displacement.
Start working with a row of trench, the width of which is 0.5 m, depth - from 0.6 to 0.8m.
Next prepare a place to fill the shoes, they have them under the racks. For this, the groove fence perpendicular to the axis, with releases of 0.6 m, deepening them by 0.4 m in the locations of the racks. At the place of installation of the racks after the fill of concrete, a cross is obtained with an in-depth end.
Simultaneously with the fill of the foundation, the pillars are erected for the fence. To do this, formwork is installed in the marked places, the reinforcement is mounted and then poured concrete.
Shoes are constructed at a distance from 2 to 5 m from each other. Poured them for racks, for each or through one. Next, the installation of reinforcing elements is carried out, usually it is a rectangular frame with a side of 0.3-0.4 m, at its corners, a corrugated reinforcement is undergoing a diameter of at least 12 mm, girded with a rod. The skeleton from the reinforcement is located in the center of the torn trench, at the location of the racks, reinforcing fragments are installed vertically. At the same time, the intersection points of the elements should be binded.
Next, you can start setting the formwork, it is collected in such a way as to get the opportunity to simultaneously pour the foundation and shoe, leaving the releases of reinforcement for racks. The pouring of concrete is made to the level of soil, and throughout the perimeter of the fence, including at goal and gate.
The placed concrete is compacted and trambed, not allowing the appearance of voids in the thickness of the foundation. The formwork is removed after 6 hours, for a couple of weeks, it is expecting a complete pouring of concrete. In a very high air temperature, the foundation is covered with a dense material, you can use a tarp.
During the construction of a stone fence, it should not be assumed that the supports are just a decorative fragment, they are capable of preserving the integrity of the structure, holding the stone spans and protect them from cracks and distortions.
To improve the functionality of the pillars-supports, it is recommended to take care of the high-quality connection of columns and edges of the spans. Options for reliable ligament There are several, with the construction of a stone fence with their own hands, you can use the dressing method, especially if the masonry is performed from the stones of the angular shape. For the testing of the dressing, the first two stones on both sides of the production of reinforcement for supports are laid. Next form the first and second row of supports, the first row of flight.
Before starting the masonry, it is necessary to select the stones of the most correct shape and equal size - they will be required to build support racks. The rest can be used to form walls, the smallest pieces and debris will be required when the emptiness is filling in the walls and racks.
How to make a stone fence - we build an object from wild stone
The financial side of the construction of a fence from such material will be relatively not high, a long time without problem exploration will pleasantly surprise the owners. Considering the photo of a stone fence, built with her hands from a wild stone, one can mark its high aesthetic qualities.
Working with such a stone starts with its washing in running water. On parts that will be in charge with concrete, latex glue is applied in advance. If the surfaces on which glue smooth will be applied, then they need to make notches, losing with glue and lay.
For the preparation of a high-quality, good solution, you will need 1 part of the cement, 3 pieces of pure sand and 1/4 part of glue, similar to PVA. To make a laying of a more noble type, you can apply the most suitable color to the shades of the used stone on the seams. The tonic can be added when mixing into the solution or directly on the seams, after the complete solid to the solution.
What types of masonry are used
During the construction of stone fence, different types of masonry can be used. Consider some of them:
The most common - pee, stones that are used should have a form close to rectangular. High quality masonry promotes better processing of stone, but coarse processing stones give the fence more attractive and picturesque appearance. The use of processed stones of the right shape with a level surface will lead to the fact that the surface will be reminded by tiles, the attractiveness of natural stones will be lost.
Horizontal laying of flat stones involves using a flat shape cobblestones, the laying of which is produced by horizontal rows. A different variety, vertical flat masonry is rarely used, the stones of the same form are used for it, but they have them vertically. You can start the laying when the stone posts for the fence are posted.
Rounded cobblestones are used to perform buffet, before filling the solution they are located on the surface of the formwork.
Facing masonry can be used as a decorative decoration of the structure. Stones for it are selected the same thickness, attached to the prepared surface with a solution. Work starts with the thick fragments, establishing more subtle - customize them in terms of level.
Before starting work, it is recommended to see how a stone fence is erected with your own hands on video.
Stone fence with forging
Especially attractive in terms of design stone fence combined with forged elements. It has a considerable price, but it looks original, richly, its direct functions on the protection of the territory performs perfectly.
When building such fences, forged elements made in the gothic or baroque styles, classical or avant-garde can be used, depending on the tools that the owner of the house plans to spend, from his taste and fantasy. It consists of a combined fence from pillars-supports, stone fragments, gates and wickets, and naturally, from the spans filled with adhesive elements. To pick up the forging should be selected depending on the materials used in the construction of the fence and from the overall design of the limited territory.
Positive moments during the operation of such a fence will be its reliability and durability, the lack of need for regular care - at any time of the year it looks perfect.